

New Member
Ontario Canada
Well I'm pro-choice, so I say freeze them :p. I would try introducing her to your bell male, and allowing her to lay a clutch or 2. What you do with the mutts is your choice, but I know that I personally couldn't cull a healthy gecko just because it has mixed genetics. It's a shame you can't sterilize geckos.

Tony C

Wayward Frogger
Columbia, SC
Are you talking about hatching the eggs from the first pairing, or eggs laid after being paired with the Bell male? If you mean eggs from the first pairing then there isn't really any point to hatching them sine the genetic question was already proven by the first clutch to hatch. If you mean the new pairing, then I would hatch them, but also keep in mind that hatching non-albinos will not be proof that she isn't Bell, as they may have been fertilized by the Tremper male's sperm.


Uroplatus Fanatic
Buffalo, NY
Well, all eggs from this female laid before a new male is introduced are going to be double hets, theres really no need to allow them to hatch before culling. After a new male is introduced, at least the first clutch needs to be hatched to see whether or not they are albino. From that point, it really depends on what those hatchlings are(albino or not).


Uroplatus Fanatic
Buffalo, NY
I have no intentions of culling the hatchlings that are healthy and have already hatched. In fact, since they were incubated for female, (and they all turn out to be girls) I may just keep them and set them up in a display tank in my living room. I have no problem doing that with 2-4 geckos, just not 8+. I am aware that theres no garuntee she'll be proven as a non-bell(which in this case would make her rainwater) if more non-albinos hatch from the second pairing, but it's worth a shot to see what happens.


New Member
Ontario Canada
No offense here either. Also, we are not just talking about undesirables, but double hets for albino are just about the most problematic genetic scenario that can be passed on in the leo world.

Also, I was originally wondering about the difference between culling eggs vs. waiting on them to hatch and then culling after introducing the new male. What's everyone think about that idea?

I'm not a breeder, so my opinion comes from my gut, not experience. If there is question as to whether the female was bred previously, then it might be an option, but I see no reason to let the eggs mature if it's relatively certain that the young will need to be culled. I kind of see it as the difference between abortion and killing a baby, but of course we are not dealing in human terms. Instead of culling could the young be fed to a larger carnivorous lizard or a snake maybe (I don't know if that would work, I don't have snakes or monitors or anything)? At least they would serve a noble purpose then. Mostly I'm just thinking out loud. I think culling a healthy but genetic mutt is totally a personal decision. I still wish there was a simple non-intrusive way to sterilize.


New Member
Ontario Canada
Oh cool, I was wondering how it was done. So to answer Kevin's question, if i had a snake or monitor, then by all means, you might as well let them hatch and see what you have, then at the very least you have feeders. This might sound a bit heartless, but I LOVE rats too. I had a male rat named Jupiter and he was one of the coolest pets I've ever owned (he used to frequently escape and climb into my bed and fall asleep in my open hand at night as I slept), but while I would have defended my little guy from any snake, I am not at all adverse to the use of rats as feeders, nor would I be adverse to the use of geckos as food if they needed culling. The loss of any life is sad in a way, but sometimes it's necessary.


New Member
I know it may be stupid guestion but why would you freeze them? To me if you don't want them then just toss them. What does freezing do? I have never heard of freezing them. thanks



Quality is Everything
Corona, CA
+1 feed the eggs to the monitor, and if you try a second male and she still is trowing out double hets then feed the babies to your monitor. But you should definitely contact the breeder and address the problem and see how they handle their mistakes.


New Member
far side of sanity
i dont like the scrapping and culling of hatchlings and eggs but if it needs to be done it needs to be done. i just dont like the fact that innocent lives will be ended because of someone elses fault. (whether purpose or not i am not throwing out judgements or blame)

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