

New Member
Miami, FL
I came up with this really long answer/response, but I decided to go the "Cliffs Notes" version, a.) because i'm tired and b.) because I really don't want any warnings or infractions.

What's this about a speeding ticket and your next check from Mickey D's and you don't have money until then?

And then, in the previous sentence, you're actually talking about BREEDING your geckos?

PLEASE do us all a favor...DON'T do that.


New Member
St. Augustine, FL
A week is not quarantine. No less than 60 days to observe behavior and monitor health. So now your other has been exposed to an unknown issue.

Looking into my crystal ball... this thread is not going to go well.


New Member
Central Texas
Hmmm. You got a speeding ticket? Aren't you 15? And you work at mcDonalds? Isn't that like a child labor law to higher someone under 16? You smell like a..... Like a......



Ghoulish Geckos
I was going to ask the same thing about the ticket at 15. If you got a speeding ticket, I'm guessing there is more since you don't have a drivers license.

Everything you posted so far leads to lack of responsibility. You should not own the pet if you can't pay to take care of it. Just because you usually have money does not matter. Emergencies come up and you need to be prepared. Quarantine needs to be a lot longer. I keep mine separate for a couple months unless it's a breeder that I buy from somewhat regularly. Please do not even think about breeding right now. Give it a few years and see if it will be right for you then. In the meantime, do a lot of research. And buy your possible breeding pairs from good breeders and not pet stores. Not only are they usually unhealthy, but you don't know the genetics that you'll be passing on. Cheaper isn't better.


Shillelagh Law
Driving and some labor law specifics* are often a matter of state legislation rather than federal in the United States. Both can be done in some places (usually with some restrictions) under the age of sixteen. This guy may or may not be lying, but it's not impossible for a fifteen year old to have a job and a driver's license (or a multi-stage permit) in some areas. If he's outside of the states, then it can be really variable.

*there are federal laws and guidelines, but many states go with more restrictive models. Work at 14 (restricted hours and industries), work at 16 (restricted hours), work at 18 (open ended). Permits or licenses at different ages and with different restrictions as well. States heavily dependent on agriculture tend to have lower age requirements or make some exceptions, for example.
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Ghoulish Geckos
Driving and some labor law specifics* are often a matter of state legislation rather than federal in the United States. Both can be done in some places (usually with some restrictions) under the age of sixteen. This guy may or may not be lying, but it's not impossible for a fifteen year old to have a job and a driver's license (or a multi-stage permit) in some areas. If he's outside of the states, then it can be really variable.

*there are federal laws and guidelines, but many states go with more restrictive models. Work at 14 (restricted hours and industries), work at 16 (restricted hours), work at 18 (open ended). Permits or licenses at different ages and with different restrictions as well. States heavily dependent on agriculture tend to have lower age requirements or make some exceptions, for example.

I knew you could have a permit at 15, but I didn't know there were any states that you could have a license at that age. In IL, it's permit at 15, restricted license at 16, then full license at 18. It was full at 16 for me, but the law changed not too long after that.


New Member
Alright obviously you guys are not well educated. I have done research, i know everything about leo's other than the medicine/illnesses. Thats why i came here and all ive gotten are a bunch of stuck up know it alls. I can work at mcdonalds at age 15. Its called a work permit, get it signed by the school, and you work any hours that you arent in school and cant be before 5 and after 7. Till summer that is, then hours are more open. As for the ticket, im on my school permit and got caught going 10 over. I got a ticket and our dot has to decide what they are going to do. I have to go meet with a dot officer and he may or may not take my permit away or he may restrict it for 30 days. Which i have to restart my 6 months all over again. You guys really are not very smart on things like this. Your to quick to criticize, and you make yourselfs look like a bunch of snobs. I will not be back here. Im very tired of this. Seriously, you tell me im irrisponsible, i can call a breeder and he can help me, like i did. He gave me some tips told me to keep going and it helped. So this community needs to rly get its crap together
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New Member
North Carolina
Alright obviously you guys are not well educated. I have done research, i know everything about leo's other than the medicine/illnesses. Thats why i came here and all ive gotten are a bunch of stuck up know it alls. I can work at mcdonalds at age 15. Its called a work permit, get it signed by the school, and you work any hours that you arent in school and cant be before 5 and after 7. Till summer that is, then hours are more open. As for the ticket, im on my school permit and got caught going 10 over. I got a ticket and our dot has to decide what they are going to do. I have to go meet with a dot officer and he may or may not take my permit away or he may restrict it for 30 days. Which i have to restart my 6 months all over again. You guys really are not very smart on things like this. Your to quick to criticize, and you make yourselfs look like a bunch of snobs. I will not be back here. Im very tired of this. Seriously, you tell me im irrisponsible, i can call a breeder and he can help me, like i did. He gave me some tips told me to keep going and it helped. So this community needs to rly get its crap together
Insulting the people on this forum by stating that they are not well educated is not going to get your sick gecko any help at all. There are, in fact, MANY highly educated and knowledgeable people here who have years of experience with geckos (including 'medicine/illness'). You may not like the way they have phrased things, or perhaps the way they have questioned your readiness for breeding, but that does not mean the things they say do not have merit. If you do intend to breed you may have more than just 1 sick gecko, and as you previously stated they are NOT just a cracked video game, they are YOUR responsibility. By breeding, you may be faced with an astronomically large vet bill; if you cannot afford the care of 1 leo, how can you possibly undertake the care of several? Don't think for a second that the money you make from selling your leos will even begin to cover the cost of your sick leos. People here are simply trying to warn you.


