Her eyes are not getting better


I need sleep.
Alexandria, VA
I'm glad it seems like she's doing a little better.

Here is why I asked about Vitamin A - did your vet even mention it?

Cause: Lack of appropriate levels of Vitamin A in the diet.
Why Vitamin A is Important: Vitamin A is a fat soluble vitamin that is an essential part of the diet. It is important in the functioning of the skin, mucous membranes, retina (part of the eye), muscles, immune system, reproductive system and other systems of the body.
Symptoms of Vitamin A Deficiency: The first symptom owners typically notice is swollen eyelids (especially in turtles) -- this can become so pronounced that the eyes cannot be opened. Other symptoms include:

* Swelling around eyes and mouth
* Nasal discharge
* Stomatitis (inflammation of the lining of mouth)
* Weakness
* Loss of appetite; weight loss
* Decreased growth rate
* Can be fatal in severe cases

In addition, reptiles suffering from vitamim A deficiency can be more susceptible to skin and respiratory infections. A diet deficient in vitamin may also be lacking in other nutrients; metabolic bone disease my be seen along with vitamin A deficiency.
Treatment: If your reptile is exhibiting symptoms of vitamin A deficiency, you should take your pet to a herp vet. Vitamin A deficiency is best treated if caught early -- severe cases can leave lasting problems. A course of injectable or oral vitamin A may be prescribed, along with instituting dietary changes to prevent a recurrence. Any secondary infections or other nutrient deficiencies will also need to be treated.
Prevention: Animals feed a healthy well balanced diet do not usually have problems with vitamin A levels. A healthy diet includes properly gut loading insect prey (especially with vegetables high in vitamin A), and supplementing with a multivitamin. Foods rich in vitamin A include apricots, broccoli leaves and flowerets, carrots, collard greens, dandelion greens (no pesticides or fertilizers!), kale, mustard greens, papaya, parsley, sweet potatoes, turnip greens, yellow squash. These are all good to offer to your feeder insects. Generally, a good reptile multivitamin should given as well: more on that below.
Vitamin Supplements - Type: There is some controversy over the best form of vitamin A to provide. Because too much Vitamin A is also harmful, some experts recommend using a supplement with beta carotene rather than vitamin A; the body then converts beta carotene to the needed vitamin A. However, some animals are not able to make this conversion. For example, there is some evidence that chameleons are in this group so they can suffer vitamin A deficiency even if receiving a supplement. Choosing a supplement with vitamin A is likely fine as long as you do not overdo it.
Vitamin Supplements - How Often: Your best bet is to discuss a supplementation schedule with your vet as requirements depend on age, body condition, reproductive status, etc. Still, little is knows about the specific amounts needed by our pets. Many experts recommend that a healthy adult reptile fed a varied, properly gut loaded diet only need a multivitamin once a week (calcium supplements more often), and juveniles every other feeding.
The Bottom Line: Feeding your reptile a varied, healthy and well-balanced diet is the best way to prevent a deficiency in vitamin A. If you suspect your reptile is suffering from any sort of deficiency or illness, please see a vet as quickly as possible.

the above was taken from a quick google search, found here:


This is every intresting...My gecko has the same problem, and when I found this I was totally shocked! He has most of these Vit. A symptoms! And the very first thing I noticed about him getting sick was his eyes, they got swollen so it threw me off because that didn't match any other sickness. The vet never even mentioned this...?
Link to mine: http://geckoforums.net/showthread.php?t=41874


New Member
my vet has not mentioned this either. We have no changes here... She seems healthier physically..she is more angry..LOL but she still keeps her eyes shut. She seems to have quite a bit of stuff in her eyes but I can't get it out...


New Member
She seems better this am. I cleaned the cage yesterday and soaked her and fed her slurry. She still isn't eating on her own. But she isn't losing weight. She found her cave yesterday all by herself and it is on the cool side of the tank, which she hasn't been on in over a month unless I put her there. She has one eye that she appears to be trying to keep open. oh and she pooped last night...first time in over a week. So am holding my breath.....

oh yeah..and the food/slurry the vet gave me is really high in Vit A... so maybe that is helping too.


