Hot or Cool Side?


New Member
I've always used a lamp dimmer when I need to control a heat source plus they are cheaper then a rheostat.

I have one...... plus a Temp gun. I have not used it.... but I have it as an option if I can't get the temps right by adding layers under the tile.


New Member
I still don't think it was right for an Advisor make a post and tell me I am not fit to own a Gecko. Look at the pics of my granddaughter who feeds, handles and cares for HER animal and she is only 10 years old. I guess my standards are not up to the par.



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New Member
Ok your not a fan of it so you didn't try it. It may of worked and they would fit instead of those funky shaped exo Terra cave hides. It's all good I'm not criticizing you at all at least your trying.
Isn't the 10gal 20inches wide? How big are those exo Terra hides? Are you using the small or medium ones?


New Member
Hey all that matters is your trying. You get good info and give it a shot, some stuff may work some times it won't. Every Leo is different. I haven't had any trouble with my clear hides, he gets right in there.


New Member
Again..... I was told coming from the same breeder and supposed to be the same size that quarantine was not needed. I made a judgement call and separated them after I saw the Bell and Normal were not too happy about the drop in arrangement.

Give me a little credit here...... I was told one thing and observed an opposite reaction by both. So I moved them to separate tanks.


i do not care what kim bell said, quarantine should always be practiced


New Member
Ok your not a fan of it so you didn't try it. It may of worked and they would fit instead of those funky shaped exo Terra cave hides. It's all good I'm not criticizing you at all at least your trying.
Isn't the 10gal 20inches wide? How big are those exo Terra hides? Are you using the small or medium ones?

We already posted the size of the Med for you when you were looking for hides and wanted to save money on the DYI. I said, so you understand, the clear see thru is not my cup of tea. I would have picked out Black Tops if available and chose that option. I was trying to use what I had.......

Look at the pics of both tanks..... it gives you a better idea of the floor space. While 4" seems small / lenght. It's a big difference, plus 2 inches deeper.

Look at the 6" tiles and how they were cut to fit the 10 gal...... should be easy to see.


New Member
i do not care what kim bell said, quarantine should always be practiced

So...... I did not do what she said? Thats the point!

But you said I am not fit to own a Gecko...... you read and reply as you see fit also! I don't like your pompous remarks that show arrogance towards new comers like me....... and how you avoid what you wish because your hold the Rank as Advisor. So you speak your mind...... I will mine. So be it.
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New Member
Fort Worth, TX
Subadult to adult geckos can sometimes take a couple of weeks to settle in and begin eating after they are in their new home. You have to remember that that animal came from a large breeder; it was most likely housed in a rack system in a small opaque tub on paper towel with a humid hide, water dish and food dish.

I really think you should give her more time. Also, I would recommend (if you have not already) that you incorporate a humid hide for her. This is very important. Basically the gecko needs a place to hide that is humid. In whatever way you choose (paper towel, sphagnum moss, peat moss, coco fiber, etc.) as long as the enclosed area is humid.

As far as the "most used" hide, they go back and forth. Sometimes they hang out more in the humid hide on the cool side, sometimes on the heat. If they have recently been fed they normally stay on the warm side.

She's a very pretty gecko and looks extremely healthy to me. I think with a little more time she will settle in. Judging by the photo of your other gecko, you know how to keep them properly. As far as quarantine goes, you should always quarantine new geckos for a minimum of 30 days before adding it to your existing collection ie. putting it in with another leo.


New Member
So...... I did not do what she said? Thats the point!

But you said I am not fit to own a Gecko...... you read and reply as you see fit also! I don't like your pompous remarks that show arrogance towards new comers like me....... and how you avoid what you wish because your hold the Rank as Advisor. So you speak your mind...... I will mine. So be it.

i did not say you were not fit. i said if you can not handle be patient and can't stop constantly arguing with people and NOT listening to anyone and not willing to change for the sake of your geckos. you have no business having any geckos because if that is the case, the problem is not the gecko it is you.

as a site advisor it is not to advise the members but to help with technical site issues.

ok so i explained a little more in detail.

if you continue with this type of attitude towards people who are trying to help you, no one is going to want to help you at all.


New Member
Sorry, I didn't see that. I was only trying to help you.

I know you were trying to help. It seems that when I have already "stood corrected" and changed that it goes unnoticed.

It's my nature to chew up the meat and spit out the bones. There is a verse in the Bible that says....... a wise man seeks council.

If I did not take the best interest in the care of the animals I have obligated my myself to take care of, then I would just be like a lot and post a problem that could have been avoided.

I am a firm believer that an ounce of prevention is worth a pound of cure.

Anyone who takes on the responsibility should do so with finding the best information possible. I have and will continue to do so.


New Member
Fort Worth, TX
I know you were trying to help. It seems that when I have already "stood corrected" and changed that it goes unnoticed.

It's my nature to chew up the meat and spit out the bones. There is a verse in the Bible that says....... a wise man seeks council.