Northern California
I hope your gecko gets better and everything works out with your breeding project. This forum is just the tip of the iceberg. The world is cruel and will criticize everything you do. All you can do is hold your ground and learn more. If medical background is the last thing you need to learn then you are on your way to becoming a great breeder. I recommend going to the library and checking out a medical textbook on reptile veterinary studies. Good luck.


Shillelagh Law
Alright obviously you guys are not well educated.

The best times in life are those when I can legitimately add a "BWA" to my "HAHAHA!"

i know everything about leo's other than the medicine/illnesses.

Is it wrong that my immediate response to a statement like that is to ask questions I don't think he can answer?

I didn't even participate in the thread except to make a quick statement about how state laws for minors working and driving can be different, but when faced with something like that... I want to test it until it breaks. Knowing everything would be so much more impressive if it were proven.


New Member
Alright obviously you guys are not well educated. I have done research, i know everything about leo's other than the medicine/illnesses.

If this is the case , why did you buy from petco other then a breeder?
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New Member
Central Texas
I can tell he is 15..... I would've gotten my butt whooped if I was as rude as this kid is at 15.

Maturity...... You need to learn to act like a big boy!? Lol
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New Member
... and no i will not go get a refund. Were talking about an animal here... not some video game that came cracked. If I bought the animal im responsible for its well being whether its my fault or not. I just would like to know what im supposed to do/ if theres like a cheaper way. Like you know when your a kid and your mom says oh you just got a cough take some cough syrup. Well... is there a "cough syrup" for leos?

I agree with others that Stimpy might not have put this in the most delicate prose, but I don't think that the "is there a cheaper way?" question is ridiculous.

I think that it is fine to look for/try home remedies first provided that (a) the remedy is safe, (b) you are prepared to go to a vet immediately (whether you have the money on hand on not) if things get worse. I often look for home remedies for both my pets *and myself* before I go to the doctor.

If you do not have the money, you can always try explaining the situation to the vet. They *may* give you a discount (although it's unlikely--they cannot do so for everyone, after all). However, vets sometimes offer payment plans (so you can buy your animal's care on credit). Other options include putting the bill on a credit card (I don't know if you can have a credit card at 15 nowadays) or asking a relative for a loan (even if your mom won't pay for the care herself, she might be willing to loan you the money). Of course, if you buy anything on any kind of credit, please make sure that you are responsible and pay it back as soon as you can. I know plenty of adults with well-paying jobs that are mired in credit card debt. :(

That said, I would strongly advise you against breeding at this point. Others are right when they say that you should wait until you have more money and experience. Why not just have fun with your geckos for a few years without taking on all the stress of breeding? (I don't breed, and I have no intention of doing so.) I think its unfortunate that more people cannot enjoy the gecko hobby without becoming breeders themselves.

PS--I would suggest starting a "roast" thread, where we compile the best putdowns and insults from other threads. I think it could be very cathartic. Nevertheless, I fear that such a thing would only cause more trouble than its worth. :D


New Member
Stop trolling this forum with your "I am an expert and you guys don't know anything."
1) You bought a sick gecko(or caused it to be sick), its probably going to die unless you get it treatment,
2) no one on this forum is going to lend you money because they feel sorry for you since your only 15. If money is such an issue how do you plan on feeding it?
3) Post a picture of the stools, his cage, the temperature of the floor, etc.
4) Stop whining about how old you are and how pathetic your life is because you have no money, if you want help you should treat the members giving you advice with respect.
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New Member
I got very lucky, I got Toon from Petco and she's been thriving! I know it doesn't always happen that way.

And it would behoove you to take the advice of these people. The reason that they seem snobby is because most of them ARE experts (which I do not consider myself to be, btw) and they have a passion for their geckos, just like I'm sure you do. That and most of us are adults who get frustrated with kids sometimes ;) You can't help being a kid. We were all kids once.

I'd be taking my leo to the vet STAT! But I'm also a grown woman with a decent-paying job. There would be no price that I wouldn't pay for my precious geckos. Even if I had to use plastic. Times are tough, especially for a kid. You have limitted means. I could sit here and say, "Don't get pets" if you don't have the money for emergencies. It's probably a good rule to live by but there's nothing that can be done about it now other than to try very hard to find the means to get the proper care for your gecko.
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Shillelagh Law
I'd be taking my leo to the vet STAT! But I'm also a grown woman with a decent-paying job and good credit. There would be no price that I wouldn't pay for my precious geckos. Even if I had to use plastic.

