I was shifting some of the substrate in my Leopard Gecko's bioactive vivarium around and noticed an insect I did not recognize. I Iooked up some common pest insects in bioactive vivariums and didn't find anything resembling what I saw. The only insects I purposefully added are springtails and...
Hi, I’m new to this forum, but I have 4 leopard geckos and one fat tail gecko. I’ve kept geckos for 7 years, but recently my female leo- Aqua. Seems to be impacted? There was no signs of anything 2 days ago but now there’s a very dark spot on her tummy as pictured here. The only other symptom is...
I’m a happy gecko mom of 3 leopard geckos. As a mom, I overanalyze everything (including my geckos poop!)
We received our geckos in September when they were about 4-5 months old. They all act healthy: love to be held every night, shed normally, drink water, and eat regularly.
Hey everyone! Being new to owning a Leopard Gecko, I'm so glad and excited to have found this discussion forum!! My name is Steph and this is my pal Jerry :)
Hey so I recently got a leopard gecko (dec 23, 2020,) from petsmart and I wanted to know how old and what morph he is.
I think he's 1 month but I don't exactly know. I searched up one month old leopard gecko and he looks similar to them. Thanks!
~ PumkitDrawz
Hello! I'm am Pumkit, I run the YouTube channel PumkitDrawz. I love to do arts, music, and various other crafts. I own a cute cat named Barsic and a very smol lizard named Jupiter. I'm always up for a chat or some tips on taming, feeding, and generally taking care of leopard geckos. (I am a new...
I recently bought a leopard gecko from someone is south africa. They called her a female tangerine stripe leopard gecko and me being inexperienced with leopard geckos I believed the guy. But the more I research leopard geckos and aftican fat tailed geckos the more mine seems to be a albino...
Can I have help identifying a few different leopard gecko morphs. I will be posting a few more pictures. Looking to breed them, when they come of age, just confused by what they are ahah!
I have never seen her this way and noticed just today
Hiccup-like/Eyes squinting/Raising head all the way up once in awhile
To give a more descript idea of what her breathing looks like: her sides are not flexing rapidly, the 'hiccuping' is not sudden but more like a pulse every...
I'm cleaning my leopard gecko's enclosure, and I want to know what the best sand substrate to use is. I have blue sand currently in her enclosure (I think it is called vita sand). When she walks around her feet look blue from the sand which I think is funny, but I want to know what sand is...
I feed my Leopard gecko mainly crickets as well as mealworms from time to time. I was wondering if it would be ok to feed her only mealworms for a couple of weeks as opposed to crickets. She loves mealworms and they are very easy to take care of. I know crickets have better nutritional value...
I have a setup with 2 hides, but my leopard gecko only goes in the one away from the under-tank heater. I took the one she never goes under out because crickets constantly hid under it and then died, and I thought it would be a good idea to give her more space (I let crickets stay in her tank...
Hello Everyone,
I am posting today to see if I can get some help/ opinions on if my leopard gecko, Chauncey, is starting to develop MBD. I will attach pictures and videos so you guys can make a decsion. I can't really tell but it kind of looks like his front legs are "bowing" which is typical...
Hi this is my first time posting on here so I hope I don’t mess anything up.
I got a new baby albino leopard gecko around 2 months ago and so far he’s been very healthy and happy. I have a 20 gallon tank set up with a cool hide (80in the day), warm hide (90) and a humid hide with damp spagnum...