W & Y?


New Member
i just don't see it. they look like hypos. how can you tell? i have seen geckos that looked like W&Y's that were sold for like $15 - $20 bucks. what trait makes them so special. i read somewhere that people thought of these as the enigmas with no neurological effects. i don't see it.

tell me or show me what makes them different.


I would like to know this very same thing. There are some cool looking W&Ys out there but I still don't understand the genetics behind them. Hopefully someone with experience with them will chime in

Retribution Reptiles

Stripe King
NE Ohio
Geeze Robin you need to wait for the good stuff to surface. ;) You know that making awesome stuff that originates from Europe takes a while. Pretty much we have to test breed everything to see what genetics are in it then we have to add it into our projects. That takes a lil bit of time.

But you better bet your sweet arse that everything that's being sold right now is at least 50% poss het Tremper. I don't care who's selling it.


New Member
Geeze Robin you need to wait for the good stuff to surface. ;) You know that making awesome stuff that originates from Europe takes a while. Pretty much we have to test breed everything to see what genetics are in it then we have to add it into our projects. That takes a lil bit of time.

But you better bet your sweet arse that everything that's being sold right now is at least 50% poss het Tremper. I don't care who's selling it.

yeah but people in europe have been working with the w%y and have yet to understand it completely. i would think by now something cool would be out.


New Member
north east ohio
i have a white and yellow sunglow, and it is AMAZING looking for sure. it is a dominant or incomplete dominant trait(not sure which one yet). some also think it has a tendancy to enhance colors and some pattern traits as well. i personally have not gotten eggs from him yet, as i just put him with his first female today(an insane sunglow from the urban gecko)...so i will see in time. i will post my own findings out of these in the future. he is also being bred to another TUG sunglow and a couple APTORS and my bold stripe, plus some other stuff... the white and yellows i have seen in person SMOKE any hypo i have ever seen. they are just simply amazing animals...maybe some people sell hypos as white and yellows, to try to get more money for them, so just be careful who you buy from. go look at JMG and The Urban Gecko and check their w&y stuff out, i think you will see the difference is HUGE with a "real" white and yellow. i know mine is smoking in person. i still want to get some "pure" white and yellows with no hets or visual other morphs in them. they are amazing, and these and the marble eyes are my two main focus points in my breeding projects. time will tell for me, but i can assure you...if you see a REAL white and yellow in person, you will see that there is a night and day difference in the hypo and the white and yellow.


Staff member
Somerville, MA
In spite of the limited response to this question, I'll mention here that Gecko Time would love someone to write an article about the w&y.



New Member
i have a white and yellow sunglow, and it is AMAZING looking for sure. it is a dominant or incomplete dominant trait(not sure which one yet). some also think it has a tendancy to enhance colors and some pattern traits as well. i personally have not gotten eggs from him yet, as i just put him with his first female today(an insane sunglow from the urban gecko)...so i will see in time. i will post my own findings out of these in the future. he is also being bred to another TUG sunglow and a couple APTORS and my bold stripe, plus some other stuff... the white and yellows i have seen in person SMOKE any hypo i have ever seen. they are just simply amazing animals...maybe some people sell hypos as white and yellows, to try to get more money for them, so just be careful who you buy from. go look at JMG and The Urban Gecko and check their w&y stuff out, i think you will see the difference is HUGE with a "real" white and yellow. i know mine is smoking in person. i still want to get some "pure" white and yellows with no hets or visual other morphs in them. they are amazing, and these and the marble eyes are
my two main focus points in my breeding projects. time will tell for me, but i can assure you...if you see a REAL white and yellow in person, you will see
that there is a night and day difference in the hypo and the white and

Where did you get the w&y from?


lillith's leo lovables
Land of the Rain and Trees, WA
I'd rather hear from someone in Europe, they've had them longer.
Not that I don't drool incessantly at the JMG website...

Maybe we could wait for a volunteer...or hope for a collaboration?


Quality is Everything
Corona, CA
I have talked to Jeff about W&Y on a few separate occasions and he seems to like them and thinks they have some potential. I think SOME look really nice but I also have a feeling a LOT of W&Y being sold are not true W&Y and are people looking for a edge in the market. Until we understand the inheritability of a W&Y as a morph...we cant accurately label them as being one or not (unless its coming from 2 W&Y).

Retribution Reptiles

Stripe King
NE Ohio
I don't agree with that. White and Yellows when hatched out are 90% of the time obvious that it's a white and yellow. If they aren't visual right out of the egg by the time they hit 10g you will know if it is or not.

We have had our male since he was about 15g's or so and the vast change he has gone through is quite amazing. I was kinda pissed when we bought him that he was pretty ugly. But about a month or so and a handful of sheds it was crazy the transformation he went through.


New Member
i still don't see it. looks like a hypo to me. i even looked at the jeffs and still do not see it. i looked at pat klines and do not sse it. i foresee people trying to pass of hypo yellows off as W&Y. ryan, many babies might look ugly as babies but once they get about 15-20 gram begin to blossom into a beautiful gecko. not all of them can pop out the egg beautiful


Carpe Diem
Dallas, TX
ryan you seem to be kind of biased on this subject. nobody has really stated what a W&Y is genetically though. I'm inclined to agree with robin on this. you have stated in another post what to look for, but those traits seem to be polygenic. robin's question is simple. what makes a W&Y different from any other hypo or sunglow?

Wild West Reptile

Leopards AFT Ball Pythons
San Jose, CA
i have a white and yellow sunglow, and it is AMAZING looking for sure. the white and yellows i have seen in person SMOKE any hypo i have ever seen. they are just simply amazing animals. if you see a REAL white and yellow in person, you will see that there is a night and day difference in the hypo and the white and yellow.

Could you post a picture or two of yours Rick? Thanks bro!


Carpe Diem
Dallas, TX
i still don't see what's different in those pics from any other hypo or sunglow. dominant polygenic? still looks orange to me. you guys do know that a "high yellow" normal or a "hypo" normal are yellow and black....

Wild West Reptile

Leopards AFT Ball Pythons
San Jose, CA
i still don't see what's different in those pics from any other hypo or sunglow. dominant polygenic? still looks orange to me. you guys do know that a "high yellow" normal or a "hypo" normal are yellow and black....

I'm just posting the link....dont put me into the "you guys" category! LOL! I'm neutral as of 10:42 pm tonight on the whole W & Y morph. Like I said, I am just bored. But those weird paradox ones where kinda strange, no?


New Member
that is the only thing i see is the ones with paradox spots but paradox spots are not a new thing/

ryan i would love to see a photo of yours.

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