Sorry I meant "inside" instead of "instead" but the "edit" button is gone so...
This is not correct. Here is a veterinary definition of the term:well the definition of culled can only have a meaning of slaughter. You should choose a different word
For more information and examples of 'culling', visit this link:Culling The rejection or removal of inferior individuals from breeding. The act of selective breeding. As used in the practice of breeding pedigree cats, this refers to the practice of spaying or neutering a kitten or cat that does not measure up to the show standard (or other standard being applied) for that breed. In no way does culling, as used by responsible breeders, signify the killing of healthy kittens or cats if they fail to meet the applicable standard."
—Carolyn M. Vella, Lorraine M. Shelton, John J. McGonagle, Terry W. Stanglein, Robinson's Genetics for Cat Breeders and Veterinarians, Fourth Edition, page 212
Curled tails, like kinked tails can be caused by excessive inbreeding. There are many other problems that can go along with them. We've only hatched one from a pair that we found out later was too closely related and it looked healthy from the outside but ended up prolapsing it's rectum and intestines. It's not like breeding for color or pattern that can be reproduced when you outcross. The reason this person got so many in the second generation was because they bred the babies (who were probably already too closely related) back to the mother.
While I agree with not breeding geckos who are going to pass on a trait that will lead to health problems, I don't see why this couldn't end up being breed out until there are little to no problems associated with them. Albinism is a 'defect' as any animals born like this in the wild do not last long. I've also seen endless issues with the enigmas such as the circling and head tilting which seems like a neurological defect, yet breeders continue to cross these geckos with others in an attempt to get rid of the problem. .
I understand what you are saying about enigmas and People Outcrossing them to Try and get rid of all their "Behaviours" But this Person Is not trying to outcross the curly Tail.. They are trying to Breed to More curly tails in hopes to (And I Quote)
"Hopefully next year I can prove this amazing new morph, while most of the LG breeder focusing on colour and pattern, maybe this "Curly Tail" could be the new kick out morph. "
There is a Difference between Breeding the Enigmas to Get rid of all the "Defects" and Breeding to reach a goal of reproducing more "defected" animals..
I understand what you are saying about enigmas and People Outcrossing them to Try and get rid of all their "Behaviours" But this Person Is not trying to outcross the curly Tail.. They are trying to Breed to More curly tails in hopes to (And I Quote)
"Hopefully next year I can prove this amazing new morph, while most of the LG breeder focusing on colour and pattern, maybe this "Curly Tail" could be the new kick out morph. "
There is a Difference between Breeding the Enigmas to Get rid of all the "Defects" and Breeding to reach a goal of reproducing more "defected" animals..
I understand what you are saying about enigmas and People Outcrossing them to Try and get rid of all their "Behaviours" But this Person Is not trying to outcross the curly Tail.. They are trying to Breed to More curly tails in hopes to (And I Quote)
"Hopefully next year I can prove this amazing new morph, while most of the LG breeder focusing on colour and pattern, maybe this "Curly Tail" could be the new kick out morph. "
There is a Difference between Breeding the Enigmas to Get rid of all the "Defects" and Breeding to reach a goal of reproducing more "defected" animals..
I like this philosophy!There is a Difference between Breeding the Enigmas to Get rid of all the "Defects" and Breeding to reach a goal of reproducing more "defected" animals..
It seems like that its okay to have a geckos with circling and other problems but its not okay to have a curl in the tail. Sounds alittle off to me! Lets try to keep all of the morals and ethics consistant and not go back and forth for our benefit.