VICTORY over HR669!!!


K, the Crazy Snake Lady
Couldn't have said it any better. Yes, this is only one battle won but at least we were heard.

And as I was listening to music earlier I thought these lyrics were a good fit for today's victory:

They will see
We'll fight until eternity
Come with me
We'll stand and fight together

Through our strength
We'll make a better day tomorrow
We shall never surrender

- Shall Never Surrender from the Devil May Cry 4 Soundtrack

So bring it on, the reptile nation will never surrender :)

Tomorrow is another day to fight again.
Today, we won!

And I'll take it! HOKA HEY! :indian_chief:


New Member
dfw, tx
This is directly for USARK and Tom Wolfe so we are good to go for now:main_thumbsup:.

Yeah!! We won a battle.:D So now what can I do to help win the next battle or do I just have to wait 10 days and see what they decide? Should we continue to send letters and raise public awareness?


New Member
Washington, DC
I do support the idea behind the bill- we do need better (much better) control on imported animals. But including captive raised animals that have been bred for decades? No way. The bill as written was completely unworkable.


Gecko Euphoria

New Member
we won but have a big fight on our hands

We have a minor victory! But the fight has just begun they will revise this bill as many times as it takes till it passes, the good thing is we have pijac, and the reptile nation, now working together with these special interest groups to ensure that the bill will be reasonable when it does pass, there is a need for regulations, But in my opinion education is more important!!! people need to be taught the effects of releaseing an imported animal, non native to our environment, this is where I am in agreement, there is need for regulations but as the bill was it was very faige and not even reasonable.

The good news is now with both sides working together to get the bill revised it will probably pass but it will be alot more reasonable, I 'am super happy that we will not be loseing our babies any time soon but we as a reptile community must be ready to fight always because a bill stalls or fails dont ever mean its done it will be revised many times tell they get what they want, victory now, fight tommarrow, But its on the right track now. We all owe each other a big thanks, I want to thank all of you for getting your voices out there. we dodged a bullet, and I for one love you all for helping save each of our animals and hobbies I'm forever greatfull for all of us banning together hand in hand to show our fellings and get the trueth out. This has been a giant step for the reptile community along with other animal, importers and hobbiests, we all srtive for the freedom to keep our hobbies, but people need education as it could be our downfall haveing people release imported animals, that needs to be stopped. Thank god for watching over us. Thanks guys its nice to know we are not alone in our convictions. Take care.


New Member
Pilot Grove, Missouri
Just saw this thread and it made my day. I know that its a long shot for them to get things like this passed but you never know what can happen. We will defeat them everytime if we stick together.


New Member
Oregon, IL
weeks ago, I wrote to Don Manzullo (my congressman) about HR669, when everyone else did. He's just NOW getting back to me about it, but I appreciate his response. He updated me on where the bill's going now and I thought you'd all be curious, so here's his email:

Dear Khrysty,

Thank you for contacting me regarding legislation that could possible limit or ban the sale of certain animal species in the United States. It is good to hear from you.

On January 26, 2009, Delegate Madeleine Bordallo introduced H.R. 669, the Nonnative Wildlife Invasion Prevention Act. This legislation requires the Interior Department to issue regulations to assess the risk of all non-native wildlife species that would be imported into the United States. Specifically, this bill requires the Interior Department to establish a "green list" of species allowed to be imported and a "black list" preventing invasive species from entering the country. All species to be imported must be vetted and approved by the Interior Department. Any species imported that is not on the "green list" will be subject to penalties. However, prohibited species my be imported for educational, scientific research, or accredited zoological or aquarium display purposes. Import fees will be collected to cover the cost of this risk assessment process.

While I support the general intent of this legislation to develop a scientifically sound and more pro-active approach to prevent the continued introduction and establishment of harmful nonnative wildlife species into the United States, I have some concerns with the bill. These reservations include duplication of existing authority, the cost and feasibility of implementation, possible overlap with other federal and state agencies, and implications for international trade. There is already existing authority in Presidential Executive Order #13112 on Invasive Species to accomplish the goals sought by the sponsors of this legislation.

H.R. 669 has been referred to the Subcommittee on Insular Affairs, Oceans, and Wildlife of the House Committee on Natural Resources. I await further committee consideration to help me determine the appropriate impact of this legislation. Please rest assured that I will keep your views in mind should this legislation come to the House floor for a vote.

Thank you again for a contacting me about this issue. Your input is important to my work here in Washington.

Donald A. Manzullo
Member of Congress


wow what a relief to hear this! i JUST read an article about HR 669 in Reptiles Magazine and was like WHAT???


New Member
I could never imagine a law like this being passed at all in the forseeable future. It would not only cut down a huge pecentage of houshold pets, but would be a DEVASTATING blow to the economy. Not only would all those people who breed these animals for money be put out of buisness, but so would all of the thousands of major buisnesses (and the millions of people empoyed by those companys) that make pet suplies, food etc. So even though I am relieved we won the battle, I believe we are safe for quite awhile. ;)

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