Our pickups from Garrick's open house

Designer Geckos

Boulder, CO
Here are the two leos we just got at Garrick's open house last week.

Further info on these are in my post in the "General" section....

Thanks to Garrick for providing these two awesome animals. Please excuse my exhuberance but I'm still a little freaked out! The snow diablo is a bit out of focus but I didn't want to put her through a lot of pictures. The lav stripe snow eclipse is a natural and would have posed all night long! We have a lot of plans for her.....currently searching for the right male. Ideas welcome. Enjoy.....and thanks to Garrick and his great staff for the opp to own these fine leos!

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New Member
Fort Worth, TX
Those are so nice Ray! Good luck on your search for a male for that Eclipse, he have to be very nice to be paired with the likes of her. Stunning!


60 miles south of Chicago

That eclipse is GORGEOUS!!!

I love just about any striped leo.

Be careful picking a male for her because you'll have to find one that matches her beauty and will compliment her.
And she's about as pretty as they come, so that'll be an interesting hunt for you!

Good luck!:D

Designer Geckos

Boulder, CO
Hi all and thanks for your comments about these two girls. The snow diablo blanco is incredible, and we may get a male to breed her to if the right one comes along.
As for the lav stripe snow eclipse, we agree she is a one of a kind and feel an obligation to her as well as the leo community to find just the right male for her and produce some really outstanding babies. I am in touch with many breeders about this and we are all putting our heads together now to determine what we need to breed her to to get the best possible results.
Some think a lav enigma would be best, others think a snow eclipse or lav stripe.
We would be interested in setting up some sort of partnership with her if someone has just the right male we'd want to use. Then it would just be working out the logistics on how to go about that.
With horses you can send the semen on ice and inseminate the mares from across the world....not so with geckos...at least not yet!

Please PM me if you have any ideas or have a gorgeous male that would be a good match for Starlight and we'll see what we can work out. The search continues.....

Designer Geckos

Boulder, CO
As we try to find the right boy for the lav snow eclipse, Albey and Paul Allen pointed out that we cannot breed her to another Mack Snow background animal or we would get super snows and her traits could/would be wiped out, not good! So we need to find a Gem Snow reverse stripe male, or something else.
Thanks to others who have sent their input. It may take a while to find the right male, but we will be patient......

So, a Lavender Reverse Stripe Gem Snow Eclipse male is maybe what we ultimately want. Is that asking too much??? Oh, and he has to have a pure lav stripe with perfect markings, great conformation, awesome disposition, and cost $100. :D

Designer Geckos

Boulder, CO
$50 finder's fee for the right male.

Thanks all. We have had a tough tiime so far finding the right male for the lav RS snow eclipse girl but we'll be patient. There are a few possible males out there so we are narrowing it down. We'd also like to find a really nice male reverse stripe eclipse to compare.

We are requesting the help of the board for this project. If anyone on the board finds us the male we decide to go with for her, we will pay you a $50 finder's fee if we end up getting that one you find....plus maybe we'll name the first-born after you!

PM me if you have any ideal males in mind. Thanks!

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