Why do you breed Leos?

Why do you breed leopard geckos?

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Happy Gecko Family
I have never tried breeding my geckos, but I voted anyways - If I do it in the near future, its definately for fun/experience.


Chaotic Nights Reptile
Two Rivers WI
I breed them cuz I love geckos, and I love sharing my hobby with others. I sell them cuz I would run out of room for them all heh.


New Member
Navarre, FL
Do you know what is funny? Has anyone ever asked you what you do for fun or what your hobbies are? And your reply is "I breed leopard geckos". If you have answered these questions in this manner, then you know what look comes next. lmfao That, my friends, is why I breed geckos.

Ok, not really, I do it for fun, but you guys still know what I am talking about.


Est; 1992
London, UK
Definately for fun, otherwise you will not treat your geckos and look after them!, so when you do have to sell up because you are running out of room you will not have presentable geckos.
+ the experience.


La Española
Melbourne, Florida
I definately think the "what will I get?" factor is a lot of fun when breeding. Even if you know the genetic outcomes, it's still a bit of a lotery, and each gecko will be different. And I think that that has to be one of the best parts about breeding.

This last season all my girls were first-timers, so I didn't get any viable eggs. But I am super excited about the projects I have for next season - don't know if I'll be able to part with any of the babies lol


I`m not sure where I fit in, I breed these animals because I enjoy them. But I also do enjoy making back(or attempting to) what I`ve invested as far as time, blood, sweat, and money goes.


Uroplatus Fanatic
Buffalo, NY
There are lots of reasons. For the feeling of watching babies hatch, for the potential for genetic combinations, for the challanges, the triumphs, the learning and the general joy I get from just being in daily contact with the lizards. Money is not really an issue because most breeders never make any serious profit, most of it just goes back into the geckos anyway, either in husbandry costs or new blood. It really is an addiction/labor of love.


New Member
Anyone who breeds Leos solely for profit and not for the love of the hobby should turn around and run.

i agree 100% !! not only that but you cant make money on leopard geckos unless your running something like a "leo mill!"

I only buy from small time breeders, people that enjoy it not try and make a pretty penny.. I used to buy my leos from this one person (wont name names) who is a "flipper" i wont buy from her nemore.. I just cant see ' flippers ' loving and caring for leos the way I'd want them to be. Someone that does that makes me feel like they are only in it for profit.. why else would you do it ?! (sorry a lil off topic lol)


New Member
I love geckos. I dont breed them for money. Even though what little you do make on them is helpful for getting more morphs and paying for the cost of keeping them. But really how could you not love leopard geckos? Ive always loved breeding animals. I dont just breed leopard geckos alone, I also have snakes, chickens and koi. I love seeing new live come into the world. And its a plus to know I had a helping hand in it. ( I guess thats the artist in me coming out)

Gecko Boy

New Member
I haven't breed leos ever before, but I hope to breed some next year. I never bred any gecko before but I have bred corns, the most important thing to me is seeing them hatch it makes you feel so proud.


For fun but i think everyone who breeds them wants a little money out of it but its not the reason they actually breed them.


New Member
Northern Ontario Canada
Do you know what is funny? Has anyone ever asked you what you do for fun or what your hobbies are? And your reply is "I breed leopard geckos". If you have answered these questions in this manner, then you know what look comes next. lmfao That, my friends, is why I breed geckos.

Ok, not really, I do it for fun, but you guys still know what I am talking about.

In my current job interview they asked what my hobbies were and my response was "I am a breeder for a couple of pet stores"
The interviewers cracked up laughing and said "You better watch how you word that"

I breed for love of the hobby, the local pet store had very poor quality (unhealthy) leopard geckos coming from a local breeder. That breeder has now stopped breeding and I hope to fill their place with quality geckos so that people who are purchasing them have a healthy gecko to start their passion with.

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