I dunno ware or what war you was fighting but a marine on sand duty.... considering most the fighting is done in urban areas or Iraq and afghan I don't see how this is true, what were you looking for camel spiders?
And why are you "conducting combat ops" in Pakistan this job is done by NATO, I'm sorry but really.... marine sniper.... I thought they borrowed for 3 _ 6 weeks and fed info to there post....
I'm sure.
Is it?
How odd that nobody managed to understand that. I thought your point was that the OP may as well kill their gecko outright, that you were accusing Enigmatic Geckos of being a liar and accusing Dimidiata of being ignorant for mentioning that sand was possible to use appropriately even though they chose not to do so themselves.
It was probably my mistake in assuming you understood the meanings of the words you chose to use. Obviously despite not saying anything remotely like the quoted portion that you are now claiming was your point, it was what you meant all along.
Millennium hand and shrimp, tell me about the golf shoes! I'll leave it to you to guess what I meant by that (hint: it was impolite).
Kizzer, every one of the three photos you posted showed sand. Or at least sandy dirt. Which is... pretty much the point that was being made by Enigmatic, use it right if it's going to be used.
I have been involved with reptile since the age of 8. When I was his age 18 I would still consider myself to fall under this category:
"not usually recommended for novice and even intermediate keepers."
As for Dimidiata the reason I called him ignorant is because personally as an adult I would not bud into situations that are not directed at me. After the first comment to the OP I never wrote another word, only to EG.
I am fairly new to forums. .
M_surinamensis - Congrats on your 1k. Sure did it with a bang.
Philly4ya - At no point in time could I have "read between the lines" to come to that conclusion. I can assure you that right now there are very few people who could afford emergency treatments for all their animals. If every single one of my animals got sick I couldn't afford to treat them all...even with working at a Vet. Also at 18 you can fight a war but not care for a reptile? Seems like at 18 there is a lot of responsibility already established in their lives. Age should not be relative to the ability of someone to care for a reptile/animal.
M_surinamensis - Congrats on your 1k. Sure did it with a bang.
Philly4ya - At no point in time could I have "read between the lines" to come to that conclusion. I can assure you that right now there are very few people who could afford emergency treatments for all their animals. If every single one of my animals got sick I couldn't afford to treat them all...even with working at a Vet. Also at 18 you can fight a war but not care for a reptile? Seems like at 18 there is a lot of responsibility already established in their lives. Age should not be relative to the ability of someone to care for a reptile/animal.
Now you have opened up another can of worms. Do you not realize how many people become frustrated when an owner says "I cannot afford a vet". Does that seem fair that a reptile must suffer? You just proved my point. It is the responsibility of an owner. If you cannot afford a vet then you should not own a reptile period. Once again thank you for proving my point, I wish I would have went about my comments the correct way. That was my mistake. I am sure you have seen this over and over in these threads. Here is a perfect example.
Btw Vet care goes along with caring for a reptile!
Have a good day everyone!
Where exactly did he say he couldn't afford a vet? Or are you just reading what you want to see?
I didn't miss anything.I guess you missed it.
If every single one of my animals got sick I couldn't afford to treat them all...even with working at a Vet.
Sorry to the OP for this thread going off topic.
If anyone still would like to debate this then start a new thread or PM me (for an educated discussion and not opinions and personal beliefs)
*plays saddest song ever* you poor thing.
Anywho it can be agreed that home depot has the nicest selection of sand(and tends to have employees with decent knowledge) The only other place i can think of would be maybe a local gardening/yard center. I have a place thats all sand,soil,tile and such that i used to get my tank gravel. I plan on using it to tile if i have to.
Let me guess, In a few months you will post "Help, my gecko is impacted" or "something is wrong with my geckos eye" but I cannot afford a vet. You minus well sit your gecko on a ledge, let him jump off and spare him the long months of suffering.
Holy crap I log off and go to sleep then wake up and i see all this!! Well I just want to try and clear some things up with some ppl. I may be 18 but i am not completley inexperianced. I do have a job at a petstore and i budget my money accordingly so that way if my lizards do get sick i have enough money for an emergency pet visit.
The reason i asked where to get playsand is because I saw some at lowes and the stuff was pretty big and sqaure. It wasnt very fine or rounded at all so i wonderd if there was another place to buy it. I guess in hindsight i should have just asked for for specific brand of playsand.
I guess i probably should have known better than to ask about sand on here knowing all the mixed feelings i really didnt expect for it to get like that. But even though things didnt turn out as i expect i like that there were so many replies it shows that ppl care about how there pets turn out and hey a little debate never hurt anyone![]()