Do I get this gecko? Or not?



that sucks. i dont do busness with people like that. i always give people a chance but if they pull something like that then they are on the S list. i personaly havent been screwed over yet with any animal, and when i sell one im always upfront with who ever buys. if i wont an aimanl but something comes up ( because something always does! lol) then i will contact the seller BEFORE anything was suppose to happen and explain it to them. dont worry, there are alot of geckos in sea! lol



why so serious ?
Harrisburg, PA
no, i did not mean to publicly berate someone. :main_rolleyes: what i mean is to make the breeders name public to everyone else to prevent further situations like this. it's a bad way to do business and bad business shouldn't be a secret. not to make it public just so people can trash their name, or is that what you do around here ?

i'd be a little upset if this happened to me, i told everyone about it, and someone else came forward and said it happened to them too by the same person, they just didn't tell anybody.


New Member
Saint Louis, MO
no, i did not mean to publicly berate someone. :main_rolleyes: what i mean is to make the breeders name public to everyone else to prevent further situations like this. it's a bad way to do business and bad business shouldn't be a secret. not to make it public just so people can trash their name, or is that what you do around here ?

i'd be a little upset if this happened to me, i told everyone about it, and someone else came forward and said it happened to them too by the same person, they just didn't tell anybody.

What business?


New Member
Pilot Grove, Missouri
Now either way ya look at it, it is something that a respectable person wouldn't do. The seller should wait for the buyer if thats what was agreed upon or tell the person that it is first come first serve so they don't get theirselves in a sticky situation. I don't necessarily think that this situation calls for them to be called out. Its not something that is unethical really but something that is unrespectable to do. It is the sellers animals and they can do what they want. If money has been exchanged then thats a totally different situation. I know it a sucky situation for Maia but atleast she didn't get screwed any more then what she did. I wouldn't do a potential buyer like that and hope that others wouldn't do it to me either.


New Member
no, i did not mean to publicly berate someone. :main_rolleyes: what i mean is to make the breeders name public to everyone else to prevent further situations like this. it's a bad way to do business and bad business shouldn't be a secret. not to make it public just so people can trash their name, or is that what you do around here ?

i'd be a little upset if this happened to me, i told everyone about it, and someone else came forward and said it happened to them too by the same person, they just didn't tell anybody.

this is not the BOI. but i know Maia knows about the BOI and if she choses to post it then she will.


New Member
Dansville, NY
I think this topic started off wrong. I think the facts aren't being presented here like they should. Thats why I first chimed in on this but it came out all wrong. The true facts need to be put out there before you go ripping apart another person.

Lake Worth, FL
I'm not going to say who it is, because i'm not like that, and don't want to start a whirlwind of things. And i know it is not the same person that she had originally intended buying that Snow from on Fauna. Ass i'm saying was that i know that as for me personally, if i even had 1 e-mail on a gecko i was selling, or 2 e-mails, i would contact each person 1st BEFORE i decided to change my mind about whether or not i was going to seel the gecko i had for sale or hold it back after the fact. The reason for this is because i believe that a man's word and reputation is everything. Treat people that same you'd wish to be treated. Who knows what that one person went through to try and purchase that gecko from you that you had listed for sale even if all they had sent you was "is this gecko still available?", yanno.

Not only did i tell this person that i was interested, and would also like some more pix, which they were going to be getting for me, and after corresponding back and forth, but i went out of my way to get rid of one of my best looking geckos to make way for this one to replace it. Now i'm out a gecko that i would have never gotten rid of, and when i told this person what happened, and how i could not believe that after all that, now they are saying "nevermind, i'm just gonna keep it", all their response to me was basicly just a "too bad" type concern. I was told that they can put me on a waiting list for the babies, and i would get a "good deal" when they came along due to the situation. :main_thumbsdown:

...ARE YOU SERIOUS??!!??!! Really...?!?! :main_no:

As you can see, i'm still a little aggrivated about it, not even the fact that i can't buy this gecko anymore, but mainly cuz of how the whole situation was handled afterwards, and this person's nonchalant/no care attitude... basically saying to me "oh well, deal with it". Such bad business and left a bad taste in my mouth. I would never do something like that.

Maybe its just me, but i would think that after the correspondences we had, that even if someone else came along to buy it, knowing that this guy was originally talking to me about it, wouldn't you atleast contact the person 1st and let them know you were thinking of changing your mind to see where they stood...? And yes, that may have been my fault that i sold one of my geckos, but still, i heard nothing from the seller which would lead me to believe that this deal was not going to go thru anymore, so why would i think differently...?!?! Call me naive or whatever, but i guess some people just don't have the same standards as the good rest of us.

Sorry for the long post, but this was more me venting and not really related to the thread at hand, so i apologize... carry on with your regularly scheduled programming. lol ...But thats my 2 cents!


New Member
Saint Louis, MO
i went out of my way to get rid of one of my best looking geckos to make way for this one to replace it. Now i'm out a gecko that i would have never gotten rid of


that may have been my fault that i sold one of my geckos

There is no "may have" to your situation. I feel for you, but if your money never became his or her money and his or her gecko never became your gecko, then that was just how it went and you unloading a key animal in anticipation of a superior replacement is all on you. Poo happens. Back when I had an active Ember project going, I bought a higher than normal priced TPA het Eclipse male to replace my triple het male breeder. No sooner than a few days after he arrived did I hatch out a male RAPTOR het Patternless. The money I wasted on that purchase is no more the seller's fault than the keeper's fault in your upgrade situation. Completely my fault in my scenario. I gambled and lost. Same thing with yours, vexing though it may be.

