animal rights videos


Don't Say It's Impossible
Gainesville, Fl
Well, I guess I didn't think much about them until I stumbled across these videos. You have to watch them through to really understand. Some of these videos were painful to watch and I actually couldn't watch some of the cat and dog ones. If you could care less about animal rights, watch some of these videos. I was looking up pig farrowing crates because we're talking about them in animal science class.

If you don't want to watch one of the videos, just pull the moving arrow all the way to the right and it should go to the next video.
WARNING! These videos are extremely graphic and if you blood bothers you, don't watch them.

Hopefully this doesn't offend anyone by me posting it, I just want people to see what is happening in this world. Some of these videos are extreme cases and are undercover. Others are just procedures that happen all of the time.


Senior Member
A lot of videos that the HSUS show are of extremes not norms. This is the same organization that backs bills like HR669, and is an organization for animal rights extremist.


New Member
halley better than PETA videos.

i mean if you want to eat meat animals need to be slaughtered. yeah its not nice but it happens. we had a ranch back in the day and when a horse or cow or anything really needed to put down, it was shot. later when my mother had a say in it she made my father call the vet.
it was something i was raised around. however we did not mistreat or abuse our animals.

a lot of people are now going for "free range" animals.


New Member
you have to realize most of these videos are old and out dated and meant for the shock tactic


New Member
Miami, FL
MAN. I just got to the video called, "Reptiles As Pets: A Cold Blooded Choice" and it's not bloody or gory, but the ignorance and misinformation was what made me sick to my stomach.


New Member
A friend of mine growing up raised pigs/cows & chicken and I don't really feel too bad about eating chicken but I feel bad for big animals like pigs and cows- they definitely seem to have more of an idea of what's going on.
I have heard that a lot of animals will go insane from being in such small confines like the video shows....its really sad. :eek:( Lets hope that this video is old and outdated.

About the Reptiles video:
Aren't most cases of salmonella illness from turtles? They make it sound like all reptiles have tons of salmonella all over. There is a little truth that some reptiles are being sold to people that are unaware or uninterested in the animals natural living environment whether its ignorance or for personal convenience. Regardless you cant jump to the conclusion that there is no reason to have a reptile as a pet.


Chaotic Nights Reptile
Two Rivers WI
About the Reptiles video:
Aren't most cases of salmonella illness from turtles? They make it sound like all reptiles have tons of salmonella all over. There is a little truth that some reptiles are being sold to people that are unaware or uninterested in the animals natural living environment whether its ignorance or for personal convenience. Regardless you cant jump to the conclusion that there is no reason to have a reptile as a pet.

Anything kept is a pool of its own feces would be ripe for salmonella infections. Sadly most people with turtles do not provide proper care and their enclosures are just disgusting. This increases the risk of infections tremendously.


New Member


New Member
About the Reptiles video:
Aren't most cases of salmonella illness from turtles? They make it sound like all reptiles have tons of salmonella all over. There is a little truth that some reptiles are being sold to people that are unaware or uninterested in the animals natural living environment whether its ignorance or for personal convenience. Regardless you cant jump to the conclusion that there is no reason to have a reptile as a pet.

actually there are more cases of salmonella cause by improperly preparing raw meats than salmonella cause by reptiles


New Member
New York
PETA AND HSUS are terrorists and extremists. The worst thing anyone can do is donate a penny of your money to either of them. HSUS spends all there money advertising with all these sad commercials showing all these animals in bad shape and acting like they help all these all animals and shelters but in reality they have nothing to do with any of that. Well as far as PETA goes, think must know those idiots kill more animals then anything. They were recently outside a local Mcdonalds here protesting chicken sandwiches with absurd signs and scaring children..


New Member
lol i can see them standing outside of a place known for their pork with swine flu signs hehe

Gregg M

Registered Member
The Rotten Apple NYC
About some of those vids...

Most are not domestic... They are shot in Countries that do not regulate slaughter houses... Most Countries in general do not have animal welfare laws...

I many Countries, cats and dogs are a food source... Sounds gross and all but if you think about it, if you were poor and starving, Fido would not look so bad on your dinner plate...

Anyway, meat will forever be a part of my diet... Humans were ment to eat meat... Our teeth and intestinal tract can tell the whole story... I dont get the vegitarian movement... Why make yourself unhealthy???
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New Member
Pilot Grove, Missouri
Now these groups do go extreme alot in their views on cruelty and they way they present them. They have done a lot of negative things for the pet industry or try to but they also have helped alot of animals too. I don't believe thier extremist views on all animals and i believe that nowadays they have gotten crazy on what they think should happen and be done. Animals deserve to be treated fairly and humanly no matter what situation they are in. If you can't take care of a animal then get rid of it. We have such a humanistic view on how we should do things in life and it is sad that we put our views above the feeling and life of a breathing animal. Too many people put money in the front of any view they have and don't consider the animal at all. It happens in ever part of our industry but a majority of people take great care of their animals. Its sad but those few people in OUR industry are the ones screwing everyone over. No one sees the good but only see the bad. We need to clean up every section of the pet industry of the inproper breeding and housing situations in order for us to have a better view with anyone against them. Its starts with us and thats they best way of help keeping a good view on the pet industry and farming industry

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