Polling the audience here...post comments please!!


Luxurious Leopards
Ok so this may be a rant, but figured it would get more replies here...lol

What do you do in the event that a customer places a deposit and then you sit on the order for weeks and weeks, then they back out?? To be fair i give them credit, instead of them loosing their money, but some people do not find that to be sufficent. We all have terms for a reason, why dont people read them??? And what do you do if the terms are broken? Do you stand by your terms or not?

Let me know what you guys think.


New Member
depends, but in all honesty i say stand by your terms. so if you say 25% down non refundable if not paid within the select number of time then when they do not pay, stay by your tos. especially if they just put a deposit down and did not even contact you and try to work something out with you.


Luxurious Leopards
Thats what I do for the most part, and as we know every transaction is different. Really depends how the customer is, if they are easy to work with it is 100% of the time easily worked out. But if not then the terms are there for a reason. I have come across few hard to deal with customers in 11 years, and pretty much have worked everythign out. Just was curious how everyone takes this topic.


New Member
Leland, NC
I completely agree. 25% down and a select number of days to pay the remainder. If they dont pay, then they forfeit their deposit. Certian circumstances my arise where a customer may not be able to pay in the given time. If they get in contact with you before then and stay in contact with "updates" then those are the ones that I would allow more time to pay. Dont let your kindness be taken advantage of..


Mod Squad Member
Pasadena, TX
I try to work with people who ask for reasonable extensions or splitting a payment or something but sometimes people are not reasonable. Sometimes it's best to stick to your terms. Generally, when people are extra difficult or disagreeable you're not going to make them happy even when you bend over backwards.


New Member
Houston, TX
Just as a precursor to my opinion, I don't have a website selling anything, be it Leo's or otherwise, but I did work as an engagement ring salesman for 5 years.

When anyone would put a ring on hold, I would explain to them that the hold was only there for so long. You do that in your TOS, so they have fair warning as to what they could lose if they violate them.

Obviously it's a bit more of an issue with live animals, just because you have to pay for the upkeep, as well as the fact that you aren't making any money while a Leo sits on hold.

You just have to keep in mind that it IS a business that you're running and while accommodations can be made, if the buyer makes no effort to keep you updated, you need to do what's best for you.

Also, if the person isn't responsible enough to take care of something as basic as paying a bill, how do you think they would manage taking care of a live, slightly labor intensive animal?

You and the gecko are both better off with you confiscating the deposit and finding a new buyer.

P.S. Pics of the animal in question? I mean, as long as it's available now, might as well give us a look. Go ahead and consider this an invitation to throw in some shameless self-promotion.


Tony C

Wayward Frogger
Columbia, SC
Is this the sale you were posting about on facebook? I have to go with the majority opinion here, your TOS is there for a reason. I'm all for working with people but there are limits.


Staff member
Somerville, MA
I agree with everything posted so far. The only thing I can add, and this is optional, is that if someone is putting down a deposit, it doesn't hurt to remind them at that time of the TOS regarding deposits. I agree that everyone should be responsible about reading TOS, but sometimes if there are lots of items in the TOS a person can lose sight of specific info.


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