Premi-baby! Hatched to early!?!


New Member
I dunno where to begin with this baby. She started hatched wrong(from the bottom instead of the sides), she's small, and shes thin. She is however very lively and i imagine is pretty strong. I thought for sure she had drown but she has made it threw the night and still fiesty. I dunno what to do to help her out other then keep her moist and warm. She did aborb some of her sack but not alot. It was hugeeee! but it did go down noticably...Could she be a dwarf? she was in the incubator for nov. 12th so she's not necessarily a early hatch but she is a engima and id didnt plan for her to hatch for a bit longer(tycnically didnt plan at all this was the females first clutch and both are still good!?) Do you as a experinced breeder think she'll make it? chances? I really want her to make it>.< Also morph? Im thinking shes a mack snow tremper albino engima but shes kinda dark. I know shes a enigma as she shows signs. Her mother is a tremper engima fathers a mack snow tremper albino.





New Member
Miami, FL
Definately mack snow, i'm not sure i'm seeing enigma's still pretty early...I would wait and see if this little one even makes it before trying to identify it...if it's made it this far, it probably has a good chance at survival. I hatched one early this year with a huge yolk sac just like yours and it didn't make it overnite. Good luck! I'd say the odds are about 50/50.


New Member
Definately mack snow, i'm not sure i'm seeing enigma's still pretty early...I would wait and see if this little one even makes it before trying to identify it...if it's made it this far, it probably has a good chance at survival. I hatched one early this year with a huge yolk sac just like yours and it didn't make it overnite. Good luck! I'd say the odds are about 50/50.

I thought mack snow too but both parents are tremper albinos not hets or anything. So is it even possible to be a mack snow? Im saying engima because she does circle and she does have random spatic moments(jolts) not like a normal baby. But like you i thought mack snow too till she started doing that and i used the morph calculator:p to see if it was possible but it doesnt say it is@.@ Thanks! i hope she makes it! I have a friend who named her from the day she was laid and has been eagirly waiting the news but i dont wanna tell her that her baby died>.<


New Member
no shes still alive and kicking. Tho i dunno if she'll make it hence the question. With her sack so big and coming out early im wondering what the odds are she's gonna make it threw the first few days, shed, then eat!


New Member
Took a few real fast. Still bright and alert. The rest of her sack fell off. Still thin. She's enjoying the heat and the hide;D




New Member
Miami, FL
She looks like she's gonna make it! :)

Mack Snow is a Co-Dominant trait, so if one parent is Mack, then the babies have a 50% chance of being Mack, from my understanding...


New Member
She looks like she's gonna make it! :)

Mack Snow is a Co-Dominant trait, so if one parent is Mack, then the babies have a 50% chance of being Mack, from my understanding...

Yes but if both parents are the same(albino in this case) then the off spring wouldnt be normal in any way they'd be a plan tremper albino. So since mack snow a co-dom and they have to come out a tremper @.@ genetics! lol funny. I can say that Little miss kagura tweekers isnt a mack snow tremper. She looks nothing like her daddy when i got him. He was pink and whiteXD But like you said previously wont know till shes a bit older(heres hoping!) With this much of a headache she's not gonna be sold! Lol im to attached already and its only been 24 hours!(ish) hopefully her clutchmate hatchs out healthy.


Staff member
Somerville, MA
It could go either way. Every day that she's doing well makes it more hopeful. Here are some "case studies" about how it can turn out:
--I hatched a Mack snow a few years ago that was only 2 grams when it was born. Today it's one of my breeders and weighs over 90 grams
--I hatched a baby a few years ago with a huge yolk sac that was 1 gram or less after incubating for 7 weeks (I incubate low; most babies take 8 weeks, but 7 weeks isn't unheard of). It looked lively but was very tiny. I really thought it was going to make it, but it died after 3 days. Sometimes they look lively even though they're going downhill, until they're really sick
--I hatched a Mack snow this past August with a large yolk sac. It has grown very slowly. It's currently 4 months old and only 10 grams, however it does continue to gain and to poop. I have had some Mack snows that grow very slowly and never get really big. She is healthy and not a dwarf.

