I dunno where to begin with this baby. She started hatched wrong(from the bottom instead of the sides), she's small, and shes thin. She is however very lively and i imagine is pretty strong. I thought for sure she had drown but she has made it threw the night and still fiesty. I dunno what to do to help her out other then keep her moist and warm. She did aborb some of her sack but not alot. It was hugeeee! but it did go down noticably...Could she be a dwarf? she was in the incubator for nov. 12th so she's not necessarily a early hatch but she is a engima and id didnt plan for her to hatch for a bit longer(tycnically didnt plan at all this was the females first clutch and both are still good!?) Do you as a experinced breeder think she'll make it? chances? I really want her to make it>.< Also morph? Im thinking shes a mack snow tremper albino engima but shes kinda dark. I know shes a enigma as she shows signs. Her mother is a tremper engima fathers a mack snow tremper albino.