Hey everyone,
I’m currently in a very tricky situation.
Last July, I was given a crested gecko. I work at a daycare and my boss asked if we wanted one bc she knew a person who was rehoming their crestie . My co-teacher said yes immediately, without asking me or thinking it through. Of course...
Hi there -- I'm new to this forum so apologies if I'm doing this wrong. My male crestie (approx. 5 years old) has exposed his hemipenes the last two times I've handled him. My first thought was some kind of serious prolapse, but both times he has put them away relatively quickly. Both times were...
The place where I live is at risk of a power outage, and about a foot of snow. I will be out of town for the next few days, and I am wondering if he will be alright and if there is anything I can do for my crested gecko.
So I just got my geckos they are crested geckos two in my terrarium I have powder food and crickets I just dumped about 10 Inside and I left water and powder together mixed not sure if that’s correct I have a (you’ll see in the picture) some sort of vine set up where the two geckos are mounted...
Please help!
I’ve had a gecko for a couple months- I love him but he was sprung on me very quickly with little background knowledge. I’ve done some research and I need to do better. I'm trying to get him a better set up and any advice would be appreciated!
tank size, foliage, etc, anything...
I’m new to the reptile family and got a 4yo crested gecko back in July. I work in a kindergarten afterschool care room and he was given to us for free- we named him Tuffnut. I can’t leave him there over the weekend because I don’t trust anyone to take care of him. Currently I’m using...
I built this enclosure for either a Crested or Gargoyle Gecko that I will be obtaining at an expo soon, is there any glaring issues with it?
The dimensions are 18x18x36
The light is 5uvb.
I put clear plastic panels on the sides to keep humidity in.
Hi! I am new to the reptile world and will soon be introducing a crestie into a bio active setup i will be building myself. Through my research I’ve discovered UVB isn’t necessary for cresties. But I do plan on having plants such as pothos, snake plants, bromeliads & nerve plants in the setup. I...
Hey everyone, I’m new to the forum, just hopping on to ask a question.
I was cleaning my crested gecko’s enclosure today and noticed this abnormality in one of his eyes.
It looks like his pupil has somehow expanded or broken somehow as it is rectangle instead of the regular sharp ovalish shape I...
about 3 months ago my crestie is having this type of wounds I almost have had to remove everything sharp and/or irritable for his skin on the enclosure but he keeps bumping into stuff (I don’t know where), I don’t know how to proceed, I’m thinking of changing him into a tupper to see if is...
Last night, I opened a place on the lid for wires to put a thermometer probe in. I forgot to close it, and he got out sometime last night. I tore my room apart searching for him, and I can still not find him. I also quickly searched the nearby rooms, and put a towel under the door to make sure...
This morning I realized my AC in my apartment was broken. It's over 80 f in here and I don't know how to cool my baby crestie down or what to do. He's about 5-6 months old. Please, I don't want to lose him.
I have a heat lamp on the right side of my 20 gallon tank, and the temp on the left side is 3 degrees above what it should be. Is there anything I could do to lower the temp on the left side without lowering the right temp?
Hi! I'm looking to rehome a few baby and one crestie that's about 3-4 months old. They're from a pair that was sold to me at an expo, very beautiful color and they're all very handleable. I'm located in Northern Illinois!
Ich habe mir vor gestern einen Kronengecko gekauft (auf der Terraristika). Ich habe mich vorher auch gut informiert aber Tagsüber liegt er nur rum, was natürlich nicht verwunderlich ist weil er schläft, aber wenn er aufwacht setzt er sich auf den Boden und starrt die Kork rückwand an. Da ich...
Hello. I have a female crested gecko that I have had since she was about two months old. This year she turned 6. I have noticed for the past 8-10 months she has been laying eggs. This is a new behavior for her. She has never been around males so they are definitely dud eggs. My concern is the...