I hope that helps somewhat.



New Member
It could go either way. Every day that she's doing well makes it more hopeful. Here are some "case studies" about how it can turn out:
--I hatched a Mack snow a few years ago that was only 2 grams when it was born. Today it's one of my breeders and weighs over 90 grams
--I hatched a baby a few years ago with a huge yolk sac that was 1 gram or less after incubating for 7 weeks (I incubate low; most babies take 8 weeks, but 7 weeks isn't unheard of). It looked lively but was very tiny. I really thought it was going to make it, but it died after 3 days. Sometimes they look lively even though they're going downhill, until they're really sick
--I hatched a Mack snow this past August with a large yolk sac. It has grown very slowly. It's currently 4 months old and only 10 grams, however it does continue to gain and to poop. I have had some Mack snows that grow very slowly and never get really big. She is healthy and not a dwarf.

I hope that helps somewhat.


Definatly more hopeful and if she passes the more painful. That was very helpful thank you. Im trying to stay optimistic but i dont wanna be "oh yeah she'll make it" then wake up and she died... She is small and she is lively and hearing that yours hatched similar to her im not so hopeful hearing that>.< I didnt weigh her but if i had to guess I'd say shes 2 grams. I dont care if she grows slowly i just want her to live, i know selfish but she's from one of my favorite girls who was only gonna be bred for that one time. Fingers are crossed she'll make it the first 3 or so days till she sheds then hopefully she eats.


Happy Gecko Family
I hope your girl will make it, she looks really bright and alert in the pics. Good luck with her!


New Member
I hope your girl will make it, she looks really bright and alert in the pics. Good luck with her!

thanks, wish she would have came out as chunky as your little mojo! She is still very bright and alert. I cant open her tub up without her peeking up. She's been walked around well, laying on the heat just like a good baby and she seems good but who knows... We gotta see if she'll shed and eat>><


New Member
Thanks! and i will. We'll know if she'll make it or not in the next few days! Heres hoping! Good news is her clutchmate seems good still and the moms gonna lay again<3


New Member
Seems good by she hasnt hatched/healthy egg.sorry wasnt clear on that>.< Im expecting her around the 7th. Dunno why Little Kagura wanted to hatch early but her clutchmate Miss Kaoru(LOL named them already!) is still growing in her egg. Ahh jeez! if both hatched early i think id be off to the nutt ward! XD i keep checking Kagura every half hour expecting each time she would be dead but shes still good. I gotta let the family know that wanted her(as a egg) that i have no plans to sell her now>.< I cant possibly sell her now, not after all the stress/worry shes causing me!XD Please make it! But i will most definatly take pics! I like snows too! <3


New Member
Oh sorry I read that wrong.

Wait did I read this wrong again, so you already have a buyer for your eggs that haven't even hatched!?

Mhm you read right=w= I have my 8 babies sold already(well by mouth no money yet; i wouldnt make them pay for a baby that may not make it). I have a few more waiting on eggs but they'd need to be shipped. Local buyers. There arent any breeders this far north;D


Mod Squad Member
Pasadena, TX
What temperature was she incubated at? If both parents are Trempers then she must me too. Pigment develops pretty late in incubation so it's very common for preemies to hatch looking black and white regardless of the morph. She is very white though so I would bet that she's a Mack Snow (dark) Tremper. Good luck, I hope she makes it!


New Member
What temperature was she incubated at? If both parents are Trempers then she must me too. Pigment develops pretty late in incubation so it's very common for preemies to hatch looking black and white regardless of the morph. She is very white though so I would bet that she's a Mack Snow (dark) Tremper. Good luck, I hope she makes it!

Thank you she was incubated at 82F. That would explain why she's so dark for a tremper. I didnt think she could just be a mack snow=w= Regardless of her morph, she is still alive and kicking! If only she would have waited 1 more week! she'd have been healthy...Heres another pic taken when i peeked in on her.


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