I use crickets but I feed my leo mealworms from time to time.Some leos won't eat crickets and some won't eat mealworms,so it depends on what your leo likes.Mine eats both.
I have found that meal worms are the easiest and most economical way to go I feed my gecko about 6-7 daily at $1.77 for a 50 count its good.. it is a pain getting out of the ouatmeal
Superworms are great but you need to buy small/mediums. The huge supers are too big for most leos.
I also mix in some crickets and mealies, but crickets are a pain, escape in the house, stink, chirp, and are very dirty. I love supers because they are lively and attract the leos, can be raised at room temp and do not pupate, and can be constantly gutloaded for max nutrition. My geckos grow like crazy on supers and are very healthy.
Mine used to be on mainly crickets but I have made the switch to mainly mealies. The weight gains I've observed are incredible; my adults look healthier than ever and my juvies are growing in leaps and bounds. I still offer crickets from time to time, and I will tweezer feed giant supers to my adults every few days. They'll take about 2-3 each of the huge supers, and they love them as a treat.
I do hate that supers escape my bowls all the time. And then I find them pupating under the water bowls when I clean out the eco-earth. Blah... I hate those things lol.
I use alot of feeders. My geckos get crickets, turkistan roaches, orange head roaches, phoenix worms, super worms, mealworms and when I can get them Silkworms. Rarely I feed them Waxworms and Butterworms.
I tried feeding them the ispods I raise, but none of my leos will eat them. My mourning geckos love isopods
I've fed and still feed an assortment....
just like my meals get a little thought.
IMO it is most important to know what
the prey food is eating.
I've done many food tests...to keep nourishment high.
I feel meal worms, wax worms, crickets, etc.
can all play a vital part of good gecko health,
when prey has been on a good diet.
In the wild gecko sense their needs.
In confinement.....they depend on their buddies.
Take care. HJ
Ok so I got my geckos today and bought some crickets and mealworms. The crickets are a pain to catch with tongs!!!!! And i dont want to open the lid of their bin too far so they can jump out. I'm considering putitng the whole bin in the fridge to have them slow down. Poor youngster geckos if they have to hunt them throughout their huge tank (they're #5 size crickets)
The mealies are easy, they love their carrot and oats!