If I did not take the best interest in the care of the animals I have obligated my myself to take care of, then I would just be like a lot and post a problem that could have been avoided.

I am a firm believer that an ounce of prevention is worth a pound of cure.

Anyone who takes on the responsibility should do so with finding the best information possible. I have and will continue to do so.

Yeah I get it. I'm tired and must have missed the part about the humid hide.

This site has some of the most experienced leopard gecko keepers out there, and it's a fantastic resource. That's a very nice Bell Albino you have there, and I truly think that with a bit more time she will settle in and do great.


Pensacola, Fl
Maybe I need to ask the question another way. She likes the Hide better than under the log. So should the "most used" Hide be on the hot or cool side? Where she is in the pic is where she poops...... so moving the 2 around is not a lot of room.

I did notice she maybe drinking more water than my other? Is that a sign of anything?

You can't help to worry when your new at this and so.... up comes the!

I still think you're just overly worried about them :) That certainly isn't a bad thing, shows you care about them. I just bought my first geckos 10 days ago. All 4 females are together in a 55gallon. I was stressing out about them nonstop when we first put them in. They wouldn't eat. They'd never come out of the hides. In general, I thought they might be ill or I was doing something wrong. Turns out they just needed me to leave them alone and keep fresh water and food in their dishes.

In my case, the fact they were in a whole new environment and they all 4 were starting to shed, it made for a very awkward situation. I switched my feeding methods to an empty dish during the day and filling it up before lights out. I'd find empty dishes in the mornings and geckos moving to their specific spots on the warm side. They tend to stay on the warm side at all times but they have large pieces of driftwood there and often crawl on top of it instead of going to the cool side. My warm side temps are about 97-98* on the top of the tile and about 75* on the cool side. Since they are shedding, I see them in the moist hides more than anything right now as they get in and dig around in the moss to help get the shed off. 3 of them will often fit in to the main hide on the warm side. During the day they aren't much for moving but during dusk and dawn they move quite a bit all over the tank.

Just continue to give her time and patience, possibly apply some black construction paper to the sides of the tank so the tank has a more 'secure' feeling. I've got both our 75 and 55 gallon tanks painted black along the back and the sides. The only window that isn't painted is the front one for display of course.

Good luck with whatever you end up doing! :main_thumbsup:


Also, I completely agree with you in that a 15g would offer more floorspace than a 10g. Like you, I have a hard time thinking about keeping them in a rack system, but I understand that's what breeders do for efficiency. It's just not something I feel comfortable about or with. I don't know if it is an option for you, but I would keep an eye on craigslist. You could very easily find a larger tank for pennies to the gallon on there. I got our 75g for 50$ and our 55g for 35$. I've seen 20-40 gallons on there for 20-30$ as well but I've never needed something that small.
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New Member
First as too the bright lights. That was when I was feeding and turned the overhead light on that was bright. Was told Albinos were more sensitive to light. So I changed the other lights..... to not be Bright.... as suggested!

As to changing her cage every day....... not true. After I got the tile cut and the 1 hide and Log...... all I did was switch them. The "idea" and it happened..... when I switched the Hide to the cool side...... thats where she went. She followed the hide..... not the Temp.

The whole idea is for them to Thermoregulate right? But if they are always on the warm side...... get it?

Remember, I have a Normal that moves on a regular basis from hot to cool. She is healthy, happy and very tame.

As far as handling her everyday...... only once did I put my hand in the tank and let her walk on to my hand ( in the tank) and then let her back down.

Most used hide..... I'll explain. I have found that the Exo terra Hide ( not log ) has been well liked by both. The reason? I think it offers one small door and all the "security" to HIDE from people, things and Light. Why care? I only care what the animal likes and feels safe in. The issue is tank size. It's Large for a 10 gal vs 15. See Pics. Not enough room move or adjust over the UTH or hot side. As far as the UTH..... there is the other "variable". On a 10 gal it covers one side with little gap.

It's not that I don't want to care for her. It's really because there is a rep show in Columbia in June and me and my granddaughter want to go pick one out. I don't want 3 Gecko's to take care of now. ( 3 tanks )

This all started when I was told I could get another one and put it in the same tank as my Normal. It was obvious that the Bell was way too stressed to do that and I did NOT want to Stress out my Normal I had worked so hard to get adjusted and doing great!

I don't think it was right for an Advisor to tell me I am not fit to own a Gecko. Look at the pics of my granddaughter who feeds, handles and cares for HER animal and she is only 10 years old. I guess my standards are not up to the par.

So, once again if your temps are right, and I believe yours are, she'll go where she needs to be. She's not gonna stay somewhere she's uncomfortable. If she wants to stay on the warm side, then super.

Re-arranging the tank, even just switching the hides around, delays the settle-in process. What if someone switched out your garage for your house... bet it'd be disconcerting to you.

I disagree that the answer is to put her in a larger enclosure. The last thing she needs is another environment change, and geckos actually settle in better to smaller enclosures. Especially those reared in rack system.

