I just started using spring water, after I read somewhere that the tap water may have lead or chlorine, etc, I figured since I keep it in the fridge for me, I can let him use it too.
I still see no cons of using distilled water, we use it for human babies, I feel if the gecko is getting proper vitamins and calcium, the water can be just what it needs to be for, hydration and humidity..
I don't feel tap water is good at all, imagine some of our cities harsh/hard water, crystalizing mineral and fluoride (which is a neurotoxin) deposits in the geckos vital organs..
I don't feel any amount of arsenic or fluoride etc belongs in my body at all. Be warned too, a lot of bottled water sold, is IN FACT just well water or (purified) tap water.
Are tap water is "OKAY" I use it but the well goes very deep and was blasted to get it so it took a very long time for us to get it too be okay
Are you sure you know what you are talking about? Blasting a well? Wells are drilled to length! And just at the top of this page you say you are using bottled water! So what is it?