NEW COLOR MORPH! Cremesicle...



can you find me a pic? I'd like to see that haven't heard of that yet.

Gregg M

Registered Member
The Rotten Apple NYC
Hey!!! I made mine first damn it!!! I should have been able to name that morph... Mine is way better though...

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Bells Rule!
Yeah, I don't really agree with the whole "new color morph", but I think it's a good way to finally set SH Macks apart from regular ones as far as price. I think this came at a great time considering Macks have taken a drastic drop in price. This is a perfect example of how selective breeding is the next step for Macks!


Bells Rule!
Brian O said:
What traits would you try to improve on with this?

I don't quite understand what you're asking...

If you mean the morph itself, it could definitely get better. Add in Baldy and maybe even Carrot Tail , more uniform body color... The CT would most likely brown out, but would look really cool if it spread through most of the tail and the body and head were spotless.

As far as adding to other morphs: Mack Snow Albinos and Mack Snow Enigmas would definitely be sweet with these traits.

"For the Gecko Eccentric"
Yea real new. Mine hatched two years ago. lol

Super Hypo Macks change a whole lot too. I will say that each of my Hypo Macks were affected differently from the hypo gene, but they ALL changed, then changed, then changed again.
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New Member
Seminole, Fl
They look like super hypo macks that Kelli and everyone else has, maybe with a tad less spotting.

Why the "creamsicle" name, and not just super hypo mack?(I know marketing)

What's to tell the difference/rather what generation do you start calling it that? What if your first gen shmack looks like that? I do agree that they should be recognized as different-I've always been wowed by the super hypo macks I've seen, but I also think it's up to the breeders to distinct them (though not by some new fad name) by setting a price on them and being able to answer ?'s from people if they ask about it.
I think you all should send jmg your pics because yours are just as nice or better than that. How can they take credit for something that's already here?

Sorry if I'm all wrong on this, I just woke up and that made me a little mad, especially after seeing all you guys with the same looking gecko.

Gregg M

Registered Member
The Rotten Apple NYC
boutiquegecko said:
They look like super hypo macks that Kelli and everyone else has, maybe with a tad less spotting.

Why the "creamsicle" name, and not just super hypo mack?(I know marketing)

What's to tell the difference/rather what generation do you start calling it that? What if your first gen shmack looks like that?

Well in all fairness to JMG, they do not really look like all the other SH Macks out there... In my opinion, they are a bit unique from the rest I have seen...

Why the creamsicle name??? Why not??? If you are producing something that is quite different and it is proven for 3 or more generations, you should be able to name your own line...

And if your first generation SH Macks look like that, then you are that many steps ahead and you do not have to pay $450 for one if thats the look you are going for...

JMG produces some outstanding animals and they are top quality... The male that produced the leo I posted in this thread was a real nice hypo Mack from JMG...

Personally, I feel the price is justified for now and they are awesome looking leos that can only get nicer from here...:main_thumbsup: said:
Yea real new. Mine hatched two years ago. lol

Super Hypo Macks change a whole lot too. I will say that each of my Hypo Macks were affected differently from the hypo gene, but they ALL changed, then changed, then changed again.

Dan, this is what you have seen... My little guy is now 8 weeks old or so and I have NOT seen the drastic changes you have seen at all... The colors are only getting brighter and the spots are fading out on the head and are just about gone on the body...

Although the one you produced is AWESOME, it is in my opinion not even close to what JMG has in his ad...

Brian O said:
What traits would you try to improve on with this?

Brian, that is a great question...
Personally I would clear the head spotting, bring a bit of carrottail into it and get the oranges and yellows a bit brighter... Thats what I am shooting for for next season...

The thing that makes these a bit different is that in regular SHs they are either orange or yellow, with this mix, it seems they are orange and yellow and may stay like that...
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Gregg M

Registered Member
The Rotten Apple NYC
KelliH said:
I don't get it. They look like nice Super Hypo Macks aka Ghost Macks.

Kell, I think it might be the "brighter than usual" coloration they display... And the one that JMG is selling seems to be a very clean SH... Those damn head spot though...:main_angry:
I wonder why they are so hard to get off the Macks...


New Member
It nice but i don't think it earns the right to get a differant morph name (UK hypo X snow = ghost) (USA hypo x snow = hypo snow) that to me by the look and the genetics is a mack super ghost.To biggist half of USA a mack hypo snow ?? Alex Hue quite a few dom hypo X mack snow = mack ghost to be honist there brighter than that look how dull the adult it has more of a faded ghost look than a cremesicle.

"For the Gecko Eccentric"
My little guy is now 8 weeks old or so and I have NOT seen the drastic changes you have seen at all... The colors are only getting brighter and the spots are fading out on the head and are just about gone on the body...
Gregg, it is the exact same thing, the SH Macks did look exactly like those in the first generation. Exactly like yours and mine. Each gecko is different, what can I say.

Didnt say it was drastic, and each one is different as should be expected. No more drastic, than your Mack turning yellow/orange over the bands. They change until they are several months old, so you have a long while to go. My point was, that gecko is NOT going to look like that in a few months, so what is the difference between a "cremesicle" as an adult, and every other SUPER HYPO Mack Snow.

It is not really something new man, you (JMG included) have not shown me anything I have not allready seen on the geckos I hatched two years ago, so yea, it is two years later, they have a little more yellow/orange. Why is this a big deal? Thats how the normal/Tang genes have affected them.

The ONLY difference I saw is yours has a tiny bit more orange. The animal I posted is like theirs, a yellow/orange color, and white. It actually looked orange in person, but it is not, it is yellow over lavender
Although the one you produced is AWESOME, it is in my opinion not even close to what JMG has in his ad...

:main_huh: The one you produced is the same too, the only difference is the shade of color. Each generation is getting more yellow/orange, but we knew this was going to happen from looking at the first generation.

Ghetto Gecko

thats just what I was thinking

Golden Gate Geckos said:
Hmmm... that male looks a lot like an Enigma.
why couldnt an enigma be just that? Can anyone say for sure?

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