I know this is under leopard gecko but I don't know where I can post for a African Fat-Tailed Gecko...
I got a African Fat-Tailed Gecko on October 4th, he seems happy and comfortable with his enclosure but won't eat any solid foods. The only thing he will eat is a powdered formula that you...
Hi! i have an aft who has sort of an eating problem. i’ve had him for about a year now and for the first 6 months he was eating great. then when he hit about a year old he just stopped eating. i was giving him a variety of bugs including crickets, mealworms, and waxworms. he wouldn’t eat any of...
Hello! I joined because I have obtained 4 geckos within the past few months. (All seperate enclosures)
Two leos, one crestie, and one fat tail. I would like to post pics of my crestie when I can get clear ones. He(?) Is 5 1/2 inches long and i believe 6 months? Id love if people could help...
So, I'm an amateur owner, and I own a 2 year old male fat tailed gecko. He seems to have 2 problems with him right now.
First off, he has what appear to be indentations on the spot right behind his eyes, which I happened to notice today. these indents are quite large, and occur on both sides...
Hello everyone!
I am new to reptiles (not new to small animal pets/pets in general though) and I have done a lot of research on leopard geckos. I have found that the ideal ambient humidity for them is no greater than 40%, but I live in an area that has a 76% average year-round humidity (with...
I recently bought a leopard gecko from someone is south africa. They called her a female tangerine stripe leopard gecko and me being inexperienced with leopard geckos I believed the guy. But the more I research leopard geckos and aftican fat tailed geckos the more mine seems to be a albino...
Hi everyone,
I discovered a weird wound on the underside of mt AFT gecko’s regenerated tail. I dont really know where it came from, or if i should be worried about it. Does anyone know what it may mean? He also just shed, so it couldn’t be that.
Hello everyone,
I'm a new reptile owner and just recently acquired a fat tailed gecko. I am so worried about him, and I don't know if I'm just freaking out or not. First of all, I have never seen him eat.. and he never jumps at the food if i put it in the cage. I tried waving both crickets and...
She’s laid eggs before, which actually hatched yesterday, and then laid another egg yesterday within hours of the first ones hatching. When she laid the first eggs she laid them together. I’m worried that she might be egg bound. Does anybody have any suggestions or any info at all that could...
So this Friday, I'm taking in two AFT rescues. The lady who has them says they were surrendered to her at her work recently, and she's been trying to find them homes. We both agree that the previous owner had no idea what they were doing.
So the situations and what I can gather from pics:
I've currently got a leopard gecko. I absolutely love him and he has defnitely gotten me interested in more reptiles in the future. I've recently been thinking about getting another Leo, but then i started looking at African Fat Tail geckos. So right now I'm wondering if I should go for another...
I have an African Fat Tailed Gecko. He is one year old and has always been very healthy. He lives in a 10 gallon tank, with eco-bark as his substrate. He has always been a good eater, I have recently switched to feeding him larger crickets that he really loves and seems to have no problems...
well we have had these two for a few weeks now and we are so pleased with them a big thank you to jessica she has just been awesome from start to finish, these are stunning and we could not be happier with them:D
first up is our whiteout het patternless male Tongo
and this is or...
as you can probably tell am super excited to have got this stunning girl a few days ago, this all started when a certain someone put a lil fat tail in my hand early in the year, and after that i knew i had to have one. there was no question in my mind what type of fattie i wanted it was just how...