As a society, we have this mutual understanding that it's impolite to discuss finances with other people. It's a throwback to a time when class distinctions meant everything, perpetuated by the completely inaccurate concept that money is somehow synonymous with value as a human being. There are some other factors in play as well... the revelation of salary discrepancies between co-workers can lead to conflict, we're constantly blasted by the idea that debt is something to be ashamed of, to be kept private and other, minor reasons. Most of which are only applicable because we continue to maintain the facade that they're relevant. Finances these days can be so complex and detailed that net income is only circumstantially related to personal accomplishment or a sense of self worth. Still, we do not discuss money among our peers. It's private.

Unfortunately, available money has a great deal to do with the practical aspects of keeping pets. Animals cost money. The animal itself costs money, enclosures and hardware costs money, food and supplements cost money, routine veterinary care costs money, emergency veterinary care is unpredictable and costs even more. It is a very real factor in determining how ready we each are to own and care for an animal in a responsible manner. It's right there next to space, time, knowledge and legality.

Everyone would agree that trying to keep a pet horse in a studio apartment is a bad idea; there isn't enough space for it.

Everyone would agree that trying to keep an intelligent, social animal like a parrot is a bad idea if the owner works eighty hours per week; there isn't enough time for it.

Everyone would agree that trying to keep an animal the owner knows nothing about it a bad idea; there isn't enough knowledge for it.*

Everyone would agree that trying to keep an animal in an area where it is illegal to own that animal is a bad idea; it risks the animal's future, it makes other, responsible, owners look like criminals.

So why don't more people recognize that money enforces similar limits? That each of us, as an individual, has a certain amount of discretionary money and no more than that? We have personal necessities that we need to spend our cash on first; food and housing, our own health care, our families... we make decisions with what's left over, if anything.** How much we have direct affects our ability to responsibly own pets, it's a budget... no different than budgeting for anything else, with a finite limit. Very few people can afford vast collections containing thousands of animals. Some people make decisions about their spending that lets them have more than others, some people have less leeway and can only keep a couple... or one... or none, in some cases.

There are some corner cutting, cost saving steps that can be taken... rack systems save on housing costs, buying insects or rodents in bulk saves on feeding, but there is, at some point, a kind of minimum. An absolute definite minimum amount of money that is required to keep an animal alive and healthy in a responsible manner. It's not cheap, either; it's significant enough so that most prospective owners will have to think about it, to plan their budget with the animal costs in mind.

To hell with being polite (a shocking statement coming from me, I know) by not discussing money. It is something people should be encouraged to think about, ideally before they buy a new pet. It is something they should feel comfortable discussing the budgeting options for, in talking to others about ways to save (hardware stores often have some enclosure fixtures at a greatly reduced price relative to pet stores) and costs which should not be skimped on (find a good vet, discuss pricing with that vet, set aside money for routine and emergency care before even buying the animal). We should be comfortable asking and answering these kinds of questions, having this kind of discussion... no matter how crass and vulgar it may have been for the upper class Victorians to discuss money.

*I was in a LFS shortly after the release of Finding Nemo and witnessed a customer returning a dead false percula clownfish. The following words happened, "Oh, so they're a salt water fish?"

**there isn't always anything left over. The economy is crap, the job market is a mess, the U.S. dollar is plummeting in value, cost of living is increasing more rapidly than salary averages and everyone has different things they need to spend money on. Lots and lots of people haven't got "extra income."


New Member
Ugh Surinamensis, I read the first paragraph and couldn't go on. Your advice is always very interesting, passionate, and eye-opening, though often over the top and even inappropriate at times. Isn't that hypocritical of you? People will quit putting up posts for fear of your attempts to bring hardcore enlightenment to everything they say. What is it about you that makes you feel like you need to go to such lengths to do this? And on a gecko forum nonetheless?

Well yes I admit it probably is rude to mention finances. I honestly did not think of how that statement would look, I apologize to anyone who felt offended by it. But some people talk freely about being broke on here, so why can't I mention that I have a little money? I'm by no mean rich (especially with the gass prices now!). I was simply trying to tell this kid that I understand that he has limitted means right now is all, though I probably didn't come across the way I wanted to. Yes, ideally, people should have money "set aside" to care for pets, even kids should, but it just doesn't always happen that way.

So isn't it equally as rude to go on a big psychobabbling tirade on here to show off your superb intelligence and knowledge? About things that turn out to have little to do with the subject at hand? I'm sure you'll probably give me some reason why it's not rude and go off on another tangent.

Anyways, Stimpy: I went back and read some more of your posts. I want to back up what a lot of the people told you: You should wait to breed geckos until you're a little older. I'm sure you'll be a great leopard gecko breeder someday! Just don't do it right now, it'd be very irrensponsible! That's all. Good luck with your gecko, I hope you can get him to the vet soon.
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