i plan on using smart water, bottled water that was NOT stripped of its minerals, but i'm running low i have well water from my tap so that should be good as well.
Also, someone asked about "distilled" water earlier.
DO NOT give your leos distilled water.
Not only is it stripped of minerals, it can contain traces of chlorinated
hydrocarbins from the distillation and filtration process.
The levels are harmless to humans (large animals) but to leo's, who knows!!??
I can't vote, we're on well. We used to be on the same well as our irrigation (160+ feet deep underground) but it was way too much iron and sulfur, so we drilled a new well. With the old well, I used bottled water for the geckos, and our dogs, but with the new well being much cleaner I feel there is no need. Our water purification test showed 99% pure water...I love Oregon!
I use tap water at the moment, but I am in the process of saving up for a large reverse osmosis system for my house. I have quite a few reptiles, and at the moment, it would take LOTS of bottles of water to hydrate everyone...The reverse osmosis system is about as pure as it gets and is safe. My friend has had one for years, as he is a bp breeder and has done extensive research on the harmful effects of calcium deposits AND chemicals in snakes. He does not own any leos, but I would assume that it cannot be good for them either, or ANY of my animals. If anyone else has heard anything about this, please jump in! My friend swears by it...
I use bottled spring water
I buy gallons and refill with RO from the machine at stores and use that along with the Spring water
We get letters every 4 months informing us that the arsenic level has surpassed safe standards so nobody drinks the tap water here
It's pretty sad-you would think that a priority for the town/city might be a better filtration system for it's water but-hey what do I know??
I have around 60 lizards and I used to have an old used RO unit and I need to replace it
RO is good water but it does filter just about everything out of it (good and bad)so when using it-I always mixed it with a small portion of bottled spring water for minerals
I use filtered water for drinking (for the geckos and myself), and tap water for cleaning out the dishes and spraying. I have an eSpring from Quixtar and am very satisfied with it - don't like the taste of the tap water here in IL.