Hot or Cool Side?


Pensacola, Fl
I don't think CallDr is being rude. I do think people read in to words on the internet in their own way and don't get the true intention of what the person is saying or feeling. That's just a part of the internet.

With the last post that was made, I understand better about the situation. I had forgotten they were the grand daughters geckos and CallDr is just helping to give them a home and take care of them so the g-daughter is able to have them. I can appreciate the position they are in as I have been in a similar position for a younger sibling of my own where I kept some of their pets for a length of time while they were gone.

I don't think it's wrong at all for them to rehome the one gecko in question. Do i think the granddaughter should have been more patient and researched things better? sure. Kids will be kids though and CallDr is doing their best to help facilitate the granddaughters hobby. It's very evident from the posts made in the past by CallDr and the pictures of their granddaughter with the gecko that they only want the best for their pets, and to that I applaud them for doing what they can to ask and find out answers to their questions.


New Member
I don't think CallDr is being rude. I do think people read in to words on the internet in their own way and don't get the true intention of what the person is saying or feeling. That's just a part of the internet.

With the last post that was made, I understand better about the situation. I had forgotten they were the grand daughters geckos and CallDr is just helping to give them a home and take care of them so the g-daughter is able to have them. I can appreciate the position they are in as I have been in a similar position for a younger sibling of my own where I kept some of their pets for a length of time while they were gone.

I don't think it's wrong at all for them to rehome the one gecko in question. Do i think the granddaughter should have been more patient and researched things better? sure. Kids will be kids though and CallDr is doing their best to help facilitate the granddaughters hobby. It's very evident from the posts made in the past by CallDr and the pictures of their granddaughter with the gecko that they only want the best for their pets, and to that I applaud them for doing what they can to ask and find out answers to their questions.

My granddaughter is a pet me. She lives with her mother and father week to week. So we only get her every other weekend. Neither Parents will keep her pets! So in order for her to have them..... I have to keep them with me. Sad really...... parents sucking the Joy out of what is nothing but good experience in taking "care" of something.

FYI....... Just last week she wanted a Rabbit. So we went to the store and I got her a dwarf that is cute as all get out. So we now have 1 Rabbit, 2 Gecko's and a!


New Member
Yeah the only reason why I got my Leo was for my daughter to get into pets. I have kept iguanas and snakes beiges so I knew what I was getting into. Little did I know I was gonna really like keeping leos and now i want more.


New Member
she has her mind made up already. it's pointless.

No robin...... it's you who have made up your mind. You had a knee jerk reaction and started the fire and still want to flame it.

It's your keyboard.....LOL.


New Member
No robin...... it's you who have made up your mind. You had a knee jerk reaction and started the fire and still want to flame it.

It's your keyboard.....LOL.

actually i want to put it out because honestly i am tired of seeing the same posts over and over.


New Member
possibly apply some black construction paper to the sides of the tank so the tank has a more 'secure' feeling.

Good luck with whatever you end up doing! :main_thumbsup:


I'm through changing anything at this point. Except maybe us the dimmer if the floor shows a hot spot after I added another layer of tile. Thats just a plug in change now if needed.

I think when the wether breaks and we get all warm days so we are not going from Heat to Air...... that will help?


New Member
How are the temps doing in your other tank? Is it setup the same way? I'm just wondering because you mentioned the temp in the house. Good luck to ya and whatever you choose to do. She a pretty Leo for sure, I'm sure if you don't want her someone else will gladly take her.
What are you thinking about getting from the pet show??


Senior Member
East Texas
She may just not like the long because it has more holes and places for more light to come in. They do like it dark. If you have any other hides that have less enter/exit holes maybe try that instead of the log.

And if your temps are not getting hot enough through those tiles, you can place a of aluminum foil under the UTH as to direct heat upwards through to the bottom of the tank.
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New Member
Do i think the granddaughter should have been more patient and researched things better? sure. Kids will be kids though and CallDr is doing their best to help facilitate the granddaughters hobby.

It's funny really..... what 10 year old is patient and wants to wait.

