Has is been proven that blizzard eclipse is NOT or IS the same as Tremper eclipse ??

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Ian S.

Active Member
Just to show examples as to what Kelli was saying about there being bad exaples. These two have pronouced striped bodies with banded and a barely jungle tail. So it is certain that just the opposite (as Marcia showed) could happen. (it is text book recessive IMO)

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Hm... I guess im the only one ignoring the ignore feature :p

I dont mind dissagreements, its how ideas are formed and discoveries are made. :main_robin:


KelliH said:
OK. I have been working with bold stripes for many years. I have kept good records on my breeding results. I have come to the conclusion that the stripe gene (at least the R2 and Tremper lines) act as a recessive trait. I've made hets and produced stripes from them year after year. I'm not sure what more evidence is needed. About the banded babies: yes they have body bands but they do have striping on the tail, and I consider them to be stripes, just not good examples of the morph. Look at the striped ball pythons and striped corns and cal kings. Not all of them have a perfect, full stripe. Many of them have broken up stripes or very little striping and are still considered a recessive stripe because of the genetics of the parental units. I'm sorry, but I have to agree with the argument Robin is making in this instance only because I have the years of working with stripes under my belt and I feel I have a pretty good idea of how the trait reproduces itself. We've have had this same freakin argument for like 4 years now, and I have yet to see any evidence to the contrary. Sorry but this is how I see it. Now be nice to each other, this isn't Fauna now.

Um.. whats the R2 line? :D
so fully striped tails with jungle bodies are stripes? .


okapi said:
I dont mind dissagreements, its how ideas are formed and discoveries are made.

There is a difference between disagreements & discussions; and blatant rudeness & profanities. Robin is known for her nastiness, and I would rather just put her on ignore so that I do not have to see her behavior in a thread.

dragonflyreptiles said:
and if we had the ignore function, I think you'd be the winner of who it would apply to.

Yes, of course. Because I don't follow blindly what one or two people say and actually have my own opinions to add to a discussion. :main_cool3: That makes me such a bad, bad person doesn't it? :main_laugh:

Ian S. said:
Just to show examples as to what Kelli was saying about there being bad exaples. These two have pronouced striped bodies with banded and a barely jungle tail. So it is certain that just the opposite (as Marcia showed) could happen. (it is text book recessive IMO)

Those I would call Abberants. I've produced lots of those from non-Stripe lines. I believe all of my Macks are Abberants actually. One of the pairings I am doing is Abberant Mack x Abberant Mack and the female is one of Kelli's "het" Stripes. It will be interesting to see what pops out because that Abberant male was also paired with a Stripe and a Jungle.

In truth, I think Abberant, Stripe and Jungle are all linked in one way or another genetically. I think that the genes that produce Stripes are just missing to varying degrees in Abberants and Jungles. Has anyone done Abberant x Abberant and documented all of the offspring (pictures) over a few years?


New Member
you know honestly i think kunder needs to learn more about leopard gecko genetics and actually breed a few before coming to these conclusions.. also she is known for her know-it-all attitude. like me or dont. i dont claim to know all and i dont know it all, still learning everyday

Ian S.

Active Member
No way! That is not abberant. (what exactly is your definition of abberant?) I guess this would be abberant as well?
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Ian S.

Active Member
Here is an abberant patterned tang bell. Notably different from a normal spotted bell still yet no band breaks on the body and tail. I agree that they are linked in that the abberancy is a visual het for stripe. This guy has produced nearly all stripe offspring when bred to a stripe. The remaining lesser examples I reffer to as jungles.

Edit: actually the ratio is 25% normal 50% stripe 25%jungle when crossed:)
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New Member
Ian S. said:
Just to show examples as to what Kelli was saying about there being bad exaples. These two have pronouced striped bodies with banded and a barely jungle tail. So it is certain that just the opposite (as Marcia showed) could happen. (it is text book recessive IMO)


The first would i'd say is a jungle JUST (Abberant body-(striped) + Abberant tail = jungle.The second i'd say is a abberant (abberant body-(striped) + normail tail = abberant.


New Member
Ian S. said:
No way! That is not abberant. (what exactly is your definition of abberant?) I guess this would be abberant as well?

That's a jungle (Abberant body-(broken stripe) + Abberant tail (Striped) = jungle.


New Member
Ian S. said:
Here is an abberant patterned tang bell. Notably different from a normal spotted bell still yet no band breaks on the body and tail. I agree that they are linked in that the abberancy is a visual het for stripe. This guy has produced nearly all stripe offspring when bred to a stripe. The remaining lesser examples I reffer to as jungles.

Edit: actually the ratio is 25% normal 50% stripe 25%jungle when crossed:)

That's a normal pattern with a dorsal stripe-(very common in leo's) a thin line that goes down the spine that cuts strate through the banding.

You can see it better on non albinos.
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New Member
Ian S. said:
HA HA!! you said it. Nice!!

WHAT!:main_huh: The process to get to stripe is abberant then jungle than striped line breeding they are all from the same but not the same coz that would be like calling a hypo and a super hypo even a super hypo baldy the same just hypo's and they aren't but they all came from the same oringin but are all differant strains.They are projusted by breeding each to the other get your result and will vary in you result when out breeding.Point is it's a BROKEN stripe so there for not a striped it's a jungle coz jungle just means (Abberant body + Abberant tail = jungle it has to be a full on stripe to be stripe.If it's not a complet stripe it's not striped the only leeway you get is the blotch on the pelvic area just before the tail as it seem hard to sheft but i have seen a couple with out it make them look real nice :main_yes: .

See "Albey's too cool" for dorsal stripes.
Seen them stunning she inhanced the dorsal stripe on tangerine in the leo's with bands it cuts through if they have striping any way it folllow it.But it is a very very common thing in leo's.
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KelliH said:
The ones that are hatching from Stripe to Stripe breedings are. :D

What about this:
Giant albino CH CT tangerine with jungle body and fully striped tail "het" raptor and reverse stripe
Giant CH banded tangerine albino possible het raptor and aptor
Possible giant, jungle bodied fully striped tail albino tangerine CH CT baby?

Should I call her and her father jungles, stripes, or jungles with striped tails?

And Robin, do you have a website? And do breeding your stripes to reverse stripes = patternless stripes? What happens when you cross your stripe with trempers stripe?


New Member
okapi said:
What about this:
Giant albino CH CT tangerine with jungle body and fully striped tail "het" raptor and reverse stripe
Giant CH banded tangerine albino possible het raptor and aptor
Possible giant, jungle bodied fully striped tail albino tangerine CH CT baby?

Should I call her and her father jungles, stripes, or jungles with striped tails?

And Robin, do you have a website? And do breeding your stripes to reverse stripes = patternless stripes? What happens when you cross your stripe with trempers stripe?

If it has a typical abberant body pattern + striped tail is a jungle some refer to these as striped/jungle or jungle/striped same if it's the other way round striped body + abberant tail = jungle at the end of the day a jungle a jungle :main_thumbsup: abberant body + abberant tail = jungle,striped body + abberant tail = jungle,abberant body + striped tail = jungle,abberant body + banded tail = abberant,Striped body + banded tail = abberant,banded body + abberant tail = abberant,banded body + striped tail = abberant,personly i think abberant should be called partial jungle maybe visual hets as you are highly likely to get a good percent of junges when you jungle X abberant.Only a full unbroken striped body + striped tail = striped.
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I agree with Gazz in posts #114 & 115.

My definition of Abberant is that it has either a Stripe/Jungle body with a Banded tail OR it's a Banded gecko with a Stripe/Jungle tail.
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