Time brother, you got to give her some unmolested time... If you do, you'll have a well adjusted gecko... Will she be just like your other gecko with the same personality and habits... nah, they're not clones.

T Ferguson


New Member
I'll take one last shot at this.

I want to make this clear. This is my Granddaughter's project! It's NOT what I want!

This all started when I was under the impression that I could buy a new Gecko ( that my granddaughter picked out ) and drop her in the tank and NO PROBLEMS. ( it might work with some but to me it was not the case and most here agree )

This left me to put the Bell in a separate tank. ( the 10 gal that I did Not have prepared to do )

So what ended up is having 2 Gecko's in 2 Tanks.

I told my granddaughter it would BEST if we just leave her Normal by herself since she is doing so well and not try and put the 2 together. She agreed.

Now..... here is the kicker. I told her that there is a Reptile Show in Columbia in June. SHE wants to get a New Gecko at the show. Pick one out herself. I told her I am not keeping 3 Gecko's in 3 tanks. I don't have the space.

There is a Factor in the Temps in my house that I think is causing the Bell some lag time. It's gets to 80 degrees here some days and the Air kicks on. Then it only gets to 60 degrees and the heat is on. In other words....... not a tank issue ( hides ) but not a consistent room temp either. I am not using any heat lamps.

I think I get it. When you get a new Gecko you need 2 things. The Tank set up and Time for it to get adjusted to the new environment and Time to thermoregulate to the new environment ( your home ). Like what has already been said. The Breeder kept it in a perfectly regulated "small" tub it's whole life. With the Bell being an Adult or over 45 I was told here, this is quite a long time in the Breeders Bin.

So I observed..... that it would take TIME or more time then it did our Normal. I don't have a problem with that. My issue is only having 2 Gecko's because my granddaughter wants to go to the Show and pick out one IN PERSON and not by Pics over emails.

I posted "concerns" or "questions" only the HELP relieve the Bell from Stress...... not add to it.

I was asked...... again to check the Temps. Which I did. The Zoo Med is defiantly creating a Hot Spot. So I added an extra layer of tile. I did not do this to add extra Stress. I did it because it was suggested and because I know there is a Hot Spot. I do have a Dimmer but I decided to add tile first. It was time to clean the Tank anyway.The Bell had pooped in the corner leaving it stuck in the gap I had in the tile. So I took her out and put her back in with everything in place as it was. So I still have the option to use the dimmer if needed....... or suggested here.

So my granddaughter only has 2 options. Keep the Bell, or give her a new home and then she would be able to go to the Show and pic one out in person. SHE opted to get a new one at the show.

The subject got off track because it appeared I was not wanting to be patient. This is not the case. I asked questions as to the arrangement of the hides. If the Hide ( not Log ) was sitting over the Hot Spot thus creating an "issue"...... I was wanting to correct that. That had nothing to do with patience. It was to have the tank "set" and leave her ALONE!

It was posted here...... I don't care what Kim Bell said!. I am not going to criticize a breeder by name. My granddaughter and Ms Bell have exchanged many emails and she has been nothing but very nice to her..... and to me also. I ordered the Bell and it arrived to me to be healthy. So I am not going to find fault or pass the blame.

So I have 2 issues to deal with. First is the best care ( or new GOOD home) for the Bell and the "wants" of my granddaughter of which I only have room for 2 tanks.


New Member
I sent you a pm maybe that will help ya some. I totally hear ya on space. It's a bigger pain to deal with multiple tanks as you need more everything and then you more to keep track of. Good luck on whatever route you choose..


New Member
simply put you have your mind made up no matter what. you are going to get rid of the the gecko and get another, period. have you thought that most breeders keep their geckos in tub and racks so going to s show is not going to help this.

as far as temps that can be controlled with this little thing called a thermostat, so do not use that as an excuse. you are still going to have to get one with your new gecko you get at the reptile show. just because you get a new gecko does not make your house thermoregulate properly.:main_rolleyes:

people have come onto this thread and tried to help you very nicely. you have been rude and confrontational the entire time. not once have i seen you say "thank you for the help and info". it seems you have had your mind made up from the beginning what you were going to do and you were not willing to do those things. so sell the gecko you have had for 1 1/2 weeks and get another at a show. clearly you are not willing to listen or want to learn. i even suggested some care sheets and article written by some of our experienced members here and you said something to the affect of they are a dime a dozen all are the same. did you even give them a look? or look at any of the others? there is a wealth of info here on the forums but unless you are willing to LISTEn and TRY it's completely pointless for people on here to not get angry and try and help you.

you said you tend to chew the meat up and spit out the bones or something like that. i would suggest not. the members on this site are very nice folks, but not all of us.


New Member
I sent you a pm maybe that will help ya some. I totally hear ya on space. It's a bigger pain to deal with multiple tanks as you need more everything and then you more to keep track of. Good luck on whatever route you choose..

she has her mind made up already. it's pointless.

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