Identify this spider

Dog Shrink

Lost in the Lizard World
I vote wolf spider.


Male Fishing spider:


Uroplatus Fanatic
Buffalo, NY
I say wolf spider. Not a huntsman or a fisher.

Why kill them? They're harmless and help control annoying and potentially dangerous critters like misquitos.

Northstar Herp

Rhacs and Uros, oh boy!!!
Plaistow, NH
I say wolf spider. Not a huntsman or a fisher.

Why kill them? They're harmless and help control annoying and potentially dangerous critters like misquitos.

Too true, unfortunately they have many long legs and look very bitey so they don't usually make it past hello with most folks.


Uroplatus Fanatic
Buffalo, NY
Too true, unfortunately they have many long legs and look very bitey so they don't usually make it past hello with most folks.

I have tons of spider living around the outside of my house. I also have several smaller house spiders who live in the house, usually in upper corners of the walls, in the herp room as well. I welcome them, they eat obnoxious bugs(like fruit flies, which go hand in hand with keeping many arboreal tropical geckos) and are beautiful in their own ways. Most spiders aren't the slightest bit interested in biting people. If I find a larger one in the house, I take it outside, alive. Spiders are just like any other animal; they're just trying to survive and live long enough to make more spiders. In the process of doing so, they rid my house and surrounding area of some more noxious pests. Live and let live, that's my philosophy.


New Member
Dansville, NY
I hate spiders but when the wife see one in the house I catch it and let it go out side. Of course the little dudes find their way back in the house, kits like a revolving door, LOL!!!

Northstar Herp

Rhacs and Uros, oh boy!!!
Plaistow, NH
I have tons of spider living around the outside of my house. I also have several smaller house spiders who live in the house, usually in upper corners of the walls, in the herp room as well. I welcome them, they eat obnoxious bugs(like fruit flies, which go hand in hand with keeping many arboreal tropical geckos) and are beautiful in their own ways. Most spiders aren't the slightest bit interested in biting people. If I find a larger one in the house, I take it outside, alive. Spiders are just like any other animal; they're just trying to survive and live long enough to make more spiders. In the process of doing so, they rid my house and surrounding area of some more noxious pests. Live and let live, that's my philosophy.

I hear ya buddy. I look at it the same way. I particularly like jumping spiders.

I always tell my wife and kids- "Leave 'em alone, he's just trying to make a livin' just like the rest of us."


Uroplatus Fanatic
Buffalo, NY
I particularly like jumping spiders.

I love jumpers. They're really neat little spiders. They have incredible vision and can take down pretty big prey for their size. I once watched a Zebra Jumper tackle and take out a yellow jacket, the wasp was 4 times it's size but the spider jumped on it's back, bit the back of the head, and held on through a wild ride. That little spider deserved that giant dinner.


Aussie Reptile Keeper
Spiders are okay for the most part, i leave huntsman spiders alone as they eat roaches that find their way in the house though to be honest i haven't seen any roaches or huntsman's around the house for years but no doubt they are around somewhere but... if i see a red back and or its eggs i will destroy all of them as they have no use other than causing bodily harm.

Healthy people can survive a red back spiders bite but they are extremely painful, young and old people have a slimmer chance unless they get anti venom. In Queensland they are the only dangerous spider you will come across and even thats pretty rare these days. Around the coast on rare occasions you may see a trapdoor spider or its nest but its very rare.


K, the Crazy Snake Lady
It's a Hogna, something in the lenta species group. (Wolf spider)
You might get a bite trying to pick one up, but if you scoop it up with a cup and drop it in your hand it won't do anything other than most likely run. They're harmless, unless your allergic. On the spider intellegence level, this species is dumb. Fast and stupid, the males often wind up as the prey of theridiids. However, if you can get a female set up well, and she takes to her new home, they make good pets.

LOL Just what you wanted to know, right? :D


New Member
Delaware, USA
sorry i hate spiders... big ones get squished. i dont mind the small ones that hang out in the corners of my living room, and if i find a "daddy longlegs" in my house i take it out side. but anything else is on the "squash now, as questions later" list. my daughter is horribly allergic, we found out after she had an encounter around 2 y/o.

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