Super discouraged vet nurse is having a hard time with new job


New Member
Miami, FL
I started working at a new hospital on February 10th, however, i've been in the business of veterinary medicine for almost 10 years now. So, nothing at this hospital is really that "new" to me except the computer system, which i'm getting the hang of. This is a VERY fast paced clinic. We are ALWAYS booked, EVERY day. The other day, the head technician pulled me aside and said that a lot of the doctors are uncomfortable with the way I restrain animals. I've never been told this before in my entire life! One of the very FIRST things I ever learned was restraint, and for that to be a problem, well...I figure if they think I can't restrain then they must think I can't do much of anything else. As a result, the main doctor in charge avoids me like the plague. Not only is he condescending to me in front of clients, but he actually goes out of his way to find someone to replace me if I happen to be working on an exam room for him. Today he pulled me out of a room while I was taking a history, mid sentence, and said: "Maia, no. Go find Rainy." And of course, I overhear the clients as they're paying..."Is she new or something?"

I'm perfectly capable of anything and everything you ask me to do. I used to be a surgery technician at another hospital I was at, and I was lead technician for a while at that same hospital. Apparently that means nothing where i'm at now.

Yesterday, I went home bawling my eyes out. I feel like i'm starting all over i'm a kennel assistant that's just learning the ropes. I'm not getting along with a lot of the doctors in this practice, but the other techs seem to be nice enough. I've asked for a restraint "demonstration" just so I can get a feel for what each doctor likes, but that hasn't happened. I've even asked the doctor that hates me what I can do to improve, and his response was "I don't know. Go see Rainy." Yesterday, I was holding an animal that he needed examine, and he walked around the hospital for 8 full minutes to find someone, ANYONE that wasn't me. So today, I avoided his appointments like the plague, and he avoided me the same way. I try so hard not to take it personally, but it's difficult when you're telling me I can't do something that is one of the very first things I ever learned.

So naturally, after 10 years, i'm beginning to rethink this field. I really love being a vet tech. Don't get me wrong...but I feel more like a factory job is to take in appointments, and then take in more appointments. If it's an involved case that needs to be hospitalized, or even so much as needs some bloodwork, I don't even get to draw the blood. I have to hand the case off to Rainy. And then I go and get the next appointment. Seems as if lately i've been getting the brunt of all the clients with attitude, and I end up going home in such a bad mood, EVERY DAY. Wishing I didn't have to come back the next day. Fantasizing about not showing up for work ever again.

I'm not sure if i'm asking for advice, or if i'm just venting, but right now I am putting out resumes to other hospitals. I'm not even sure what else I could do as a profession. I don't know how to do anything else. I'm so stressed out it is making me sick. And I think I just need a break from this field. So then why am I crying as I write this?


Uroplatus Fanatic
Buffalo, NY
The veterinary field is a difficult one for all levels of profession in it. Everyone does thing differently at their practice. I've worked at several, and each required me to learn new little tricks and twists that the docs prefered compared to previous practices. Unfortunately, Vet Tech is a burnout profession a lot of the time, many techs dont make it past 5 years simply because of the stress of being seriously overworked and underpaid. But it sounds like the doc at this practice is going about things totally wrong, if he doesnt like the way you do something, he needs to explain clearly WHY he doesnt like it and what he wants done differently. If they can't do that for you, find a different hospital, pure and simple. In a high stress job like Tech, you need to be comfortable in your working environment, and everyone needs to trust the skills of each other employee, from assistant up to practice owner, if not then things just wont run smoothly. We do a lot of things different at our practice than many others in the area, for one our Anesthetic protocol is above and beyond the level of most. But we see a lot of high risk and elderly patients, so the extra care pays off. It took some getting used to but I LOVE working at my practice, it can be stressful but the other staff listens and is willing to learn every day and help me understand why they might do something the way they do it. We're in it together, and thats the way it should be imo. So, hang in there, you may not be at a place that fits you, and it may be time to explore other options. Working with animals is all about attitude, the more stressed you are, the more they are going to react and the more difficult your job becomes. Whatever you decide, remember, you have the skills and the knowledge, you just need to find the best place and way to apply them. Good luck.


New Member
Ontario Canada
((hugs)) That vet sounds like a real jerk. He probably has some dumb reason for not liking you, so he's nitpicking your skills. Maybe you look like his ex wife or something, lol, who knows. I hope you can find another hospital to work at, it would be terrible if you were soured on this kind of work, when (I'm sure) it was your love of animals that got you here in the first place. Hang in there and keep your chin up. You know you're a capable technician, don't let him make you second guess yourself, he's just an a$$.


