What other pets do you have?


New Member
St. Paul
I have a dog and I might be getting a puppy later this week. And I have a mealworm colony and starting a dubia roach colony. The roaches are a little creepy to me so I named a few to make them more like pets and less creepy lol
I want to get a grey banded king snake but haven't been able to find one in my area


New Member
3 Year Member
I named my male Henry and all the females are Josie since I can't tell them apart. LOL it didn't work yet to make them not creepy.
Haha!! Thats funny. Hopefully you'll get used to them over time.


New Member
Milwaukie Oregon
3 Leo's (2 rescues and 1 foster), 2 Corn snakes (both rescues), a tarantula(rescue/failed foster lol), a blue tongued skink (rescued by my son), new albino nelson's milk snake, 1 very cute Mediterranean house gecko that led to the leo's lol, 2 border collies( 1 old lady and 1 rescue), 6 horses with one on the way! all 6 are rescues the 7th was a surprise!


New Member
I've got some tropical fish, two cats, and will very soon have a Chinese(or Japanese) fire-belly newt, besides my leopard gecko. :p


New Member
Cats and reptiles don't usually mix well! How does everyone get along? Pretty well?
I have 2 cats and a russian tort as well. The cats dont bother her. The female cat likes to sleep on her tort box. lol.


New Member
Here is my russian tortorise lilly (turtle) as Georgiana calls her. 018.JPG
Andy our male cat. 002.JPG
Lucy our female cat.
And my little angle Georgiana.


Well-Known Member
Awh they are all so cute! Especially Georgiana! I cant help but notice the Red bump on her head, Hows stuff doing with her? She looks really smiley though and her eyes are this really nice shade of Blue :) How old is she! And Lucy looks like a funny cat :)


New Member
Awh they are all so cute! Especially Georgiana! I cant help but notice the Red bump on her head, Hows stuff doing with her? She looks really smiley though and her eyes are this really nice shade of Blue :) How old is she! And Lucy looks like a funny cat :)
Thanks! They are called hemangenoma, its a conditon of "confused blood vessles". I dont know what caused it, but it causes no harm. The docs were a little worried about the one on her lip but it never got to big to get in the way. She is just a doll, very happy and content baby.:) And always smilling. She just turned one on jan 6th. She has been praticing walking and she is getting good at it.I think by next week or so she should be walking all on her own. I was palying around with the camera one night and took some photos of her and that one was the best by far!! So I had to post it. I love her blue eyes and her little smile. And well Lucy is more of the laid back cat in the family but she has her funny moments. she has gotten to fat to clean her own butt so she only gets as far as her tummy lol its a good thing there is Andy around.:p They help eachother out.


New Member
Thats great to hear, Shes really cute :) Will they go away one day?
Yes they will.They are in the process of it. They are shrinking. They used to be more pronounced. She has one on her back that is about 80% gone. I would say by the age of 2 they should be 90-100% gone. The doc said that the one on her head might have like a little extra skin because it was so streached but that will be no problem.

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