The issue here is to not suck the Joy out of a 10 year old who is and gets excited. I mean lets face it. If you went to a Show would you want to bring one home? ;)
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New Member
How are the temps doing in your other tank? Is it setup the same way? I'm just wondering because you mentioned the temp in the house. Good luck to ya and whatever you choose to do. She a pretty Leo for sure, I'm sure if you don't want her someone else will gladly take her.
What are you thinking about getting from the pet show??

Never been to a show before. She started out wanting a bearded dragon but did not know how big they got and the care/ tank an adult would need.

It was suggested to start with a Leo as a fist reptile. So thats what we did.

I think she just wants to look and SHOP like most


New Member
I see you putting blame on your grand daughter but I remember you posting how you liked her gecko so much you were getting one of your own, the female bell.

If you truely want help, there are so many people on here you could pm that would answer any questions and help as much as you need, if you truely want to keep this girl.

got spots?

leo lover
foglesville PA
About the people saying the hides are too big. I have those same hides in one of my leos cages. They love them. In my other 2 cages I have hides made for turtles. So I don't think hide size is a big issue.


New Member
I see you putting blame on your grand daughter but I remember you posting how you liked her gecko so much you were getting one of your own, the female bell.

If you truely want help, there are so many people on here you could pm that would answer any questions and help as much as you need, if you truely want to keep this girl.

Yes, she is about to P in her pants to see her tomorrow when she gets here. Of course I am to because this one is mine. Well, Britt says she's mine and hers and Miss C is all

I guess it's hard to understand. I agreed to get another Gecko but I said it would be mine. As you can see by my post Britt said it would be ours but Miss C was all hers.

I guess if you don't have grandkids you will not understand all this. Her parents would not let her have a Pet. So she wanted a Hamster for Christmas. I agreed we would keep it here for her so she could have it.

Then while in the pet store a girl started telling her about her bearded dragon..... and then... PaPa I want a bearded dragon. Then just last week she wanted a rabbit.

All this is for her. We were in the Pet store last week when she met 2 boys that both had Geckos. They are the ones who told us ( her) that there was a Reptile Show and they were getting more. She wants to go to the show and and hand pic one.

I don't know what any of you would do and that would be your business. But I agreed she could get another at the show but we could only have 2 tanks and 2 Geckos.

I'll take any blame you guys want to dish out to me. Just don't Blame my granddaughter. If thats not clear then ban me and kick me off here.


New Member
Its just that it is a lot of stress on the gecko to be moved from place to place and its hard for me to understand why get rid of this one that you had less than 2 weeks just to get another. It sounds like your just trying to be a good grand parent but somtimes you have to let the kids want rather than give in. I have an 8 yo son and a 12 yo daughter so I know what its like. My kids have wanted everything from a frog to a pony but that aint happening. Most of the time kids get bored very quickly and want somthing else this something else becomes more important and the old pet less important and the pets are the ones that suffer. Not trying to blame either you or her just think your trying to hard to make her happy with less regards for the animals.

Tony C

Wayward Frogger
Columbia, SC
Most of the time kids get bored very quickly and want somthing else this something else becomes more important and the old pet less important and the pets are the ones that suffer. Not trying to blame either you or her just think your trying to hard to make her happy with less regards for the animals.

I agree with this. What kind of lesson is she learning if she is allowed to "trade in" a pet whenever she gets bored or it doesn't behave exactly as she wishes? I think the most important lessons in pet ownership for a child are responsibility and commitment, and shipping your gecko off after two weeks does not teach either one.


New Member
If you truely want help, there are so many people on here you could pm that would answer any questions and help as much as you need.....

Now since we are on the subject of help and how everyone is so willing to give,give,give. It's not just me..... but I have seen people ask questions and then have to repost..... and ask again.

I don't know a single person on here. I don't know who is the one with expert knowledge to PM and or the people who are off in left field. Thats why new people come here..... they don't know anyone.....or WHO to PM. Thats why they post a question.

There is this "mindset" that I need to keep the Bell or some SiN has been committed. The SIN would be that she was not in the hands of a good care giver.


New Member
How can you say the sin would be her not being in the hands of a good care giver (you) then your gonna get a different gecko. That doesn't make any sense to me at all.

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