Whats the funniest thing your gecko(s) have ever done?


La Española
Melbourne, Florida
All of mine do weird things lol

One of mine loves to climb weird things, like her screen top upside down. Then I have one male that must adore being held because if I'm cleaning the water bowl or something he'll run out as fast as he can and leap up onto my hand or arm so I can hold him. I have one girl who once tried to eat something (that i guess she saw reflected?) on the glass of the tank, so she was sitting there with her mouth wide open trying to bite down on something that wasn't there.

I don't know if I have any other particular quirks, but all of them do little weird things. Anyone who says they each don't have little personalities must not know a leo :)


New Member
They all do weird things but funny thing happened yesterday night when i was "trying" to feed Yoshi, i say trying cos hes being a pain atm and wont eat.

I had a dubia in Daisy's viv and one in Yoshi's, hoping they would eat...and i had another in a see-through plastic container. I put it on the top of the viv next to the babys tank.

I was talking to Yosh telling him how yummy the roach was when i heard a tapping noise. I looked up and saw one of the babies going crazy trying to get to the roach in the container :laugh4:

I didnt think about her seeing it when i put it there and even though it was funny i felt a little guilty hehe. I woulda let her have it...only it was bigger than her head :laugh4: I guess she doesnt know the whole "no bigger than the gap between the eyes" rule ;)


is behind you.
Prince George, BC
Mandarin has dug in her calcium dish a few times. She seems to acquire the whim randomly. And I'm coming to a realization, I think, that my other leo, Tiamat, will only eat when no one is around even though she has taken food from my hand before. She has been off feed from the beginning of summer and I'm not sure why. Perhaps she misses the hunt?

She will also stretch out as much as she can on the floor of her enclosure. Reminds me of me when I have the bed all to myself. :p


New Member
This is something my first gecko Tequila used to do. You see I surrounded her tank on three sides with a sort of forest background wallpaper. In the tank I had this small artificial tree which was close to one of the walls. Tequila would climb to the top of the tree and then reach out towards the wall paper as though she thought they were real trees she could grab onto and climb as well!!!

It was soo cute and adorable!! I would see her stretch out her little body, with her two front arms reaching out towards the picture. It's like she was saying "just a little closer.....just a little more......" Of course she would reach out soooo far she would eventually fall right off the plastic tree right to the bottom!! :main_laugh: :main_rolleyes:

Of course she was a persistent little gecko and would get right back up and try again!!!


New Member
mine tries to climb the rocky paper background i have on his tank its so funny to watch.


Where to start....Let's see if I can get one for all my Leo's....

Gremlin, is pretty relaxed. I'd say the funniest thing he has done was hump one of my other males while they were together during cleaning day. I'm serious, they were not fighting...He got on there started doing the deed lil hemi out, I pulled Dragula away, and Gremlin had to "clean himself up"...My boyfriend was just like :shocked:...We laughed.

Star, I have her in a mesh Exo Terra Flexarium, one night I went into the repti-room and looked over at her cage and she was on the very top upside down. She looked at me like "WHAT?" Her eyes were so wild looking she then just took off across the top, down the side, and into her hut. I know it's because I scared her but it looked pretty funny. I think she thinks she's part crested gecko :p

Manson, whose cage is beside Star's, came out from her hide and seen star in the next cage corner. Manson, started swooshing her tail side to side up in the air, and attacked the glass. I guess she assumed it was a snack? After she kinda stood there looking at Star like "how's this gunna work?" She eventually gave up and went to sleep.

Dragula, Always runs out of his hut when I'm in his cage and jumps onto my hand regardless if I want to hold him or not. One day I picked him up and he jumped onto my face. It was unexpected and I was surprised he jumped so far.

Kewpee, she's new. I only had her about 2 weeks. So far she's been hiding a lot. I'd say the funniest thing I've seen to date was, I accidently bumped her tank. I guess I startled her and she went flying out of her hide, jumped off the lil ledge and did like a belly flop into her wanter dish. Her eyes got huge and she sat there like "what the hell?!" She got out of her dish walked away but did this weird leg flick all around her cage.


New Member
Gremlin, is pretty relaxed. I'd say the funniest thing he has done was hump one of my other males while they were together during cleaning day. I'm serious, they were not fighting...He got on there started doing the deed lil hemi out, I pulled Dragula away, and Gremlin had to "clean himself up"...My boyfriend was just like :shocked:...We laughed.

Pfft and people say males will fight if you put them together. Its a big cover up for the fact they get jiggy with it and it freaks people out :p


New Member
when i get a text, my gecko will run out of his hide and go up to the glass as if he was like who is it? what do they want?


New Member
I've had both my male and female geckos for about a year... And my male just chills out most of the time.
Frankie (short for Frankenstein) has his name because he spots make him look kinda sewed together in the mouth and he always looks like he's grinning. It's cute. Besides that, the only "quirk" he really has is that he WILL NOT eat a cricket. Loves superworms, waxworms, any worm... Just not roaches or crickets. It's so weird! :p

Now, Lilith on the other hand... Is hilarious to watch. She'll come out around 10:30 at night and stare at the top of her tank, because that's where I usually set the feeding tank. So if I'm not paying attention, she'll climb on her moist hide box and try to get onto the mesh screen. It's really funny because she'll fall a few times...
My friend witnessed it once and said she poked only the top of her face/eyes up and looked around like "No one saw?..." Saw him and sank back down, embarassed.
It's so much fun to watch them.

On a non-leo note, I watched my smallest beardie run upside down on his mesh screen. I was like :shocked:!
All reptiles are insane and have no concept of fear. Haha.

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