Aggressive male leopard gecko


New Member
Orange County, NewYork
Okay so I bought my leopard gekco about a year ago. His name is dikus pikus. Lately he has been very aggressive to his cage mates. Last month during feeding time he bit another cage mate's face. Then earlier this month he was fighting with the same mate. They were circling each other nipping at tails. And I just resently found out that the one he is fighting with is another male leopard gecko... His genitalia appeared about two weeks ago. Then walker this week dikus bit off the other male's tail!! I separated them and put the wounded one in a hospital tank. But this evening I saw him biting a female's neck. This would be a snow leopard gecko. When i went to take him away from the female, he bit my finger. No pierced skin thank god! I was kind of figuring that it might be a sign that he is ready to mate maybe and I just wanted to get conformation about that fact. But the snow leopard isn't ready to mate yet. She's very frail and I believe she is deformed and weak due to inbreeding. I don't have any other females so I was wondering if I could get advice on what to do in this situation. Do I go out and buy a female who is ready to mate? Or do I just keep him separate and wait for the next season of mating??? I really don't have the money to go buy another pet. Our 20 gallon tank already has 5 lizards in there. Confused and irritated.:main_huh:


New Member
Austin, Texas
You never want to put two males together for the reason you stated. They will fight.

As for biting the female, it sounds like he was trying to mate with for your finger it was probably out of fustration. Usually you don't have to wait for males to be 'ready'...they seem to always be up for it :p

You don't need to go out and buy a female, just wait until next breeding season. Meaning put everyone in a seperate tank if you haven't already.

As for your 20 gallon tank what do you mean you have 5 lizards in there?

I hope this helped :)


New Member
St. Augustine, FL
Okay so I bought my leopard gekco about a year ago. His name is dikus pikus. Lately he has been very aggressive to his cage mates. Last month during feeding time he bit another cage mate's face. Then earlier this month he was fighting with the same mate. They were circling each other nipping at tails. And I just resently found out that the one he is fighting with is another male leopard gecko... His genitalia appeared about two weeks ago. Then walker this week dikus bit off the other male's tail!! I separated them and put the wounded one in a hospital tank. But this evening I saw him biting a female's neck. This would be a snow leopard gecko. When i went to take him away from the female, he bit my finger. No pierced skin thank god! I was kind of figuring that it might be a sign that he is ready to mate maybe and I just wanted to get conformation about that fact. But the snow leopard isn't ready to mate yet. She's very frail and I believe she is deformed and weak due to inbreeding. I don't have any other females so I was wondering if I could get advice on what to do in this situation. Do I go out and buy a female who is ready to mate? Or do I just keep him separate and wait for the next season of mating??? I really don't have the money to go buy another pet. Our 20 gallon tank already has 5 lizards in there. Confused and irritated.:main_huh:

Your lizards are the ones who are confused and irritated. And very stressed. Inbreeding is not an issue in leopard geckos as in some species. Please read some care sheets on proper housing. Either on this site or google it. Separate all of them. Males cannot live together at all, ever. The female can't live with any of the males at this stage without further damaging her either. Get them in a proper environment ASAP. Don't get any more geckos until you learn how to care for what you have.


Happy Gecko Family
Don't keep them in groups, they do better individually. It seems you're still new to keeping leos, why not put some more time in learning how to care for them before rushing into breeding?


New Member
Orange County, NewYork
Yes that would be it leopard geckos and bearded dragons. They are both desert lizards and they don't seem to bother each other. They are still pretty small. About 1/4 the size of adults I'm guessing.


New Member
Austin, Texas
I really hope I am wrong in guessing that they are the three leopard geckos and two bearded dragons described in his introductory post.

was thinking the same thing...

Yes that would be it leopard geckos and bearded dragons. They are both desert lizards and they don't seem to bother each other. They are still pretty small. About 1/4 the size of adults I'm guessing.

DO NOT do this! I don't want to get in trouble for being mean but take them out NOW! None of those guys should be in the same tank together! :main_no:
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New Member
Orange County, NewYork
I am not rushing into breeding at all. I was just curious and read a site about it. My husband is the expert actually and I never get a straight answer from him. So I figure I would ask here. I didn't know that the second leopard gecko was male in the first place! I bought him before his balls dropped!


New Member
Orange County, NewYork
Can I know the problem of keeping them together... I never had one and I've had them all for a year already. They do fine together. One bearded dragon got stunted before we bought it... The other one is like 4 times his size and is female and acts like the mom to the little one. As for the leopard geckos they don't bother the bearded dragons... Bearded dragons sleep on the stick and hammock I have in there and the leopard geckos are mostly in the caves hiding


New Member
Orange County, NewYork
Your lizards are the ones who are confused and irritated. And very stressed. Inbreeding is not an issue in leopard geckos as in some species. Please read some care sheets on proper housing. Either on this site or google it. Separate all of them. Males cannot live together at all, ever. The female can't live with any of the males at this stage without further damaging her either. Get them in a proper environment ASAP. Don't get any more geckos until you learn how to care for what you have.

I've seen leopard geckos with deformed hands where they walk on their wrists, and where they have 2 tails, I've seen a lot of problems like this in pet stores and they always say that it happened from inbreeding.


New Member
Austin, Texas
Can I know the problem of keeping them together... I never had one and I've had them all for a year already. They do fine together. One bearded dragon got stunted before we bought it... The other one is like 4 times his size and is female and acts like the mom to the little one. As for the leopard geckos they don't bother the bearded dragons... Bearded dragons sleep on the stick and hammock I have in there and the leopard geckos are mostly in the caves hiding

I'm going to be VERY careful how I word this...I'm going to try very hard to be nice.

Please before you even THINK about breeding...please please please! Do your research on what you already have! These poor reptiles should NOT be in a tank together regardless of size, let alone a 20 gallon tank. I'm not too sure where you read this was ok to do, but it is not.

I'm not even sure how you are managing to keep a full grown beardie(s) in a tank that size with other geckos, AND hides, food dishes, ect????

You're bearded dragon CAN/WILL eat the leopard geckos, maybe he never will in his life time but why why why would you even risk that? :main_no:

Please find the kindness in your heart to do what's right for your pets.

I hope I didn't come across mean, I'm just very concerned. :main_no:
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New Member
Austin, Texas
I forgot to add:

"The other one is like 4 times his size and is female and acts like the mom to the little one."

These are not social animals. I know we all think so because that's how we act and we think it's 'cute' but they could care less if they were alone or not. They do NOT take care of their young so they would not be exhibiting this behavior.


New Member
Orange County, NewYork
It's not a full grown bearded dragon! I call it hiding bit they just sleep in the cave... I know that u are trying to be nice but when the juvenile bessie turns to an adult which should be next year we have other tanks and she will be put in there alone. A 20 gallon tank has plenty if room for all 5 lizards to run around!! If I didn't think they would have enough room I would have put them in a 40 gallon tank. I don't think u realize the size of them. Let me go take a picture and I will post it as profile pic


New Member
Austin, Texas
I'm not sure what you're doing. I'm trying to help you, isn't that what you were asking? You were asking for help, and I'm giving you help.

You stated your leos are biting each other, we are explaining to you that they should NOT be caged together and this is why they're fighting.
I can't give you a 'nice' solution, I can't give you just something that isn't true because you want to hear it.

Long story short I'm not too sure what you're wanting if you don't want my help. We're all here to help people asking for help :), and that's what I'm trying to do. I don't think I was doing anything wrong?

I THINK what I said was true, and a fact. If it's not, others I'm sure would tell me what I stated was wrong?

Just please state what you're wanting us to help with, because it sounds like I'm helping you wrong.

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