20,000 exotic animals seized in Texas raid

Gregg M

Registered Member
The Rotten Apple NYC
I also find the headline to be a bit over dramatic. Also, there is nothing wrong with snakes being in a 72 degree room with heat lights over them. Rats and mice will eat eachother in any situation even if they are kept properly. From the looks of the geckos in the containers, they seem to be in ok condition. From what was said about the place in the article, it does not seem to be any different from any other reptile wholesale warehouse. Thousands of animals in cramped conditions until they are shipped out.

I think it is funny how they neglect to say how many animals were dead.
If you ask me, I think it is more media hype and these crazy animal rights groups that make things look way worse than they really are...


Mod Squad Member
Pasadena, TX
I think this was all about timing. There's no excuse for not taking care of animals one they're in your possession but I've seen how shipments come into this country. Unfortunately, most of these animals probably came from their country of origin in terrible condition and some DOA. I'm a little confused about why people are "flying in from all over the world" to be involved with this seizure. It's a bad situation that has been blown out of proportion by the media. Definitely not what our hobby needs right now...


New Member
There's no real detail in that article so it's hard to tell if it's a true case of neglect and abuse or just the media adding fuel to the fire. The only thing that was said that might raise unconcerns was that;
"Sometimes animals die, but the amount of animals dead far exceeded what you would normally see at any company like this," said Jay Sabatucci, manager of animal services with the city of Arlington. "
But like Gregg said there was never a number and they weren't even sure how many were dead. If you took in 20,000 animals how many were exactly dead?


New Member
first off PETA :rolleyes:

second of all, to be honest the animals pictured do not look so bad. maybe its just me


New Member
first off PETA :rolleyes:

second of all, to be honest the animals pictured do not look so bad. maybe its just me

That's what I said. I might have given the chinchillas a little more space to roam but when I read this article I thought that they had sloths in like mini dog crates, 50 rats in a tiny little bin and lizards in critter keepers.


New Member
Pilot Grove, Missouri
It real easy for people to jump to conclusions when they don't even know the whole story, which everyone does sometime or another. It seems like all of the ones in the pictures seemed healthy and fat. Like Liz said the only pics that showed unproper care was the chinchillas only because they were cramped. The questions is when where they put in there? They could of just been placed in there to go to a dealer. If they really wanted to show the horrors then where are the pictures of neglect. I don't see any yet. Hopefully like greg says that this is a situation where it was blown way out of proportion.


Mod Squad Member
Pasadena, TX
I hadn't seen those pictures yet. Those animals all looked great! The Leopard Geckos looked way better that most that you'll find in chain pet stores. Maybe PETA should go do under cover surveillance there.

By the way, those Chinchillas are in a shipping box. That's how they come into the country. I guess it could be considered cruel but only if they had been in there for an unreasonable amount of time. Usually stuff gets imported and then distributed around the country pretty quickly so it's not a big deal.

Tony C

Wayward Frogger
Columbia, SC
I hadn't seen those pictures yet. Those animals all looked great! The Leopard Geckos looked way better that most that you'll find in chain pet stores. Maybe PETA should go do under cover surveillance there.

By the way, those Chinchillas are in a shipping box. That's how they come into the country. I guess it could be considered cruel but only if they had been in there for an unreasonable amount of time. Usually stuff gets imported and then distributed around the country pretty quickly so it's not a big deal.

Agreed 100%. Those Chinchillas look clean and alert, no way they have been in that container for an unreasonable period of time. Unfortunately the general public will look at those pictures and see cruelty because they don't understand the care of reptiles and exotics, only cats and dogs, and will make their judgments based on how a dog or cat would fare in similar conditions. :main_rolleyes:


New Member
Does PETA really not have anything better to do with their time? :main_no:


I honestly have no respect for them. People for the Ethical Treatment of Animals SOUNDS GREAT but they act like a bunch of jerks half the time at least that's how the media portrays them.

If they weren't so radical and a little more logical in their tactics in trying to get their point across I believe they could actually be respected and get things done. Until that day people are going to continue to look at them sideways.


New Member
Dansville, NY
All the animals looked to be healthy to me, well the pictures I looked at anyways. I think that organization has to much time on their hands and have way to much power. They really need to be knocked down a couple steps. Just my opinion though.

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