I use sphagnum moss. Works great and when the females lay their egg in it, it's easy to see because they can exactly bury the eggs and keeps the eggs nice and clean.
Hmm...so far the main results are sphagnum moss and coco fiber. The coco fiber I know where to get but I haven't found a place which sells shpangum moss. Everyone else please VOTE!! I want as much feedback as possible. I really want to try and get this right on the first shot. Thanks!!!
I voted "other", though actually I use paper towels in the hatchlings' humid hide, but I use coco fiber for the adults. The humid hides are also lay boxes.
sphagnum moss and eco earth (coco fiber) in my repti 3 in 1 shelter (medium)
sphagnum moss and eco earth in my tupperware container (large)
sphagnum moss in small tupperware container
I use sphagnum. I am still surprised at how many people keep saying that paper towels are cheap, yet no one talks about the environmental unfriendliness of it...or am i just seeing it differently...