does her tummy look ok? I think it is odd that she will still stay still when I turn her over even though she does have more "fight" in her now than she did.
Her tummy looks's just so baffling that she wouldn't respond to ANYTHING that she's had done yet...maybe she just needs a few more days to recover, or a different antibiotic? Maybe it's not her eyes at all, and she really IS lethargic? And if she is then why....this case is starting to mess with my head!
At least you have an established relationship with this veterinarian now...she might need to play around with some medication before you start to see results.
Sorry it is messing with your head.. hehe. I am pretty frustrated too.
Well..what constitutes(is that the right word) lethargic? She isn't very spunky right now. She just lays around and changes positions. She still isn't going to her cool side of the tank. She did drink water today by herself. She does wiggle now when I pick her up but not like she used too. She obviously still doesn't feel very well. I am to feed her the vet slurry every other day. Today was day 2 of feeding. I am not panicked yet. She isn't at all half dead like she was last week. That was really scary. She hasn't poo'd since Sun night. But she isn't eating either... just the slurry I give her.
hot side of the cage temp is 80-95 in temperature. Not sure what the cool side is... New tank...don't have a thermometer on that side yet. but not hot.
Her eyes look ok when she opens them..but they aren't as clear and nice yet as they are healthy. Haven't really seen any skin today. Pulled some out yesterday and got some on Tues at the vet's office. The office did call today btw to see how she was doing and said to come in next week if she doesn't get any better before then.
There is a natural, organic herbal health boost available which I believe would greatly help your poor gecko. It is called Reptaid and you can read about it here on the forum in the classifieds section under supplements. I am a chameleon breeder, and the dealer who is selling it and I have offered it for free to 10 people who want to try it. This is a perfect example of a case where the vets have done what they can to help and the gecko is not getting better. Everyone seems to be stumped. We have seen reptaid help tremendously in cases like this and really turn the animal around.
Please understand I am not trying to cause friction with those who have been trying to help. I respect every opinion and effort to help. But I know Reptaid works and I want to help you with your sick Leo. If you would like a free bottle just PM me or call me.
I don't think the vet has done all they can at this point- all that can be afforded, maybe. I have a suspicion that your gecko's infection is not just in her eye anymore, especially with how they look like they are bulging out a bit. It is possible she has a systemic infection, which would be causing the lethargy. Ideally you would want to check her blood, do a culture and then get systemic antibiotics... but that's going to be a pretty chunk of change. You can try this for a bit, though, see if she gets better. If she hasn't gotten better in a week or looks worse, I think you should go back to the vet and try more aggressive treatment.
She shed again today. I had to help her again. She has a bloody tip on her tale. What can I do for it? She shed just last week... why is she shedding to frequently?
She did poo again this morning. Still just laying around. Still staying on the warm side of the tank. She is drinking water. She doesn't like it when I feed her but she doesn't throw it up or anything. Well..she did try to shake it our of her mouth yesterday. I had "slurry" all over the place. She didn't like the dropper in her mouth.
She had one eye open this morning for a little while, but then closed it back up. I was googling last night and found several other people having the same issue with their leo. Wonder what the deal is.
Oh she was being weird this morning..She got up and started walking around and then started shaking her left front leg. She wondered into her hide and then came back out and was walking on her "fingers" ... Can their legs fall asleep? It was so weird looking.
she did find her water dish... I think part of the problem is that she won't keep her eyes open so she is acting blind...she walks cautiously and uses her nose to feel her way around. she won't stay in one place today...this is new behavior compared to the past 4 maybe she is getting better. The eye she opens looks better but she doesn't keep it open.
Well... she did mellow out last night and least relax a little. She has way more energy and fight in her..I go to pick her up to give medicine and food and I can barely hold on to her...
These sound like positive signs. Geckos are nocturnal, so don't be worried if she's moving around at night. I have one that likes to climb up the mesh on the front of the cage and slowly slide down making a stick-on-washboard sound. All. Night. Long. lol.
Glad she seems to be feeling better- that vet's a keeper!
She was wound up all day and night the other night...I didn't make that very clear.. She is back to just laying around..but we shall see. She has way more fight in her. I can hardly hold her now when I am trying to feed her and put goop on her eyes..
Still the same for the most part. eyes are still closed most of the time but they look better when she actually opens them. Still not eating on her own. I am still syringe feeding her. She is back to kind of just laying around but when I pick her up she totally wiggles and freaks out. I fear she is never going to want to be held again.