Her eyes are not getting better


Saphira I really hope that your leo starts to get better Iam praying for her and for you also makes me so sad to see her like that she is so beautiful and I know that you are doing the very best for her she is so lucky to have a great person like you for her owner so I wish you all of the luck and God Bless you. :(

Leopardo Geckaprio

New Member
I think i got the same problem, this guy stopped eating thought maybe he had an impaction but the vet found nothing then it hit me the next night. He cant see. I put my hand in front of his face he doesn't flinch, wont follow the crickets and his eyes are always closed now. When i soaked him last night for the first time it seemed like it sparked something, he was exploring all over his tank and he even took a few swipes like he used to when he would go at crickets.He was out and about and drinking tons of water i went to bed thinking he was on his way back.I wake up the next day and he's back to where he was before, eyes shut only opening when i made a loud noise. I will probly take him back to the vet if he doesn't get better by the time the weekend is over.Very frustrating i had no idea gecko's were so delicate.


New Member
I am not sure they did us any good....

where do you live? I could maybe mail you mine... no point in wasting them...

Leopardo Geckaprio

New Member
I am not sure they did us any good....

where do you live? I could maybe mail you mine... no point in wasting them...

Oh im in Chicago but i got good news he/she ate some crickets so i think all that time he spent in his humid hide is starting to make his eyes better. For whatever reason he never went near his humid hide til a few days ago but i think it is now doing him a world of good.....Appreciate the offer thank you i hope your gecko gets better asap.


gecko hoarder
North Brunswick
a few tips

STOP picking at her eye, no q tips either unless the gunk or whatever is OUTside of the eye and/or you can get at it without digging.

flush with sterile saline solution (any store should carry this it's the same used for contact users.) this will be hard since they tend to clamp the eye shut when you try, but suck some in a needleless syringe and try and aim it at her eye that way.

spray her face/eyes with colloidal silver you can ONLY find this online or at a health food store use the throat spray version, it's mild and comes in a spray not a dropper bottle.

keep her environment clean, disinfect everything daily/weekly and remove anything abrasive so she can't rub her probabbly itchy eye on it and cause further damage.

if she's not eating try a great appetite stimulent like benebac gel and the reptaid product wouldn't hurt either.

Hope she feels better soon.


New Member
I have wondered if my cleaning out her eye was irritating it... I have colloidal silver but in a dropper not the spray..


gecko hoarder
North Brunswick
you can put the silver in a small spray bottle.... I like the spray becuase it's pretty harmless when used this way and you can just spray their face.

Sorry I didn't read the WHOLE thread before, LOL, it's ONLY 10 pages long ....

have you used the reptaid yet?...... and I REALLY suggest the ben-bac, you've been using antibiotics and other medications that can mess with the gut flor!!!!


New Member
Where do I got the bene-bac? We totally use probiotics for us after abx... I did try the reptaid but it didn't too much for her. It did seem to help her perk up a little but that is it..

I know the thread is long..been dealing with this since April.

her eyes look really yucky today....sigh.


New Member
She is not ok... have a call into the vet..

I left her eyes alone for a few days and they got completely full of skin... so I gentley washed them out...sigh.


I've been reading this have you maybe considered trying a little Terramycin? It is an antibiotic eye cream for cats/dogs I have used it on two geckos a while ago with eye problems it is mainly used for an infection But I have herd of it helping with many things it runs about $7-$10 I even found mine on ebay and the lady shipped it fast on ebay you don't need a prescription for it. I use it twice a day once in the morning AFTER you flush the eye with Saline Solution then again in the evening after flushing again (Gets any gunk out and old Terramycin) My friend is a Vet and told me to give this a try too bad she lives in FL but I was able to get it anyways and still have some, better safe tehn sorry! And the Reptaid is great stuff keep up with it! and great tips with the Collodial Silver it's amazing stuff I have used it many times and keep a big bottle of it here.


New Member
Terramycin was the first thing I tried. I wasn't able to get it in ointment form just powder that I mixed with water. It didn't work. We used to use it all the time for the chickens when I was a kid..


Odd maybe try getting the ointment it worked great just a blob in each eye I don't trust stuff you have to mix it is a pain in the butt this is thick so it coats the eye for a while


New Member
We have another appointment with the vet on Monday. I couldn't find the ointment which is why we had the powder..yes it is a pain in the butt. I have been using another antibiotic ointment on her eyes.

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