The fertility has returned!!!


New Member
Miami, FL
I thought the fertility gods had forgotten about me until today. I had a GREAT feeling about this particular clutch, and my instinct turned out to be correct!

Pita had been in her lay box since last night, digging away to China. I knew I would get eggs at some point today, but I really didn't want to set myself up for disappointment, so I wasn't too excited. Nonetheless, I got out the Vermiculite and Perlite, my new S.I.M. container (THANK you Gregg) and the filtered water. Made sure the 'bator was hooked up and waited. I guess she laid them around 3:30, because I fell asleap for a while, and that's my best guess. I woke up to two, bright white ovals in the laybox and a very tired, sleeping leopard gecko right next to them.

Immediately, I set up all the necessities, and removed the lay box from her tank. Before placing them in the container I candled them quickly...

A BEAUTIFUL RED BULLSEYE IN EACH EGG. WAHOO!!!! I SO deserve this. :main_thumbsup:

I think this is one of the most beautiful sights i've ever seen. The egg felt much different too, I guess I got used to all the slugs :main_rolleyes: I also think it had a lot to do with the fact that I left Spike and Pita together the entire time, this time. So there they sit, in the incubator at 86 degrees, in all their fertile-gecko egg glory. It's a hypo tangerine x raptor...the raptor has no hets, but the tang i'm not sure about. Maybe i'll get a suprise!

I am OVER THE MOON, you guys.

Lucky you... One of my girls laid two duds today -.- ......................................... And she has NOOOOO interest in the male I put her with LOL.

But... Congrats Maia!


New Member
Miami, FL
Roger, this time I made sure to leave my female in with my male for the entire duration of gestation (if that's the correct term). I dusted feeders at every feeding until she started to refuse dusted insects. At that point, I started making a paste every night and rubbing a good amount of it on her face, forcing her to lick it off. I monitered the temps in the cage and made sure they were stable and correct. I really think the key to it was the fact that I left them together for a long enough period of time this time. I actually remember someone here mentioning this to me.

Thanks Kelli, yes it truly is a blessing! :wings:


New Member
Miami, FL
Thanks guys!

woohoo! congrats! i love fertile eggs!

Robin, you were the one who commented on the fact that I only left them together for a few days last time, which may have been why I was getting duds. This time they stayed together the entire time. I think you might have made a big difference robin, thank you so much!!! :)


New Member
Roger, this time I made sure to leave my female in with my male for the entire duration of gestation (if that's the correct term). I dusted feeders at every feeding until she started to refuse dusted insects. At that point, I started making a paste every night and rubbing a good amount of it on her face, forcing her to lick it off. I monitered the temps in the cage and made sure they were stable and correct. I really think the key to it was the fact that I left them together for a long enough period of time this time. I actually remember someone here mentioning this to me.

Thanks Kelli, yes it truly is a blessing! :wings:

i think many people make that mistake, only putting the male in with the female for a few hours or a day. i think sometimes it takes longeer, for the male to romance his lady than some people think hehe..
i generally rotate the male in and out until i know the female is gravid and laying fertile eggs (i leave him in a week at a time, or so) some males i will leave in the entire time, until i get fertile eggs.


New Member
Thanks guys!

Robin, you were the one who commented on the fact that I only left them together for a few days last time, which may have been why I was getting duds. This time they stayed together the entire time. I think you might have made a big difference robin, thank you so much!!! :)

my pleasure :D

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