How many geckos to a cage

How many geckos to a cage

  • 1

    Votes: 126 49.8%
  • 2

    Votes: 64 25.3%
  • 3

    Votes: 43 17.0%
  • 4

    Votes: 20 7.9%
  • 5 or more

    Votes: 20 7.9%

  • Total voters


I keep all three of my geckos in a 29 gal 2 ,females and a male, I've had a few people tell me that it's too small, but there is no fighting and everybody is fat and happy, so it's all good. I have 5 hides in it but they are normally all in one hide.


La Española
Melbourne, Florida
I think it 100% depends on the enclosure. I have a tank I call a " community tank " it holds four females at this moment, but will soon hold three more. I am not sure exactly what size it is but I know its 60 + gallons. It's in the shape of a square so it has lots of ground space. I have a calcium dish, a bubbler water bowl that I clean every three days that all my leos drink out of, in one of the corners I have a heat rock under soil then a moist hide on top of it at a perfect temp of 90F. I also have the biggest heat mat you can buy under the hot side...

My point is... As long as you have everything the leo needs, plus MANY MANY MANY hiding spots, even more than they need they will do fine and will thrive.... I know this from experience. :)

Yea that's exactly what I want to do with my girls. I'm trying to figure out how to build my own tank at the moment so I can design a square enclosure or something for them. And I'd have it decorated so that there are hundreds of places to hide if they don't feel like seeing each other.

Good to know that other people do keep them this way :)


La Española
Melbourne, Florida
I keep all three of my geckos in a 29 gal 2 ,females and a male, I've had a few people tell me that it's too small, but there is no fighting and everybody is fat and happy, so it's all good. I have 5 hides in it but they are normally all in one hide.

Na I don't think that's too small. I've heard that the rule is basically 1 gecko for every 10 gal. So if you have 3 in what is basically 30 gals, you're fine.


New Member
Yea that's exactly what I want to do with my girls. I'm trying to figure out how to build my own tank at the moment so I can design a square enclosure or something for them. And I'd have it decorated so that there are hundreds of places to hide if they don't feel like seeing each other.

Good to know that other people do keep them this way :)

I jus added another two females to the tank :D And changed the soil and what not :D Looks SOOOO GOOD!!! I added two more hides jus in case!! I love having a bunch of females in one really large tank, you always see at least one leo at all times... All mine are different morphs so it looks really incredible having different colors and patterns on all these lizards... I now have 6 females in my "community tank" :D :D :D


La Española
Melbourne, Florida
I jus added another two females to the tank :D And changed the soil and what not :D Looks SOOOO GOOD!!! I added two more hides jus in case!! I love having a bunch of females in one really large tank, you always see at least one leo at all times... All mine are different morphs so it looks really incredible having different colors and patterns on all these lizards... I now have 6 females in my "community tank" :D :D :D

That's exactly how many I'd have in mine (if I can find my missing girl :sad3:). Where did you get your actual tank? I like that it's square and it's not very tall, which makes reaching into the tank a lot easier. The only thing I don't like about square tanks like that is that I don't know where I could put it :D It deffinately wouldn't fit on any of my tables.


New Member
That's exactly how many I'd have in mine (if I can find my missing girl :sad3:). Where did you get your actual tank? I like that it's square and it's not very tall, which makes reaching into the tank a lot easier. The only thing I don't like about square tanks like that is that I don't know where I could put it :D It deffinately wouldn't fit on any of my tables.

I actually got my tank for a 100 bux cash from this guy who used to work in an aquarium store... If you look at the side of my tank it has a number on it, so you can tell it was used in a store. It holds water and everything, apparently they used it as a display tank, when they found a 200 gallon they started using that one instead and sold me the tank i got!!

Ya i've had problems with the space issue, but where I got it now it works perfectly, its in a corner that would be 100% empty anyways.

My leos looove their enclosure, they are always walking around, not skittish at all, I noticed the 6 i have in this tank thrive with other leos in their enclosure... once I had to get one of my girls up to weight so i separated her and she lost even more weight... She hated being in a smaller tank by her self.


