I just boil water and store it in the fridge, better safe than sorry.
I was just wondering how many people use filtered water verses tap water. My towns water comes from a lake, so I use a filter for all my critters.
Letting tap water sit out for 24 hours will indeed allow the chlorine to gas out. However, many municipalities have switched over to chloramine, which won't gas out nearly as quickly.
This actally isnt true. It takes much longer. I have chlronine test kits for my aquariums, it takes almost a week. Waste of time.
Check if your test kit is testing for total or combined chlorine, which will give you a positive on chloramine. If you want only chlorine, test for free chlorine.nater said:However, many municipalities have switched over to chloramine, which won't gas out nearly as quickly.
Mine are princes and princess' so they drink 'Ozarka' and distilled.Mine drink good ol' tap water...theyre geckos - not princess'