I have contacted a number of people who placed ads for various geckos and other animals and some of them were not sure if they wanted to sell at all. Almost all, save for one, ended up keeping them because they could not commit to selling an animal they placed an ad for. That outlier emailed me something like four or more months down the line, but I had already moved on in choosing for that breeding group by then. Is it annoying? You bet it is.

I have canceled one plan to purchase when my girlfriend told me she was going back to school in a very costly graduate program and my budget was hit by an unforeseen impact on the very day I was expecting to make payment. I canceled one purchase when the seller revealed that the genetics of his animal did not "exactly" match the label I was enticed by. My final experience was one where I had made a deposit, but a bunch rescues were dumped into my lap. In that case, I urged the breeder to kindly just keep the money I had already sent because it was my end of the exchange that would be lacking. She kindly gave it back because of her generosity and I will buy from her again (I am already a repeat customer) at some point, no doubt, in the future. In these three cases, two where the fault resides not with the breeder, I made information available to the breeder as soon as it became available to me. I feel that is a matter of simple courtesy.

As mentioned before, there are two sides to these transactions. Lots of folks flake out on making payment, which is why experienced breeders don't mark their animals as sold until they actually have been paid for. Lots of customers have unreasonable expectations from breeders and think that all things revolve around the sale that has yet to be made for an animal that is very much wanted just because they want it so much. I, personally, do inform my customers that have promised to pay that there is another interested party who is willing to pay sooner. I then give that customer the option to decide whether he or she wishes to get first crack at actually paying or whether he or she wants to just see how things play out. Either way, somebody who will actually pay will actually get the animal from me.

Now for a tangent related to the "business" (in my case, hobby)-

I'll answer a million questions, too. Questions are for the customer's benefit and I should have no expectation that they will buy based on them. I am happy to check lengths, take weights, give care information, suggest another breeder for projects I am uninvolved in, and so on. That is part of the good service as far as my practices are concerned. However, with the way I have priced my animals in the past, I do not tolerate verbal/written agreements followed by last minute attempts for discounts. I give moderate group discounts early on if entertained by the would be buyer, but when I show up to get, say, $55 for an adult Mack Snow female possible het RAPTOR, which the other person has agreed to pay, and said person goes and says he'll give me $35, I tell him the price is now $65 or $70. If he gives me some story about a chain store or some guy he knows, I tell him he should probably go to that chain store or that guy he knows. Then I return home. The gecko was never sold and the gecko will not have been marked as sold. It doesn't make a huge difference to me and there is nothing to get upset about. Yeah, it wasted my time, but lots of folks waste a great deal of their time on a number of mindless activities. I might even increase the listed price instead of knocking it way down like so many do. Eventually, they all sell. Some quickly. Some slowly. The key for me is to cut back on production if stuff isn't selling quickly and put even more weight on the animals. A 50 gram version of a morph is not going to be sold by me for the same price as a 70 gram one, so it is again no problem.

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First of all that suck the breeder did not have the common senseor curtesy to check back with you before accepting the other offer. However I do have to agree with what boah is saying. I've heard all too many times that it's a sure deal. Until money is exchanged it's all talk previous to that. As a customer I would understand a breeder having to take another offer if I was unsure of the purchase myself. And as a breeder It's not fair to me to wait around on each customers situations coming together. Bottom line the breeder should have handled this better but still has the right to sell to whoever brings cash payment.

I do hope you find yourself a nice snow to replace that one though.... good luck to you..


New Member
I have contacted a number of people who placed ads for various geckos and other animals and some of them were not sure if they wanted to sell at all. Almost all, save for one, ended up keeping them because they could not commit to selling an animal they placed an ad for. That outlier emailed me something like four or more months down the line, but I had already moved on in choosing for that breeding group by then. Is it annoying? You bet it is.

That's crazy Baoh and Statik, I have never heard of a seller backing out of a sale, only the buyer. :main_huh:


Staff member
Somerville, MA
I think there have been unethical and rude sellers around since humans started owning things, but the internet has made it worse because you don't have to look anyone in the eye. I won't add more stories to the ones already posted, and luckily, I've only been burned once (and took the guy to small claims court and won), but the internet does add a layer of impersonality that makes it even more likely that things like this happen.



New Member
Miami, FL
Just to update everyone, my new gecko will be coming from Steve Sykes at GeckosEtc. He's a pretty little thing @ 41 grams, he looks similar to the first one I posted, except he's better looking and has more white than that one does. :D I'll post pictures once I've paid for him.

I can't believe this thread made it to 8 pages, LOL. I guess it turned into more of a rant/rave type of thing regarding internet sales and how shady they can be sometimes. As long as we're all respecting the rules and not mentioning names, keep on posting! Some of these thoughts and ideas are great! :)


New Member
Miami, FL
Alright, well I guess it's okay to post him, since I just paid for him!!! Here he is. My new addition. Photo by Steve Sykes.

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