Staff member
Somerville, MA
I'm sorry you're going through this. I guess the first thing to figure out is whether this is a personality clash (which the doctor is not handling professionally) or whether this is something the doctor does with everyone (or everyone new). If you feel comfortable, you may want to ask some of the other techs for their take on what's going on. Sometimes there's a longstanding problem in a workplace but no one clues the new person in because they either don't want to prejudice them or they're just not comfortable talking about it. If it turns out that this is a longstanding problem, you can find out how everyone else is dealing with it, and decide whether you want to take it on or move on. ALso try to find out why the person whose job you took over, if that's what happened, left and that will get you more information. If this doctor has not had trouble with anyone else, maybe someone has some other idea about what's going on. In the long run though, I guess you'll have to figure out whether it's worth working it out or finding something else. More data could only help your decision.



Gotta catch 'em all!
Jacksonville, Fl
Oh Maia! Dont quit your career because of ONE doctor! I believe that you are more than capable of doing your job and doing it well. Is this doctor the owner of the clinic, or just one of the doctors there? I would try to talk to the owner or a manager and explain to them that the specific doctor has critized your restraint technique, but has yet to show you their preference and just ask them what you should do.
Im sure that you are well aware, that this profession does not go well when you are under stress. When you are stressed, your patients and clients dont get the care they deserve and that is not fair. I think that it is a wonderful idea for you to find work in another clinic. Hey, move up to Jax! We are hiring =] You would be hired on the spot for your experience! You just might not be paid what you want... lol.
Trust me, I am going through a very similar experience as you, and I find it extremely hard to stay as well. I know its cliche to say, but I know exactly what you are going through right now. I am here for you, and I would love for us to get past this together! So anytime you need to talk or vent, you know where to find me!
Im very sorry you are going through this, and it is ashame that they are wasting the skills of such a knowledgable and experienced technician.


New Member
Northern Ontario Canada
I'm not sure if i'm asking for advice, or if i'm just venting, but right now I am putting out resumes to other hospitals. I'm not even sure what else I could do as a profession. I don't know how to do anything else. I'm so stressed out it is making me sick. And I think I just need a break from this field. So then why am I crying as I write this?

I think that you are looking for encouragement and assurance.

I know how you feel about working with people who do not like you or want to be around you for some reason, had it happen 2 years ago, almost lost my summer job between school years due to not wanting to get out of bed in the morning, just because I did not want to work with this one guy.

My girls friend's advice was to "get up and go to work because you love the work and not to let people around you ruin it." She was the only one that kept me working that summer, due to the encouragement and positivity that she gave me. It was still hard and painful to work with this guy, but with her help I was able to stick it out until school started again. Now I am working with a great group of people and I am glad that I stuck that job out, even though it was on the verge of breaking me.

I say to keep your head up and your spirits high, as hard as it maybe, because you know that you love your line of work and are good at it and remember it could be nothing that you are doing. The people their could all be on edge, due to just one person eating a lemon. It maybe that this doctor just likes Rainy, so get Rainy to show you the secret ins and outs.

But above all things, if the environment is toxic so too the body becomes, if things do not improve it is never a bad choice to find a place where you are happy.

Northstar Herp

Rhacs and Uros, oh boy!!!
Plaistow, NH
^ Sorry for any typos above. I have a chicken in my lap and she is trying to help me type. lol

Now I've read it all...

Fight on, sister. None of the stuff you mentioned sounds like the profession, but this one practice, and especially that one doctor. Don't give up, but do be careful about asking the other folks what the guys problem is. I'm sure you don't need it getting back to him that you feel this way, unless it's straight from your mouth.


Mod Squad Member
Sterling Ohio

Go in everyday with a great attitude knowing that nothing is going to get you down, take it on as a personal challenge to not let this doctor get to you. Go out of your way to accomodate him and to let him know you will do what ever he wants with a happy heart.

If he is testing your attitude and fortitude you will prevail.

If he is trying to discourage you than he will eventually stop becuase he will see he cannot affect you.

Don't be afraid to address him privately, away from everybody, and don't talk about him with co-workers.

Good luck and remember your in it for the long haul.


New Member
Miami, FL
Now I've read it all...

