Continuous egg laying?


New Member
Hello. I have a female crested gecko that I have had since she was about two months old. This year she turned 6. I have noticed for the past 8-10 months she has been laying eggs. This is a new behavior for her. She has never been around males so they are definitely dud eggs. My concern is the length of time she has been laying. She is having one clutch every couple months and I have found a total of 10 eggs. There has been no change to her set up and the only diet change has been switching from Repashy to Pangea because Repashy changed their formula and she doesn’t like the new version. She is eating well and having mostly normal activity (it is elevated when she is actively nesting). Is it safe/normal for her to be having clutches this often for such a long period of time? Up until this week she has been shedding perfectly as well but this week had a shed with large portions still stuck to the body (head and back completely shedded with sides stuck on). Could this constant egg laying be causing a shes issue? Do I need to add additional calcium to her regular diet? Note: I soaked her for about 10 minutes in zoom-med shedding aid + luke warm water and was able to get most of the stuck shed off. The skin underneath appeared healthy and she got the last small pieces off herself. It’s worth mentioning that while usually a very tolerant gecko I have never been able to look inside her mouth to view her calcium sacks. She locks it down tight if I try to use a q-tip and it is the only time she will bite if I attempt to open her mouth with my fingers.


Staff member
Somerville, MA
Do you mean that she's been laying eggs every few months for over a year? I don't know that there's a way to stop them. My crested gecko and gargoyle females who are 5 years old and have never been near a male lay every season too. They tend to lay a clutch or 2 in January and then hold off till April and go until about August. Hopefully yours will stop when breeding season is officially over.



New Member
Do you mean that she's been laying eggs every few months for over a year? I don't know that there's a way to stop them. My crested gecko and gargoyle females who are 5 years old and have never been near a male lay every season too. They tend to lay a clutch or 2 in January and then hold off till April and go until about August. Hopefully yours will stop when breeding season is officially over.

It’s been almost a year of having a clutch every couple months. I wasn’t sure if it was normal


Staff member
Somerville, MA
I had a banded gecko that did that, only it was every month. Unfortunately, there's not much you can do. At least it's every few months.


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