New Member
Why is it always thought that they are individualistic, my book by Robbie hamper states they hang in colonies, i have 5 in a 75 gallon and they all sleep together with multiple hides all over the place, check my colony post where they all sleep together in that one hide.


Chaotic Nights Reptile
Two Rivers WI
I try to keep my Leos in single caging. I have a few girls who seem to enjoy having a cage mate, but mostly my geckos prefer to live solo.


New Member
Keeping females together is fine as long as they all get along. I would have only one male to a tank though. Mixing males together is a bad thing cause they could kill each other. Just make sure that the tank is adiquate size and that you have plenty of hides in case the geckos in the tank want different spots to sleep or get away from each other.


Depends on the size of the enclosure, & if the two (or more) geckos get along with each other.


i have 2 sub adults females in a 55g, a sub adult male in a 25g long and two 3 year old male and female pair in a 60g. Like said before by others not only is the space to gecko ratio important but also the health and temperament of the geckos. some geckos are meant to be 'pet' only geckos which aren't the community types. some geckos get along with others and some seem to get along with everyone but one or more in the group. Even if you think outside of the tank they seem fine inside the tank is another story. Its up to good judgment with close observation that you will know whether or not you can place geckos together. obviously males should never be put together and also smaller sized (younger) with larger geckos. Generally 10 gallons per gecko is the standard but honestly that isnt the case every time. more space causes less stress


New Member
lol kelli

on another note. to the person who made the thread. I didn't read everyone's post so I'm sorry if someone said this already. But it does depend on circumstances. For example, size of cage, gender and how well the geckos get along together. I would not keep baby geckos together, as they will loose tails that way. I would not keep multiple adult males together. Cause they will fight. And lastly I wouldn't keep more then 4 to a 20 gallon long tank. What I would do is group up some females with one male for breeding season. Usually around 6 females to a male is fine. This will keep the females from being overly stressed by the male. He will have plenty to go around in other words. And one female wouldn't get overly pestered by him since he has a lot of girls to choose from.


New Member
Keeping females together is fine as long as they all get along. I would have only one male to a tank though. Mixing males together is a bad thing cause they could kill each other. Just make sure that the tank is adiquate size and that you have plenty of hides in case the geckos in the tank want different spots to sleep or get away from each other.

now im not disagreeing with you or saying two males should be housed together - i personally dont feel its worth the risk BUT on youtube i've seen two males be housed together - APPARENTLY if theres never been a female between them they wont fight - now im not saying this is 100% true but thats wat i heard...

the video is called " what happens wen housing to male leopard geckos together" (along those lines) i thought they were gonna scrap, but they were totally fine with eachother - i was shocked.


New Member
I have them in a few set ups. I have a 30 breeder with 5 geckoes and 4 hides with 1 moist hide, mostly I find them randomly pilled up 3-4, they seem to like each other and it has nothing to do with which places is better, they are always found together in one or 2 hides, and not the same hides either. my 6 juvies 18-25g all chill in a 20 long same deal there 3 hides and they all rotate around the tank pilling up together in one at a time. I have a few others in 20L set up from 1-3 per tank, and my males im growing up I keep in 15gal tanks. They are all classroom pets so I keep weekly graphs of their weights, and so far nothing has shown it is slowing their growth.
It does sound like a good scientific method lesson and long term lab!! I think ill set it up with my next group of hatchlings.
We have 3 females in a homemade habitat and will probably add a fourth depends on how it goes. Pretty sure though that once we move we are getting two twenties and seperating two and two and the male in a ten till he gets older. In the homemade one they all have their own hides and they still insist on piling on top of each other in the one nuetral hide :rolleyes: They get along great, at first they kept to themsleves now its a gecko pile all day everyday lol waste of all the effort we put towards giving them their own space :D


Olimpia said:
Does anyone here have a huge tank with more than 2 or three females in it?
I have 4 females in a 48x18 aquarium plus I have two 13x8 magnetic ledges and a second level that's 18x12

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