Fight on, sister. None of the stuff you mentioned sounds like the profession, but this one practice, and especially that one doctor. Don't give up, but do be careful about asking the other folks what the guys problem is. I'm sure you don't need it getting back to him that you feel this way, unless it's straight from your mouth.

See, that's what i'm scared of. I don't want that he said/ she said crap. I don't particularly like working with him, but I don't dislike him as a person. I don't want to ask the wrong person about what to do (because apparently Rainy and Dr Shithead are super close), so that's why I just went directly to the source. And he blew me off. And at that point I was given a verbal demonstration... for about 3 and a half minutes.

I'm giving it another month at best. The money is phenomenal, but i'm willing to sacrafice that if it means not being miserable all the time.


New Member
Miami, FL

Go in everyday with a great attitude knowing that nothing is going to get you down, take it on as a personal challenge to not let this doctor get to you. Go out of your way to accomodate him and to let him know you will do what ever he wants with a happy heart.

If he is testing your attitude and fortitude you will prevail.

If he is trying to discourage you than he will eventually stop becuase he will see he cannot affect you.

Don't be afraid to address him privately, away from everybody, and don't talk about him with co-workers.

Good luck and remember your in it for the long haul.

Many people have told me something similar. Apparently if you treat him the way he treats you, he becomes quite reclusive. I've addressed him personally and he just blows me off. I do like the place, but I feel like if the doctors don't like me, I have no chance.

He tested my attitude the other day, and I totally failed! LOL. I guess I need to work on that. And you're absolutely correct. I shouldn't talk about him with co-workers.

I guess i'm in it for the long haul, then. :) Thanks for your words of encouragement. :)


New Member
I'm really sorry to hear about your experiences and I hope that you continue to maintain your passion and dedication to the field of veterinary medicine. The world needs more people like yourself!

Obviously, I can't offer any solutions but I hopefully can share some advice. Have you spoken with the hospital or practice manager? Perhaps requesting a formal meeting with the administration and the doctor may be the only way to find out exactly what is going on. Also, I know this might be humbling, but try asking your coworkers how THEY restraint and ask them to teach you step by step how they do it. Each practice is different so although your previous techniques may be considered safe and satisfactory, it may be perceived differently at your current employment. Try requesting to "shadow" the head tech while she is in the room restraining and observe her techniques. Another option, if they decline to show you is to request for handouts/books/videos or other educational tools. I know early last year (Jan 2009), Dr. Sophia Yin came out with a new animal handling book (link is below). Basically, demonstrating efforts to improve and refine your restraining techniques will hopefully show the administration and your coworkers that you WANT to be there.

Also, I should mention that animal handling with other people takes TIME TO BUILD TRUST. It is hard, but try not to take it too personally, because the fact is that the doctors haven't worked with you long enough to accurately assess your handling abilities. It may take months and many interactions before you can earn that trust. Each person is different and their past experiences can alter or effect how they perceive the "new" employee. (Example, the last "new" employee mishandled an aggressive dog and one of the doctors was bit and required hand surgery.) There are many opportunities for lawsuits and other work related injury compensations in a veterinary hospital so they might just be extremely cautious. Some doctors may also have personal preferences for one tech over another. Just some thoughts...

Good luck and I wish you the best!

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got spots?

leo lover
foglesville PA
If you feel horrible working for him everyday don't. The money is good as you stated but many yrs from now on a deathbed will you care about the money? I know you don't do this to get rich but 10yrs of experince? You can get another job. Don't quit the field though.


New Member
I'm sorry you're having such a hard time. It seems no matter what you do, you're losing :-/

Definitely ask the other vet tech for help in what they do in terms of restraint. Maybe they have tips as to what the other vets like and prefer. I wouldn't ask specifically about each vet, but just a general question, "I've been told there's a problem with my restraint technique, can you help me?" kind of deal, or maybe just "can you help me with my restraint technique?"

Definitely don't quite because of one location. If you do start to get too stressed or depressed, start looking around and applying elsewhere. If you're happy with what you do, don't let the people get to you. If you start to become miserable, definitely hold it out until you can find another location.

Keith N

New Member
Lottsburg, VA.
Maia, Keep your head up it will get better. My wife works in the medical profession and this last job she took was the same way. Some people are used to certain ways and anything new they just feel uncomfortable and dont like change. I agree with Whitney on just asking about it in general and just say that you learned a certain way of doing things and if they feel it is not right just to show you their way if they think its right.

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