Hot or Cool Side?


New Member
I agree with this. What kind of lesson is she learning if she is allowed to "trade in" a pet whenever she gets bored or it doesn't behave exactly as she wishes? I think the most important lessons in pet ownership for a child are responsibility and commitment, and shipping your gecko off after two weeks does not teach either one.

So here is my question and maybe this will help. I do take in consideration of the best well being of the Gecko before my granddaughters wishes. In fact I would not let her handle her first but once a day and in short periods. Over time.... I increased the time to 15 min to 30 min.

It's obvious that the Bell is still stressed or if you want to say it another way..... not settled in.

So...... as a good care giver. How long should I wait before she is transfered to a new home?

BMAN suggested we take her to the show and see if could find someone there. It's not till late June. I thought that was a good suggestion.

Read my I will not put any undue stress on her.

Tony C

Wayward Frogger
Columbia, SC
So you got responses from the site's owner, her good friend, a staff member, and numerous other members, all pretty much saying the same thing, and none of those are reliable sources? What more are you looking for?


New Member
I don't know how long it should take to settle in. I'm having pretty good luck with my Leo that I got a week ago but I picked him up locally he didn't get on a plane and deal with that stress. From what I've seen about 1-2 weeks to settle in.


New Member
He has gotten alot of good info, I have asked robin questions before and she been nothing short of awesome with helping me out. Maybe you should pm robin and talk thru there. This thread has gotten off topic lol..


New Member
So you got responses from the site's owner, her good friend, a staff member, and numerous other members, all pretty much saying the same thing, and none of those are reliable sources? What more are you looking for?

Tony...... everything I was told to check.... I did. What not to do.....I did.

You suggested the temp gun..... I ordered it on your recommendation..... remember?

I was asked to check the temps... I did. It had a definite hot spot. So I added another layer of tile. Checked it out tonight when I was feeding and changing water...ect. The temps were ( at hot spot ) 93 and cold 73. It was 101 / 73.

Thats what I have been trying to! I have taken every piece of advise and done what was suggested. Robin and the owner don't see a Moist Hide so...... where is your moist hide? I had to post..... in side the Hide! LOL! They just could not see it. I had one time...... where is your calcium? It's right there in the PICTURE.......LOL!

Are you using D3? No use regular. So I order regular.....LOL!

Don't use a heat bulb. I stopped......LOL!

Bells are sensitive to light....... so I change the lights......LOL!

Don't move anything...... everything looks fine.LOL!

Geezze louize.......LOL. I went from this to this with the Normal. I can't be doing that bad.......LOL!


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Tony C

Wayward Frogger
Columbia, SC
Patience really is the only answer once your setup is correct. Each gecko has it's own personality, some will come charging out of their shipping cup ready to eat anything in sight, and others will take a while to settle in. You have a beautiful, healthy gecko that just needs to be left alone and given time to de-stress. No more rearranging the tank, no more handling, just give her water and food and leave her alone until she is comfortable and eating regularly. If it takes a few weeks try not to worry, they have those fat tails for a reason, she won't starve. Convincing your granddaughter to leave her alone will probably be the hardest part, but it could be a good learning experience for her too.


New Member
I don't know how long it should take to settle in. I'm having pretty good luck with my Leo that I got a week ago but I picked him up locally he didn't get on a plane and deal with that stress. From what I've seen about 1-2 weeks to settle in.

It took my Normal at least a month to what I would call settled in. Some of that had to do with temps though and some to do with just winning her trust. I guess I have been lucky in that mine eat. At least one cricket a day.

I have been puzzled because they would not eat Giant Mealworms. So I just stopped trying leaving them in the tank. I need to find large I guess? All I can find around here are Med and they are very tiny...... but they don't eat them either?

I have read a lot about Supers...... but just have not looked where to buy. I know you don't keep them in the fridge. Maybe they will eat them?

Tony C

Wayward Frogger
Columbia, SC
It's worth a shot, but most likely she will take mealworms when she is comfortable. You should be able to find superworms at a local pet shop, I know pet smart and pet co always have them.


