I would rather have curly tailed geckos then retarded geckos any day.
Justin, breeders are outcrossing Enigmas to reduce the problems they carry. Doesn't sound like they believe the problems are "okay" to keep. I find that some breeders even cull(vet term) Enigmas from breeding projects if they are experiencing severe symptoms. Just my opinion
I would venture to say that breeding more curly tails from your original livestock has proven this defect to be genetic and IMO should be discontinued unless you are a certified vet and can provide the proper care in any situation that may arise in your group. This is only my opinion.
There are others with degrees who share your opinion.
I was curious about it so I took a picture to my vet when I was there yesterday with one of my geckos (who is fine by the way). It is a herp vet. Actually the head vet at the location is also the herp vet at the local zoo, so there are some credentials to back up their opinions. Anyway, he said the curly tail is a physical deformity that should not be fostered in breeding projects. He said typically that type of external deformity is accompanied by internal deformities. He also said based on the fact that the curl increased in the second generation it does appear to be a genetic trait, and his advice to me was to stay away from it. He said usually that type of deformity comes from too much inbreeding. I wasn't sure if I wanted to post this or not, but decided I'll take the backlash chance. I figured there were other people besides me who might want to know what a vet thought , and didn't want to fork out the cash for a consultation. Actually, the vet kept the picture I had so he could share it with his colleagues. He seemed pretty put off by the idea, and said he will be on the lookout for it. Others may disagree, but I think I'll take his advice.
All of the recessive traits were discovered by either breeding cousins back to eachother, offspring back to parents or offspring to offspring so that a homozygous form could be produced and express the trait.
As for Enigmas, don't let anyone tell you the neurological problems aren't caused by the genetics behind it. No Enigma has ever been proven to be homozygous, thus one can deduce that a homozygous form of the Enigma allele cause the offspring to no be viable and actually leads to death of the fetus in the egg.
All of the morphs are in someway not as competitively viable as the wild-type, however in captivity they are fine. Albinos can't see aswell, mack snows typically don't grow as fast etc. Listen here guys, aslong as these curly-tailed geckos survive and don't have any long term health issues, there is no reason for this trait to not be bred and developed.
Also, stop telling this person to give them away. It seems a little weird to me that that is everyone's idea of a "fix." To tell them to stop breeding is enough.
I'm gonna go out on a limb here and say I don't think it's a horrible idea. Honestly, it's what we've done with dogs and cats and they're fine. It's how anything is done in selective breeding, breed specific traits or deformities to get a certain function or look. Ss long as you breed in unrelated, normal geckos to keep the genetics "fresh," I wouldn't frown upon it. But that's just me.
You call breeding traits like smallness again and again and again, ultimately leading to unstable animals "fine"?? Look at Chihuahuas...you RARELY find one of those that is a STABLE animal. Everyone is up in arms about this because it is doing the exact OPPOSITE that every ethical breeder out there has been working years and so hard to achieve...a healthy, balanced animal that physically as well as systematically is "normal". Obviously, the curly tail is NOT a normal occurence and until fully understood should not be waved around like a "look at this cool new morph" type of deal. I am not calling this person unethical...I am simply saying they may have jumped the gun on this one.
Really? So the breeders that originally came up with Tangs and Hypos and Carrot Tails and any combo morph are unethical?