New Member
just updating so I have record... :)

She stayed in the warm moist hide today..all day. fed her this evening cleaned eyes again, soaked her.

just found her on cool side of cage between the wall and the cave... eyes open..I picked her up and put her in front of her cave...she went in... silly girl more comfortable than wedged...

Lizzy's Mom

Spoiled Geckos R' Us
Las Vegas, NV
Hey how is your leo doing...I just got Reptaid and I am going to start Lizzy on it tonight after I soak her. How much are you giving yours? She was getting ready to shed this morning. She doesn't want me to touch her at all, she runs faster than I have ever seen her run!


New Member
my leo weighs 2oz...so .05ml..like one drop out of the dropper...

sure wish I could figure out what is wrong with her....

Lizzy's Mom

Spoiled Geckos R' Us
Las Vegas, NV
OMG...I had all of her stuff set up so I could soak her and I went to get her out and noticed she had already shed. So I figured well at least I'll give her a little soak to make sure she got everything off and I looked at her eyes...she got one of the caps COMPLETELY OFF!!! I was looking at her beautiful eye! I looked in her cage an there it was just laying there! The other one is kind of white...just dead skin. I was so happy (I think I screamed because my female boxer ran over!) I picked it up and ran out and showed my husband. :main_thumbsup: Anyway, I did give her about 1/2 of what you said you give yours, because I wasn't sure. So I will up the dosage tomorrow. She still isn't eating though, I have to really coax her to take a little of the appetite stimulant.

Hopefully this medicine will fix the both of them, so they can live happy long leo lives!!!
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New Member
yeah...that is great... Scully is getting ready to shed again..but she doesn't have any more skin in her eyes..but still isn't opening them..not sure what the deal is. She sheds about every other week...

make sure not to od on the reptaid. Just a little bitty drop..is about the .05ml dosage.

are you making slurry??? she needs to be eating something. Scully isn't eating either..I am giving her the food the vet gave me every other day..
if you can see the skin in her eyes you should be able to coax it out... with a wet qtip. I have even grabbed some with the tweezers...(not in the eye..stuff sorta hanging out)
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Lizzy's Mom

Spoiled Geckos R' Us
Las Vegas, NV
I gotta look up that recipe and make some slurry tomorrow. I had it written down but lost it.

Yeah I was rubbing her eye real gentley with a wet qtip, so maybe I moved it a little. I just wanna grab it and take it off for her, but I can't. She opens her eye quite a bit but primarily keeping them closed...it's gotta be sore. I help get the extra skin off after she has soaked is with her own set of tweezers, too!!! LOL


New Member
poo'd Tues. Still laying around. not using moist hide... or cool side. getting ready to shed again. pulled out more skin from one eye yesterday. mostly..just the same..


New Member
old skin..yes ...

my more the same..was just about behavior.. not very clear was i..

She shed..I pulled some more skin out.. I don't see how I can get it all w/o removing the eyeball and digging it out.. so frustrating..


New Member
Here are some pics I got of her today. She still keeps her eyes closed most of the time.





Lizzy's Mom

Spoiled Geckos R' Us
Las Vegas, NV
Awww..she's so pretty. Looks like she's holding herself up real good. Lizzy has so much energy when it comes to running away from me!!! Not for anything else though!!! Oh yea she has been going potty like a champ! I guess that's a good sign right?:main_huh:


New Member
yeah ..she is pretty healthy it seems accept her eyes and the eating thing...

she is only pottying about once a week... if that..


Senior Member
East Texas
Well I hope she starts doing better, at least she is standing upright & not lethargic anymore. Keep us posted if she gets better or worse. Hope for the best :)


New Member
Still same ole same ole...I can see skin in her eyes when I use the qtip to clean it out...but I can't reach it.... :(

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