New Member
Patience really is the only answer once your setup is correct. Each gecko has it's own personality, some will come charging out of their shipping cup ready to eat anything in sight, and others will take a while to settle in. You have a beautiful, healthy gecko that just needs to be left alone and given time to de-stress. No more rearranging the tank, no more handling, just give her water and food and leave her alone until she is comfortable and eating regularly. If it takes a few weeks try not to worry, they have those fat tails for a reason, she won't starve. Convincing your granddaughter to leave her alone will probably be the hardest part, but it could be a good learning experience for her too.

My granddaughter is only here every other weekend. I guess you missed that part in this thread. I have never handled her. I stick my hand in the tank. I did have her walk on my hand ( in the tank ) but let her walk off it. Thats it! Britt is not in the least anxious to hold her till she is ready. She has been through that.

I just have to limit her to holding her normal once a day while she is here. She is doing great though. She can get her out and back in all by herself. I only get the Normal out once a week myself. Even though I think she wants out more. I put my hand down and she just walks on it...... but she thinks about it for a little

The Bell has been eating from day one...... so thats good. I think it's just a temp problem on the hot side and these Hot days and last Cold days before Spring kicks in full swing. The Zoo Med has a pretty big hot spot. I think I have that better now. 93/73 and not 101+/ 73.

She shed with no problems also. It's like everyone said...... each one is different and time to adjust is just in the cards because no 2 are alike.


New Member
So here is my question and maybe this will help. I do take in consideration of the best well being of the Gecko before my granddaughters wishes. In fact I would not let her handle her first but once a day and in short periods. Over time.... I increased the time to 15 min to 30 min.

It's obvious that the Bell is still stressed or if you want to say it another way..... not settled in.

So...... as a good care giver. How long should I wait before she is transfered to a new home?

BMAN suggested we take her to the show and see if could find someone there. It's not till late June. I thought that was a good suggestion.

Read my I will not put any undue stress on her.

Bump........ it's a legit question and would apply to not only me but anyone looking for a new home for a Gecko.

When is it OK or not OK to transfer ownership? Nows your time to chime in......LOL!


New Member
As luck would have it I found a a Breeder here locally. Like 5 miles from me.... go

I think we can all put this thread to rest now. My apologies to anyone who I may have spoke out of line or let my emotions get the best of me.

Plus...... A big Thank You for all the input and help. Sometimes we forget to say thank you.


New Member
As luck would have it I found a a Breeder here locally. Like 5 miles from me.... go

I think we can all put this thread to rest now. My apologies to anyone who I may have spoke out of line or let my emotions get the best of me.

Plus...... A big Thank You for all the input and help. Sometimes we forget to say thank you.

Wow... Hope your new gecko meets your expectations.

T Ferguson


Pensacola, Fl
As luck would have it I found a a Breeder here locally. Like 5 miles from me.... go

I think we can all put this thread to rest now. My apologies to anyone who I may have spoke out of line or let my emotions get the best of me.

Plus...... A big Thank You for all the input and help. Sometimes we forget to say thank you.

Good deal.


New Member
The Reptile Show is not till Late June. We are going to keep the Bell till then. The Breeder will take the Bell if need be. She has a Tremper and not a Bell.


Pensacola, Fl
The Reptile Show is not till Late June. We are going to keep the Bell till then. The Breeder will take the Bell if need be. She has a Tremper and not a Bell.

Plenty of time to research for a new one if you plan to go that route. as I said in the other thread, check to see who will be at the show then try to message them and establish some contact with them. That's more or less what we did. We researched for a month before the show so had a general idea of what we wanted and could afford.


New Member
There you go. Get a idea of what the breeders are charging, plus if you find one you like you can ask them to bring it to the show.


New Member
OK...... this is wild! I have been watching the Bell and just had a gut feeling something was not right. I called the Breeder she wanted to see her and she if she had been bred and going to lay eggs. Being just a few miles away I took her and....... yes she showed me where the eggs were and said it would not be long before she lays.

So I left the Bell with the Breeder and she is going to give her the best set up for laying the eggs. Like I said, she has a Tremper Albino and not a Bell. Thought she was a beautiful. So I struck a deal on a "future" Gecko so she could have a Bell in her collection.


New Member
all female leopard geckos ovulate. most lay eggs (even without any male ever being present to fertilize the eggs). those eggs are called duds (unfertilized eggs). so no matter this female gecko or another you are going to have these "problems".
did the "breeder" tell you this? or fail to educate you?

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