Hatchlings have rubbery legs?

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New Member
Today I recieved two hatchlings and as soon as I opened the box they were shipped in I put them in there own tank by them selves and I noticed that they were walking funny. Their back legs seem almost rubbery and they are not walking right on them is this something normal? or do I need to be worried their front legs are fine and they seem to get around alright just a little slower and their back legs move they just seem real wobbly(sp?) and rubbery. Anyone ever had this happen or know whats going on??


New Member
Thank you for your response I got ahold of someone at Designer Geckos who was very helpful and said that it could be that they came in contact with cold temperatures and said they should recover with in a couple days so if things dont improve ill post some pictures and thank you to whoever I talked to again.


New Member
Pilot Grove, Missouri
It may Be MBD we would need pics to be sure.

I would almost garantee that your correct on the MBD and pictures would help to make sure.

You definitely need to give them some calcium to help reverse the problems caused by the MBD which is just a lack of calcium and nutrition. I would also be very wary of purchasing geckos from the person again if it turns out to be MBD. I would also contact the seller to let them know the problems and see what they thinks is the best way to solve the problem the they may of caused.

Thank you for your response I got ahold of someone at Designer Geckos who was very helpful and said that it could be that they came in contact with cold temperatures and said they should recover with in a couple days so if things dont improve ill post some pictures and thank you to whoever I talked to again.

I have never heard of the cold causing problems like this. For it to be a possibility then it must of been shipped from antarctica right now because its not that cold. I had some shipped in February and never had any problems like this in 40 degree weather. IMHO!
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New Member
It was shipped with a heat pack but the heat pack was under so much news paper it didnt seem to me like it did much good and it dipped down into the 40s last night here in oklahoma and they came from alot further north so i know they came into contact with colder temperatures and I just put a small dish of calcium in there tank with them after reading these responses I will keep you guys updated if anything changes and my camera is at my work right now but I will get it back tomorrow


New Member
cold temperatures no way. that is ridiculous. that sounds like a classic case of MBD. whomever sent you those geckos should be ashamed of themselves and refund you your money or pay for shipping the geckos back to them and either refunding your money or offer you some healthy leopard geckos and pay the shipping.
if the legs are that rubbery you may have to take them to the vet for an exam
i would like to see photos though


New Member
It was shipped with a heat pack but the heat pack was under so much news paper it didnt seem to me like it did much good and it dipped down into the 40s last night here in oklahoma and they came from alot further north so i know they came into contact with colder temperatures and I just put a small dish of calcium in there tank with them after reading these responses I will keep you guys updated if anything changes and my camera is at my work right now but I will get it back tomorrow

the heat pack is not meant to keep them at 90 it is meant to keep the temps up a bit. shipping in 40 degree weather is fine. now if the hub the package went through was cooler (which the seller should have looked at prior to shipping) they should be more aware, but still at those temperatures it would not cause them to have rubbery legs


New Member
Ok I have calcium in there with them now and I am in no way worried about my money or refunds I am now just looking at how to get them better and I would rather not name names of where I got them as to keep drama to a minimum and would rather just do whats best for the geckos and just so names dont get pulled into it I did not get the geckos from Designer geckos I just called them looking for advice and they did mention MBD and the bones around where the ankle is are what are weak and flimsey the front legs are fine but they cant seem to put their feet flat on the ground I really wish I had a camera to show you guys but this is the best I can do for you guys right now


New Member
Pilot Grove, Missouri
Well lets hope he doesn't have another couple dozen like yours and then sells them to people who will go through the same mess as you. You are also protecting that individual and helping him continue to sell geckos that have MBD and possibly other problems. I would wanna do it just to possibly help anyone else from going through the same problem with the same person. If they are a breeder then it is more important then if a small individual who sell a hand full.


Obsessed with Leos
New Port Richey/Hudson, FL
definitely looks like MBD. I would get some liquid calcium and give it to them in the recommended amount stated on the package. Also some Vitamin D in liquid form. im pretty sure its a drop a week of each. You can purchase them online at LLL reptile. the calcium is called BoneAid and the Vit D is Solar drops. also get good gutloaded and dusted insects into them. I would definitely go onto fauna and post on there about this breeder because thats not right to sell geckos that are not healthy without stating to you that they have MBD in the first place or any other health problems or defects. Good luck with them they are sure cute poor lil things.


New Member
I can guarantee they dont have mbd, i already offered him a refund once he ships them back. They got hurt during shipping, they were running around once i opened up the tub to get them before i shipped them out, to me it looks like it broke its leg or got throw around quite a bit with fedex


New Member
Canandaigua, NY
Ok then if it was the carrier then use a different carrier next time and also make sure to pack your geckos tighter. They are not supposed to be able to move very much in the deli cups. Add extra paper toweling or something padded to the deli cup so that if they are shaken/turned upside-down... whatever that they are cushioned.

Id recommend shipping UPS through shipyourreptiles.com
Very good prices!


New Member
Only carrier that was able to go through, i usually send everything though usps and everything goes fine. I refuse to use ups, I had 2 animals get lost in the mail and never be found last june and the only way to get to his area was fedex or ups overnight.


New Member
usps does not guarantee overnight delivery. maybe that one baby has a broken leg but both of those babies are exhibiting signs of MBD. that does not happen in shipping. also how old are those babies? or how large in weight? they look a bit young to be shipped out


New Member
There around 8 grams and born on Easter, Robin they don't have mbd. Maybe i didn't put enough cushion in there as i was in a rush to go to work and put them in a smaller box to save money for him, i don't know but they were perfectly fine when i shipped them. Its funny how every one jumps to conclusions without knowing the facts and bad mouths any one without knowing exactly what happened. As i will continue to say they were perfectly fine when i shipped out, walking and running about before i placed them in the container. Plus as i stated i offered him a refund once i receive them or he can even keep them and i will still give him a refund so there not going all over the place.

Now i can clearly see why a few other members that use to be a good part of this forum left, that's one reason i barely post here anymore with everyone having there own agendas. A picture or video does not prove anything about how they were when they left here and to make claims without valid proof. Thats all i got to say before i got back to work


New Member
Dansville, NY
There are a lot of good members here and I can't remember any "good" members leaving. 8 grams is to small to ship in my opinion. No body has jumping to conclusions, they are speculating on whats wrong with the geckos with the information that has been presented.


New Member
There around 8 grams and born on Easter, Robin they don't have mbd. Maybe i didn't put enough cushion in there as i was in a rush to go to work and put them in a smaller box to save money for him, i don't know but they were perfectly fine when i shipped them. Its funny how every one jumps to conclusions without knowing the facts and bad mouths any one without knowing exactly what happened. As i will continue to say they were perfectly fine when i shipped out, walking and running about before i placed them in the container. Plus as i stated i offered him a refund once i receive them or he can even keep them and i will still give him a refund so there not going all over the place.

Now i can clearly see why a few other members that use to be a good part of this forum left, that's one reason i barely post here anymore with everyone having there own agendas. A picture or video does not prove anything about how they were when they left here and to make claims without valid proof. Thats all i got to say before i got back to work

i can understand one getting hurt during shipment but both?
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