and it chaps my hide. I have an enigma (didnt know much about them when I bought her...just knew she was beautiful). She can not live a normal life. All these leo cages with multiple levels of flooring and and fun little things to crawl through, feeding regularly and such. My little girl can not have. I had to take her to the vet a while back because we noticed a black spot getting larger on her belly. We initially thought she was impacted (not knowing how because we took every precaution possible). Come to find out it was a bad bruise. She was falling off of her hides, flipping over her food bowl and could not crawl up to her water dish. I had to make some pretty big changes to accomodate her needs. I am against Enigma breeding. I understand that they are gorgeous and not ALL of theme have the syndrome. Give me one good reason why we NEED to breed them and I might change my mind. But when my little girl passes away, I won't be investing into a new enigma. I will not support the breeding of them for entertainment.minor neurological disorder
I see stuff like this and it chaps my hide. I have an enigma (didnt know much about them when I bought her...just knew she was beautiful). She can not live a normal life. All these leo cages with multiple levels of flooring and and fun little things to crawl through, feeding regularly and such. My little girl can not have. I had to take her to the vet a while back because we noticed a black spot getting larger on her belly. We initially thought she was impacted (not knowing how because we took every precaution possible). Come to find out it was a bad bruise. She was falling off of her hides, flipping over her food bowl and could not crawl up to her water dish. I had to make some pretty big changes to accomodate her needs. I am against Enigma breeding. I understand that they are gorgeous and not ALL of theme have the syndrome. Give me one good reason why we NEED to breed them and I might change my mind. But when my little girl passes away, I won't be investing into a new enigma. I will not support the breeding of them for entertainment.
Well is isnt really a NEED to breed any geckos, is there?
Breeding other morphs with no life hendering disease does not bother me.....This does. Why breed when you KNOW this will happen? It is not like a random birth defect. Enigmas are bred knowing the outcome is possible ES.
Something we ALL need to be aware of are the facts. All Enigmas carry the genetic predisposition for this neurological defect. ALL OF THEM!
I feel I have a responsibility to the gecko community to produce healthy and robust animals, and knowingly breeding an Enigma that possesses a severe genetic defect is technically unethical.
A gecko (or any animal) may not have a concept of what's normal but they don't really have a concept of self, anyway. A gecko suffering from enigma syndrome can't tell itself that the death rolls or spinning will stop eventually. That a treatment is the works or up for review by the FDA. And there's nothing but intervention by the owners to help them during feedings or sheds. That's why people need to ask themselves if they should be bred or not. Is it fair to bring something that will have limited independence just because they don't fully comprehend what's happening? Saying there should be no issue if they're bred with love and respect is odd to me. I'm sure there are people who breed and keep enigmas with the best of intentions but it doesn't change the symptoms these animals are at risk for developing.In my opinion,
How would a gecko know what is "normal", take human beings for example born blind def or both, they don't know what it is like to be "normal" ( I use quotations because everyone has their own perception of the word) but still they go on to lead healthy,happy and succssefull lives.
Few off my head examples;
Marly Matlin,
Stevie Wonder,
People in wheelchairs,
Not trying to be rude, I once did a renovation for a man who was wheelchair bound with no use of his hands, he still managed to find a way to scrap vinyl flooring WITH the glue completely off a floor for us to work on the next day, gave me a new found respect.
Breed these animals with love and respect and there should be no issue.
In my opinion,