Whoa look like people are getting bitten again. xD
I havent never been bitten by my little jackie. Apparently she almost did when i got her as baby. D; because she was nervous at first when i tried to handle her. ah. hee.
You tell me :]
i have been bite over 5 times... most by the same gecko... lol, he is tamer now... (i hated cleaning his cage because he would bite me if i was near him...)
2 times so far. I have kept leos for 8 years, had my first bite last year by a new comer (ok, maybe not so new, but he is the youngest amongst my other geckos); then last night was my 2nd bite (from my first gecko!).
What do you call a bite? I've been nibbled numerous times by my male who I hand-feed because of his poor eyesight. Half the time, he misses his cricket and gently grabs my finger instead.
Actual real hard break-the-skin bite - 2 times. Once shortly after I got my first gecko and she wouldn't eat, so I tried to shove a worm into her mouth; and once by my male when I took him outdoors into the sunshine. He was blinded and scared and trying to run; I held onto him, he felt attacked, and defended himself. Bothe these geckos are generally calm and tame, and I totally deserved what I got from them!
Wow got me all nervous now. Haven't been chomped yet (knock on wood). Have gotten just a few teeth on tip of finger when I was hand feeding. Didn't break skin.
Once by a corn snake I had been caring for, I woke it while it was at rest. Second and third time both by Khalil, both times because my hand behaved like food.
I've been bitten a bunch from my enigmas when I hand feed them... poor technique it seems! But besides that, only once from a feisty hatchling (didn't hurt) and once breaking up a male/male fight (broke the skin).
By a leopard gecko? I dunno, I lost count after 50
By other species, many times as well. There are a few memorable ones though. I remember all my tokay bites, 12 times so far. Some of the worse ones were a tag by a 14foot retic, that sucked, 5 stitches. Another was a 5 foot iguana who grabbed my thumb, 3 stitches. And all time worst bite: 4 foot nile monitor, 14 stitches and a real bad infection plus countless long bloody scratches where he tried to eviscerate my arm. Kids, don't get a nile monitor, they love to fall asleep to the sound of screaming.